All Chapters of Love After Divorce: My Ex Wife Is A Billionaire : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
75 Chapters
SASHA’S POVI looked lovingly at Xander, who had been by my side since the accident.Honestly, I didn’t know Adeline would fall into my trap. I smiled when I remembered the look on her face when I let myself fall from the stairs. She was very shocked. I snickered, trying hard not to burst out laughing."Are you alright?" Xander asked, concerned. I nodded and smiled weakly.He looked deeply grieved, still thinking about the child we lost. I would see him staring at my stomach randomly with a sad, longing look.He hadn’t said much since everything happened because I would start crying at the slightest mention of it.But I knew he was going to have a conversation with me soon.Just then, Mrs. Devon walked into the room carrying a large basket. There were fresh fruits, cookies, a warm blanket, a small bouquet of flowers, and a couple of magazines.She came straight to me, hugging me closely and kissing my forehead. She had also been so attentive, visiting the hospital regularly."How are
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MATT’S POVI was working late one evening when I received a call from Adeline's secretary.I'd asked her to contact me whenever Adeline needed anything because Adeline never asked anyone for help; she did everything herself."Hello?" I answered, already sensing something was wrong."Mr. Matt, it's Clarissa. Adeline needs help. She's at the private lounge and I think she’s drunk. I just sent you the location." She said. "I'll be there soon," I said, hanging up and grabbing my coat.I arrived at the private lounge and found her passed out on a couch, empty glasses around her. It had been years since I’d seen her like this. She was always composed, always in control. She had built her empire from scratch, refusing my help every step of the way. And now, here she was, a mess.Seeing her like this annoyed me. "Adeline," I said softly, shaking her shoulder. "Adeline, wake up."She mumbled something incoherent, eyes fluttering open briefly before closing again."Xander?" she slurred, rea
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SASHA’S POVI was so happy to be getting discharged today. I was so done with being in the hospital, I wanted to go to the club and drink but I couldn’t leave. Someone fumbled with the lock and I quickly lay on the bed, trying to look as pale and weak as possible.The door creaked open, and my mom walked in, carrying a greasy brown paper bag. The smell of fried food wafted through the air, making my mouth water."Sasha," she said softly, sitting by my bed. I didn't respond. My eyes were glued to the bag in her hands.Without thinking, I reached out and snatched the bag from her. She came with fried chicken, burgers, fries, and onion ring. I tore open the bag and grabbed a handful of fries. They were still warm. I shoved them into my mouth, groaning deeply as I chewed, savoring the salty, oily goodness. I almost ran mad from eating the bland hospital food and the so-called nutritious meals Xander's mom had been forcing on me."Sasha” my mom called “I’ve been avoiding this conversatio
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ADELINE’S POVThe past few weeks had been challenging, to say the least. From the fake accusations to the surprise marriage proposal from Matt. I hadn't heard from him since I rejected his marriage proposal.He seemed to disappear completely from my life, which was both a relief and a cause for worry. I wanted to reach out but I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea but I missed my friend. I did nothing about it instead I buried myself in work, refusing to think about anything. I promised myself to stay away and not even defend myself to Xander or anyone else. Today was a big event in Manhattan, the Manhattan Idea Festival. I was a key speaker for the event, I didn’t want to go but it was too late to cancel. The driver drove me and my secretary, Clarissa, to the venue. Clarissa had been stuck to me like a gum these past weeks, making sure I was fed and hydrated while I worked myself to death."We're here, Ms. Adeline," the driver announced as he pulled up to the venue."Thank you,
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XANDER’S POVMy phone buzzed on the table, vibrating furiously. I glanced at the screen and saw Victor’s name flashing. I wondered what he could want this early in the morning. I picked up the call.“Hello, Victor. It’s been a long time,” I said, leaning back in my chair.“Xander! Good to hear your voice,” Victor’s tone was cheerful but a bit hurried. “Listen, I need a huge favor from you.”“Sure, what’s up?” I asked, curious.“I’m supposed to speak at the Idea Fest today, but there’s been a change in my travel plans. I have a flight I can’t miss. I need you to replace me as one of the speakers.”I paused for a moment, “Me? But I haven’t prepared anything. I don’t even know the details.”“You don’t need to worry about that, all you have to do is share your experiences. Also, there’s another guest speaker, so you won’t be alone.”“Who’s the other speaker?” I asked, feeling a bit more at ease but still skeptical.“Don’t worry about that either. Please, Xander, I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’
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SASHA’S POVXander was unusually quiet and grumpy. He barely said a word to me all morning. I tried to ignore it, but his mood was affecting mine. By the time afternoon rolled around, I felt like I was suffocating.I meet Xander’s mom who has been acting clingy since I came back from the hospital.“Is everything okay, Sasha?” she asked, her eyes full of concern.I forced a smile. “Yeah, everything’s fine. I think I should head home, though. My dad wants me back early tonight.”She nodded, still looking worried. “Alright, dear. Take care.”I left their house and texted my friends. It had been days since I had a proper drink or a smoke, and I was craving both. My friends were quick to respond, and we made plans to hit up a club we hadn’t been to in a while.By the time I got to the club, the music was already pumping. The bass was so loud I could feel it in my chest. The flashing lights made everything seem surreal. I pushed my way through the crowd, spotting them at the bar. They were
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SASHA’S POVI returned from my morning run, breathing heavily and my face flushed from the exercise. I’ve been trying to fit the role of a perfect daughter in law; working out, learning about business and eating healthy to impress Xander’s mom. I hated waking up early and the morning air felt so cold since it was spring and I felt like passing out each time. I rounded the corner to the house when I saw Xander stepping out of the front door. He looked sharp in his suit, and I knew he was going to the company. I slowed down, catching his eye."Xander," I called out, wiping sweat from my brow.He turned and smiled, walking towards me. "Morning, Sasha." He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I blinked, taken aback. "What's going on? Why are you leaving so early?"He glanced at his watch, looking a bit guilty. "I'm sorry, Sasha. I have to go to the office. There's a lot to do.""But we were supposed to pick flowers today," I protested. "And the ring. Remember?"Xander sighe
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SASHA’S POV The rumor wasn’t getting any better. In fact, it was growing like wildfire. Everyone and their mom was talking about Xander and Adeline and how good they looked together. Two powerful CEOs looking amazing. Their clip was everywhere on social media and I couldn’t relax. The worst part was when Ben, my henchman from Xander’s company, told me they had received tons of requests for Xander and Adeline to appear together. Even advertisement offers worth millions of dollars to feature both of them. I was fuming and nothing could calm me down. I needed to stay calm, I told myself. I couldn’t let Xander know I was aware of the offers since he didn’t mention it to me. I went down to the garden where I saw Xander’s mom, Mrs. Devon. She had been sending out invites for my engagement and was staying busy, trying to make sure everything was perfect. “Sasha!” she called, all smiles. I met her with a look of sorrow on my face. “Mrs. Devon,” I started, my voice trembling, “Are you
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ADELINE’S POVI walked down the hallway, towards the elevator my high heels clicking furiously on the polished floor. My secretary, followed me keeping a comfortable distance, clutching a stack of files. I haven’t felt this furious in a while. "Reject every advertisement offer with Xander," I snapped, not bothering to look back at her. "Any show offer, anything that has Xander or his company on it.""Got it." She nodded, her voice tense.Nothing had prepared me for how viral the clip of us talking at the show had gone. The internet had exploded, our conversation dissected and re-edited into countless versions. My company website was getting so much traffic and everything I wore on the show was sold out. We were getting thousands of emails, and the media had dubbed us the "couple of the century." It was absurd, the world seemed convinced we were soulmates. .I got to the last floor entered my office and collapsed into my chair, my head pounding. The constant buzz of my phone and the
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SASHA’S POVI sat in my room, staring at the wall. My makeup half done, brushes and palettes scattered across the vanity.I kept thinking about Adeline. It had been days since the news broke out that she caused my miscarriage, and since then, there had been nothing but silence from her. No rebuttal, no statement, no press conference. Just silence. It was like she didn’t even care.The public wasn't convinced she did it either. Instead, they rallied behind her. Online, comments defended her, fan edits praised her beauty, and people insisted that jealousy was the root of all the accusations. They pointed to her charity work, painting her as a saint and I was infuriated.I had to spend a lot of money, paying gossip companies to leave hate messages using bots and write articles about how she should quit the company.But none of it affected Adeline. Instead, it seemed to make her fan base stronger. They supported her strongly.My phone buzzed, and I put the brush down and went over and p
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