All Chapters of Love After Divorce: My Ex Wife Is A Billionaire : Chapter 71 - Chapter 75
75 Chapters
**XANDER’S POV***I got home late in the evening, feeling exhausted. The day had been long and stressful. As I walked up the driveway, I noticed the house was unusually quiet.The lights were on, but there was an eerie stillness. I pushed open the front door and stepped inside.“Xander!” I heard my mom’s voice before I saw her. She came running from the living room, her face filled with a mix of anger and concern.“Have you seen the news?” she asked, breathless. “Adeline is all over the news. I told you she was terrible and not good for you.”I sighed, already feeling a headache coming on. “Mom, I…”“No, Xander, you need to listen,” she interrupted, her voice rising. “This girl, this Adeline, she’s been nothing but trouble. You should have known better.Sasha is perfect for our family. She’s respectful, kind, and from a good background.”“Mom, can we just talk about this next time.”“She’s always been there for you, Xander,” she continued, ignoring me.“Unlike Adeline, who’s only brou
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SASHA’S POVThe last few days have been the best in my life. I was so happy I partied everyday. Adeline was sinking and no one could save her. The whole world was against her now. Every comment I saw online was a hate comment attacking her. She had even deactivated her social media pages. Her company stocks were falling, and brands were canceling her. My father’s company, on the other hand, was doing well. People already seemed to forget about my failed engagement.I was lying on my bed, scrolling through my phone and smiling at the latest news about Adeline. The doorbell rang, but I ignored it. My phone rang next. It was Jessie so I picked up."Hey, Sasha! Are you ready for clubbing tonight?" She asked, her voice excited.I sat up, grinning. "I’m always ready for a night out. What’s the plan?""You won’t believe this! The biggest men in Manhattan are coming to the club tonight. It’s going to be amazing!" She said.My heart skipped a beat. This was exactly what I needed. "I’ll be
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XANDER’S POVI got home late in the evening, feeling exhausted. The day had been long and stressful. As I walked up the driveway, I noticed the house was unusually quiet. The lights were on, but there was an eerie stillness. I pushed open the front door and stepped inside.“Xander!” I heard my mom’s voice before I saw her. She came running from the living room, her face filled with a mix of anger and concern.“Have you seen the news?” she asked, breathless. “Adeline is all over the news. I told you she was terrible and not good for you.”I sighed, already feeling a headache coming on. “Mom, I…”“No, Xander, you need to listen,” she interrupted, her voice rising. “This girl, this Adeline, she’s been nothing but trouble. You should have known better. Sasha is perfect for our family. She’s respectful, kind, and from a good background.”“Mom, can we just talk about this next time.”“She’s always been there for you, Xander,” she continued, ignoring me. “Unlike Adeline, who’s only brough
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ADELINE’S POVI wanted to run away from everything. I was so tired and so done. I stared out the window of the small apartment I was staying in, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. Everything was falling apart, and I didn't know how to fix it. The scandal, the reporters, the hateful comments. It was all too much.I wanted to run away from everything and go back to New York, back to where I felt safe.My thoughts drifted to Mama, the woman who saved me five years ago. I could still remember the first time I met her. I was wandering the streets, lost and desperate, when she found me. Mama took me in, gave me a place to stay, and showed me kindness when I needed it most.One evening, I had told her about my dream. "I want to start a jewelry business," I said.She looked at me with a gentle smile. "Why will you want to stress yourself over a business? You can have everything you want."I shook my head. "Mama, I haven’t done anything in my life. I'm happy now because of you
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SASHA’S POVI moved into the Devon’s mansion just as Xander’s mom instructed. The place was still grand, with large rooms and beautiful furniture. The walls were covered with paintings, and the floors were shiny and clean. I felt a little like a princess in a fairy tale. But it wasn’t as magical as it seemed the first time.Xander’s mom, welcomed me warmly. She hugged me and said, “Sasha, you are like a daughter to me. I’m so happy you’re here.”“Thank you, Mrs. Devon,” I replied, trying to sound cheerful. But inside, I felt nervous.A few days after I moved in, I saw Xander. He looked tired and stressed. When he saw me, he just nodded and walked past without saying a word.I felt a pang in my heart. I had hoped he would be happy to see me or even be civil at least but he didn’t even smile.Later, I went to Mrs. Devon, tears streaming down my face. “Xander won’t talk to me,” I sobbed.She hugged me and patted my back. “Don’t worry, dear. He’s just stressed. He’ll come around. Give hi
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