All Chapters of Love After Divorce: My Ex Wife Is A Billionaire : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
73 Chapters
Divorce papers
AdelineI set the table for two, even though I knew better. The clock on the wall ticked steadily, its sound echoing in the silent kitchen. The aroma of roasted chicken filled the room, a blend of herbs and spices that I’d hoped would be enticing enough to lure Xander home for dinner. But I knew it wouldn’t work. It hadn’t in years. “Why do you bother, Adeline?” I muttered to myself, shaking my head. “He’s not going to walk through that door.” I took a seat at the table, staring at the empty chair across from me. I could almost see him there, his tall frame and stern expression, but it was just a trick of the mind, a ghost of what never really was. Xander had always been indifferent to me in our marriage. He barely acknowledged my presence, his attention constantly absorbed by work or his own thoughts. In the beginning, I had tried to reach out, to break through the wall he had built around himself, but over time, I realized my efforts were in vain. He didn't love me. He never had.
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Sasha is back
AdelineThe night passed in a haze of restless tossing and turning. Sleep denied me of it's embrace, slipping through my fingers like grains of sand. I couldn't bear the thought of signing those divorce papers, couldn't fathom the idea of giving up on us without a fight. After everything, despite the indifference that had always been in our marriage from the start, I still loved Xander. And I couldn't let him go without at least trying to understand why he was so determined to leave. As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, I made a decision. I would go to Xander, confront him, demand answers that he had so callously refused to give me. I needed to know why, needed to understand what had made him do this. Although he has been cold to me since marriage, he has never mentioned divorce. I need to figure out why he suddenly asked for divorce. I dressed quickly, my hands shaking with nerves. I didn't bother with breakfast, couldn't stomach the thought of food when my
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It isn't working
Adeline “Sit down, Adeline,” My father said. Thank you to him for relieving my embarrassment. I sat mechanically on the couch with my mind blank. Sasha was seated right beside Xander, his arm draped over her. "Adeline! So lovely to see you again," she trilled. I knew it was all a performance. That sweet smile, the wide, welcoming arms - none of it reached her eyes. “Sasha, when did you come back? Xander, why are you here with Sasha?” When I finished asking, I realized that my voice was hoarse. No one can remain calm after seeing her husband and sister show intimacy. “Adeline, don’t be rude to Sasha,” Xander said. Am I rude? I just asked normally that he was so protective of my sister and neglected his wife. If he has been as cold as he has been in the past few years, I can live with it. But seeing him so protective of Sasha, I couldn’t stand it anymore. “Am I rude? She stole my husband and flirted with my husband.” I spat, unable to hold back the venom in my voice. Sasha ga
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Find her
AdelineAs I stepped through the front door of the house that Xander and I once shared, a chill swept over me. The place now felt like an empty shell.I wandered through the rooms. The silence was deafening, broken only by the hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen. I found myself standing in front of the dining table, my fingers tracing the grain of the wood.It was here that I had spent countless evenings waiting for Xander to come home, dinners growing cold.I sighed. "This isn't my home anymore," I whispered to myself.I moved to the bedroom, the room we had once shared. The bed, neatly made. I sat on the edge."Why did it have to end like this?" I asked the empty room. There was no answer, of course. There never was.The closet stood half-empty, Xander's clothes noticeably absent. I pulled open a drawer, finding it filled with my things – neatly folded, untouched. It felt like our marriage, my presence carefully contained and largely ignored.I wandered back into the living room
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Adeline’s reveal
XanderThe embossed invitation felt slick with a kind pressure in my hand. The designer hosting the event was a top name in the industry, the kind of person every trendy woman like Sasha, my girlfriend, worshipped. Sasha had been raving about the jewelry for weeks, especially the new piece Adie Luxe was set to unveil. Personally, I couldn't care less about jewelry or fashion. When the invitation arrived, I wanted to skip it entirely, but Sasha wouldn’t hear of it.“Xander, you don’t understand,” she had said for the hundredth time, practically bouncing with excitement. “Adie Luxe is releasing a new piece! We have to go. I need to see the face behind the brand. Everyone’s talking about it. This is the biggest event of the season! Did you know their last piece sold for half a million at auction? That’s how influential they are. Just imagine seeing their work up close!”I nodded absentmindedly, her words blending into the background. I didn't share her enthusiasm for jewelry or fashion
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I'm your ex husband
ADELINE ‘S POV"Adeline," I caught a hint of pain in his voice , and my heart skipped a beat. I glared at him as he spoke, and my face hardened. I feigned confusion, and I tilted my head to the side. He moved closer, and I raised my hands to stop him. "Adeline, it's me, Xander your–" He stopped halfway as he tried to find the appropriate word. "Ex-husband," He completed. I reached out my hands for a handshake, and I smiled at him as he took it. His features brightened up, and I finally spoke. "It seems you are confusing me for someone else," His smile disappeared, and at the corner of my eyes, I saw Sasha throwing death glares at me. "But I do hope you find her. Please enjoy the night," I dismissed as I pulled my hands away. I walked away from where I stood to find my assistant."Adeline!" A voice called, and I turned my head to see the head of one of the biggest magazines in the country. "Mrs Claudia!" I beamed happily as the woman pulled me in for a French kiss. "O
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AdelineI stood close to the window as I took in the morning mist and the strong smell of coffee and vanilla that filled my office. My office was at the top of my building, and I took in the view before me. I had the best one on the entire floor. My legs were still a bit sore from yesterday. Wearing heels around the hall for hours was a hassle.I tried not to think about what happened with him last night. I didn't expect them to show up at the party last night. Who would have thought he was interested in jewelry. I had a lot of deals at the opening, and a lot of people offered collaborations with me, a ton of good brands. And I couldn’t be more excited. At least I know I will be fine until the end of the year before I reveal another rare gem.I heard a knock on the door before the door was pushed open, and Bea, my assistant, walked in with a box in her hands."Sorry for being late," She replied as she placed the box on the table."What kept you? Traffic?" I asked as I turned ar
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XANDER'S POVI watched as she walked away from us. My hands still gripped Sasha's hands as I felt a part of me walk away with her.Sasha pulled at my clothes, and I felt a surge of irritation at her, as she made me lose the opportunity to speak to her.I grabbed her gently to the parking lot where one of my cars was parked, and my driver was waiting for us to come. "Why don't you go home to rest? It has been a stressful day, and you said you don’t like this year's review," I said to her, and she refused. "Are you trying to send me away so you can find a way to go back to that whore? Why are you behaving this way? Why are you trying so hard to get her attention? You rejected her years ago, so why all the interest in her all of a sudden?" She pestered me with questions, and it felt more like a reality check than questions. Personally, I had no idea what was wrong with myself and why I was suddenly interested in Adeline. "I never said I wanted to go talk to her. She is probably g
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Adeline I grabbed my coat from the hanger and dialed the driver's number to have him wait for me downstairs. Despite my reluctance, I had to go home to have dinner. My high heels echoed through the empty hall, and I stretched and got into the car. "Where are we going?" The driver asked when he saw my reflection in the mirror. "Take me to my father's house." I nodded in response. My father's house, not my home. From the day I left five years ago, I knew that no one in this home welcomed me. And now, my father called me to come home for dinner. I wonder how they will react to seeing their daughter after five years of absence. A few minutes later we arrived at the house. I asked the driver to go back first, I had my plan. Looking at the familiar house in front of me, I pulled my bag closer to myself and walked to the door. I rang the doorbell, and when it rang a second time, my father poked his head out. He pulled me into a hug, "Adeline, my daughter. I miss you so much, we
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XANDER'S POVI wanted to see her. I lurked around the neighborhood as an excuse. It was already evening. I didn't want to make it obvious that I was already close by. I waited a good thirty minutes before I reversed the car, and I drove towards their house. My phone rang, and it was Sasha. I ignored the call, I had promised her I was going to make it to her today, I was on my way anyway. I arrived at the house and I parked my car in the driveway. The car that was driving her was no longer here. Perhaps she hasn't arrived?I rang the doorbell, and I waited for a reply, but I received nothing. I tried again for the second time, and her father came to the door."Hello, son," He said as he pulled me into a hug. "Hi father, i know it's late, but i had to come over, I can't go a day without seeing my A–sasha," I almost slipped, but he wasn't quick enough to catch. "Adeline, she came over to see us," He said, giving me a heads up; little did he know that I was truly here to se
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