All Chapters of Twisted obsession: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
10 Chapters
Chapter 1
Eleanor had already found it difficult to focus on anything in the art gallery as her phone seemed to burn in her hands with the unsettling messages she was receiving, her thoughts were focused on the messages when a bass-tone voice broke through her agony. "Lucas Sinclair, it's so lovely you could join me for the opening of the new gallery," the voice said.Eleanor's gaze was fixed on her phone, as she didn't care to look at the person addressing her husband. "It's my pleasure, Sebastian. It's nice having you as my business partner," she heard as her husband paused, tapping her to his attention. "Please, meet my wife, Eleanor."Eleanor took a deep breath as she lifted her gaze from the phone preparing to plaster a fake smile on her face. But as she looked up at the godlike figure standing in front of her, The smile that had once been effortlessly plastered on her face now changed to a pale complexion that seemed to be unconsciously visible . Her legs trembled beneath her, threatening
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Chapter 2
Marcus had steadily been watching the gallery with an unblinking gaze, his eyes burning with intensity as he waited for Eleanor to come out. He had been tracking her for days, his anger steaming like a pot about to overboil. The fact that she was already married made him angrier as he felt betrayed. She couldn't even wait for him to get out of jail, he thought, his mind fuming with resentment. It was all her fault; if it wasn't for her all this wouldn't have happened and he was going to make her pay.As she stepped out of the gallery, alone and unsuspecting, Marcus's eyes watched her. Her short blue dress hugged her curves, and her neatly packed hair made her look breathtaking. He watched, mesmerized, as she made a phone call and began walking down the side of the road. He followed her, his footsteps silent on the opposite side of the street.When she stopped to stare at the message he had sent her, He watched as she panicked looking around at where the message came fromMarcus emerge
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Chapter 3
Sebstain sighed in frustration as he stepped out of his car and gazed up at the Sinclair's mansion. His mind wandered back to the previous night, replaying the conversation he had with Eleanor. He hadn't meant to hurt her with his words, he was annoyed and wanted to apologize to her for his words when he followed her outside and met her arguing with some stranger, For some reason, He didn't know why the scene made him so furious.Sebstain sighed again, He had been so angry, hurt, and emotionally dejected at how she had left him that very night. he had thought he found his soulmate only for her to run away before he could even wake up, he didn't know she would come back to the hotel room and had said those words over the phone out of anger He hadn't meant to talk to her in that manner and he also certainly hadn't meant to call what they both had, a basic one night stand.He stood as the large door was opened by one of gaurdsAdjusting his cufflinks, He straightened up, took a deep bre
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Chapter 4
Eleanor pushed Sebastian away with a force she didn't know she had, her palms stinging from the sudden impact. Her eyes widened in shock as the door swung open, her gaze meeting the small figure of her son crawling into the room. She sighed a sigh of relief as she lifted him, his tiny hands wrapped around her neck, and stared back at Sebastian, whose gaze was fixed on her son with confusion. "Leave!" she shouted, pointing to the door, her voice echoing through the room. "Now!" She watched as Sebastian tried to approach her again as she stubbornly waved him away, her hand trembling with a mix of fear and anger. "I don't want this to ever happen again. I have a new life now, and a family. Please, I want you to respect that." Sebastian looked from her to her son, his eyes lingering on the little boy before he turned and left. Eleanor sighed in relief as she sat down on the bed, exhaustion washing over her like a wave."Mom, who's that man?" her son asked, "He's your father's friend, th
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Chapter 5
Lucas paced around the house, his face filled with fury and anger. "Have you found him yet?" he barked into his phone. "No, sir." "Find him and bring him to me!" he yelled, his voice stern. "Sir, Ma'am Eleanor is awake."The butler interrupted as Lucas dashed up the stairs and towards the room with rapid speed.As he entered the room, he was met with the sight of his wife, bandaged and bruised, but smiling faintly at him. The doctor stood beside her, speaking softly to her, He turned to Lucas. "She suffered a few injuries to the head from the glass shattering, but it's a relief she woke up this morning. All she needs now is rest. I've sent my team to bring down the medication she needs to get her back in shape. I'll take my leave now."Lucas shook hands with the doctor, his grip firm. "Thank you, Doc. I'll be sure to phone you when anything occurs." He gestured for the butler to assist the doctor outside.As the door closed, Lucas turned to Eleanor, his eyes filled with regret. "This
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Chapter 6
Eleanor's eyes locked onto Lucas, tears spilling with rapid velocity as she struggled to stand right, her head throbbing and her body felt weak. But none of that matters because she had to find her sons "What do you mean the twins are missing?" he asked her, his voice laced with confusion. As she watched him drop the fry pan he was holding, gently removing his apron and gesturing for the maids in the kitchen to exit “And why are you up and about”Eleanor's frustration went high. "Lucas, didn't you hear me? I can't find the kids! They aren't in their room, neither are they anywhere else!" Her voice cracked, and Lucas's face reflected his worry before he walked out of the kitchen, yelling, "James!!"she watched him scream the butlers name as he assisted her to a sit The butler rushed in, his footsteps quick and silent, as he bowed slightly. "Where are the kids?" he asked,Eleanor noticed his voice was calm but with a hint of panic,her heart raced as she watched James's face, her mind
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Chapter 7
Eleanor's gaze was fixed on Sebastian as he stared at her, his eyes locking onto hers before a charming smile spread across his face. "Oh, this is just an urgent matter between I and my clients," he said, his voice smooth and calm. But as he stuttered and placed his hands in his pockets alongside his phone, Eleanor's face turned skeptical. She gazed long and hard at him, her eyes narrowing slightly.Sebastian forced a laugh and walked closer to her, "You're being paranoid, Eleanor. It's nothing really," he said, his voice low and reassuring.But as he tried to touch her, Lucas walked into the entrance door, Eleanor’s movement away from sebastian was faster than a bullet."Mr. Anderson,I hope I didn't take much of your time. I got your text; I was running a few errands," Lucas said, his deep voice filling the room. He turned to Eleanor and kissed her softly on the cheek, his lips lingering for a moment. "It seems you and Mr Anderson are getting quiet close." He watched as Eleanor smil
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Chapter 8
“Lucas, I really don't think it's necessary for you to assign a bodyguard to follow me around, especially to my workplace” Eleanor frowned, her brow furrowed in concern."I see nothing wrong with it, Eleanor," Lucas replied, his deep voice firm but gentle. He nodded to the bodyguard, Alex, who unlocked the car door for her. "If anything goes wrong, don't hesitate to call me." He paused, his eyes locking onto hers. "Alex, you're also assigned to drive and take her straight back home." He kissed her gently on the cheek. "I love you."Eleanor smiled, She whispered into his ear, "You're really overdoing it, Lucas."The driver to her office was quiet as her mind rampage on what her colleagues would think of her going from the assistant of the writing company to becoming the CEO At the beginning of her marriage to Lucas, She had tried to hide it from her workplace but somehow somebody found out and told everyone, next thing she knew her boss started treating her differently, he had always
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Chapter 9
Eleanor rushed home as soon as she got the message. "Her kids were kidnapped, One million dollars and no police," she muttered, her voice barely audible, as she hurried inside. She grabbed a money bag and changed into a more convenient outfit. Her mind raced, trying to figure out how to leave without the butler or Alex noticing."I know Marcus well. He can't hurt my kids; he just needs the money and he'll let us go," Eleanor whispered, trying to reassure herself as she slipped past Alex and into the garage. The cold metal of the car door handle sent a shiver through her as she climbed in."Thirty minutes more, Elle," Marcus's voice growled over the phone. Eleanor's knuckles whitened as she gripped the steering wheel, her heart pounding. "Don't you dare hurt my kids!" she screamed into the receiver."That depends on how fast you can get here, and remember: no police, no husband," Marcus said before hanging up.Eleanor sped to the bank, her heart racing as the city blurred by. She burs
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Chapter 10
Lucas raced out of his office as soon as the bank manager called, the urgency in his voice unsettling him. When he heard the outrageous amount of money Eleanor was demanding, his worry had deepened. He had called her mom only to be informed her mom wasn’t actually ill.Moments Later, Alex called to inform him that Eleanor was missing. Her broken and scared voice still echoed in his ears as he hung up the phone.Lucas turned to Sebastian, who seemed more worried than ever. They had just left a conference meeting when Alex's call interrupted them.“Have you found her yet?” Lucas thundered into his phone as he got into the car with Sebastian.“They have found her location,” Sebastian muttered as Lucas ended his call. “The police are on their way. Thanks to the alarm button she set off, we can trace her current location.”With a roar, the engine started as Lucas floored the accelerator, catching up with the police on the way. His grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles white, a
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