All Chapters of I Want A Divorce, Mr. Billionaire!: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
30 Chapters
CARTER’S POV:My wife seems like a different person now.How can I make her see reason when she’s so damn stubborn? My threats aren’t working, even bankruptcy doesn’t faze her anymore. I need to find a way to reach her heart again.A bottle of beer dangled loosely from my fingertips, my other hand absentmindedly massaging my cheek where the sting of Hazel's slap still lingers, days after the fact. The memory of her angry and pained face flashes before my eyes again.“It’s just a kiss,” I hiss.We’re married, for crying out loud! Her need to humiliate me in front of the other families was evident in every fiery word she spat. To add insult to injury, she found herself a divorce lawyer – Marius Thorne, of all people!Marius is known for his ruthlessness in the courtroom, his unyielding determination to win at any cost. I drain the last dregs of beer from the bottle and set it down on the bedside table with a hollow thud. Rising from the couch, I make my way to the bathroom.I sink int
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CHAPTER TWELVE: A Mother's Determination
HAZEL’S POV: Becoming a future mother changed me.As I stand before the mirror, a small, almost imperceptible bump catches my eyes. I pause, my hand coming to rest gently on my belly. "Hey there, little one," I murmur, my voice barely more than a whisper. "We're going to make it, you and me. I promise. Mommy is gonna work super hard to give you the best life you deserve."My thoughts drift to the future, to all the hopes and dreams I hold close to my heart: a world where my child will want for nothing, where we’ll know only love and laughter. Before I can fully lose myself in the wonders of my imagination, a sharp knock on the door echoes. I frown in confusion. I don’t expect any visitors, not at this hour and certainly not in this place.I make my way to the door, the wood creaking softly in protest as I pull it open.Oh s.hit!“Carter,” I breathe.His looming figure is framed against the still dim, early morning light. His face is twisted in anger. My breath hitches in my throat
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CHAPTER THIRTEEN: The Mistress In Action
LILIAN’S POV:Is Carter really over Hazel, or is he just saying that to keep me around? I see the way he looks when he talks about her, and it makes me wonder if I'm just a distraction. My reverie is interrupted when a sharp desperate knock comes to my door.As I fling the door open, my irritation evaporates. Standing at the threshold, swaying slightly, is Carter."Carter," I breathe as I take in his disheveled appearance. His face is flushed, his eyes half-closed, and his necktie hung loose around his neck. His shirt is wrinkled and stained, a far cry from his usual meticulous attire."Lilian," he mumbles, stumbling forward. I catch him just in time, my arms steadying his larger frame. The smell of alcohol is overwhelming, and I wrinkle my nose but hold him up, guiding him towards the living area.Carter collapses onto the sofa, his head lolling back against the cushions."What happened? Why are you so drunk?" I ask.Carter's eyes struggle to focus on me, his words slurring togeth
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HAZEL’S POV:Leave the city if you want Marius Thorne’s help.I slump against the cold kitchen counter, my phone still clutched in my trembling hand as I barely register Leslie's text message.My heart aches with the weight of it all. This city is my home, even amidst the ruins of my marriage. I have already lost so much—and now, to save myself, I have to give up this city too?A bitter laugh escapes my lips as tears well up in my eyes. It seems the universe will take everything from me one by one, leaving me with a choice that feels like no choice at all.I’m not just going to accept this fate without an explanation, not when my entire future hangs in the balance. I must personally talk to Marius.Quickly, I head down from my apartment and hop in a taxi. I arrive at the Counsel Commanders Law Firm in just a few minutes. “I’m here to meet Marius Thorne,” I say.To my surprise, the receptionist greets me with a knowing smile and gestures for me to follow. It’s as if Marius Thorne has
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CHAPTER FIFTEEN: An Unexpected Outcome
The fluorescent-lit room flickers into focus as I gradually stir from unconsciousness. My body feels like it has been subjected to a thousand blows, every muscle throbbing with pain. But amid the discomfort, a profound sense of realization washes over me - I’m alive!As my senses sharpens, memories of the accident flood back with vivid clarity. The screech of tires, the sickening crunch of metal, and the jolt as the truck careened into the side of the Uber. Thank goodness for that split-second decision that saved my life - opting for the passenger seat instead of the back where fate had intended. That airbag saved me!Tears trickle down my cheeks. But my relief is short lived when fear grips my heart like a vise. My hand instinctively goes to my abdomen. My baby!Frantic, I call out to a passing nurse, my voice trembling with urgency. "Nurse, I was in a car accident... I'm pregnant. Please, please… my baby."The nurse pauses and checks the file in her arms. Then, a smile tugs at the
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Will my secret be exposed? Leslie approaches me, his smile widening. "Hazel, where have you been all this time? I was so worried about you.” Alex’s puzzled gaze flicks between me and Leslie as he murmurs, "Hazel?" I pull myself together. I can’t afford to falter now. "Oh no, I’m not Hazel.”I retrieve my company ID from my purse, holding it up for Leslie to see. "Veronica Shultz," I say, the name suddenly sounding foreign yet familiar on my tongue.Shocked, Leslie’s eyes search mine for some hint of the truth. But I force a fake calmness, my eyes distant. Leslie sighs, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I’m so sorry. You just… look so much like someone I used to know."“That’s alright,” I say, grateful that he doesn’t insist on his correct assumption.He then turns and walks away, casting one last, lingering glance over his shoulder.What’s Leslie doing here, of all places? Could he be a new colleague? Is this a mere coincidence? This can’t be happening! I have to keep my
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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Another Secret Revealed
MARIUS’ POV: Two years had passed since that fateful day, yet the memory is as vivid as if it had happened yesterday: the mangled wreck of the Uber, the panic of the ones who saw it and the blaring sirens. But most of all, Hazel’s pale and bloodied figure.I rushed Hazel to the nearest hospital and that’s when I learned that she’s pregnant, which made her escape all the more urgent. It’s then that I made a choice that’s been haunting me even up to this day.I paid the doctor a hefty amount of money to switch Hazel's identity with the woman named Veronica Shultz, the other passenger who died in the accident. Veronica’s family was also compensated handsomely to remain silent about it.Some may understand it as helping someone in need, but it’s still a crime, given that I’m a lawyer. But that’s the best thing I can do to help Hazel escape. And I’m glad she didn’t waste that opportunity I created for her."Have you told Carter about me?" Hazel asks, her voice trembling."No, and I won't.
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CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: The Offer; Tempting Yet Dangerous
HAZEL’S POV: This is crazy, and out of the blue too! I sit at the corner table of the high-end restaurant where Marius asked me to meet him. Marius, with his perfectly tailored suit and air of confidence, sits opposite me. "I'm not ready for a new romantic relationship. My marriage with Carter... it left me broken in ways I never thought possible." Marius’ expression is unreadable. "I know, but I’m not asking you to be my real girlfriend. You just need to act like it." A fake relationship? I’m shook! I can’t believe he’s just said that. “Not only would I be your divorce lawyer, but I also promise your protection from Carter and his family if you ever return to the capital,” he adds. A bitter taste fills my mouth for an attempted manipulation by another man who sees me as a means to an end. Is this what being wealthy and influential does to people, like they can just use anyone for their gain? "I don't want to be in a fake relationship," I declare, irritated. "Thanks for cons
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I can’t look Marius straight in the eyes out of embarrassment, perhaps to also keep my remaining collectedness. “I can stay and look for Sammy,” Marius says. “No, you should go home and rest, Marie will soon be here.” I can’t entrust Sammy to someone I don't fully know. What if he steals Sammy and brings him to Carter? I shake my head at the absurd thought, feeling guilty for thinking about it even after receiving financial assistance from him. Marie finally arrives. Though it aches me with worry for briefly leaving Sammy, I have to personally go to work to properly file an immediate leave so I can take care of him myself. I kiss Sammy on the cheek before slipping away from the hospital. Marius offers to give me a ride, but I refuse again without forgetting to thank him for his kindness. I can’t be too close, or too involved with him. Whatever we have, it can’t be more than that. I can’t make the same mistake. By the time I reach my workplace, my supervisor is already on bre
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CHAPTER TWENTY: It's Been Two Years
CARTER’S POV: It’s been two years, but I’m still grieving my loss. I’m at the cemetery, standing in front of Hazel’s grave with a bouquet of her favorite white jasmine in hand. I make this pilgrimage countless times to appease my guilt for the cruel words and actions I hurled at her in her last moments. "If only I could turn back the time," I whisper. My fingers trace the engraved letters of her name and our unborn child’s that nobody got to utter except me in my nightmares, feeling the chill of the stone seeping into my skin. As I make my way back to my car, an unfamiliar, old couple walks towards Hazel’s grave. They‘re weeping, clutching each other. The man carries a bouquet of flowers, the woman a small, framed photograph of an unfamiliar younger woman. Who are they? I’m sure they’re not one of Hazel’s adoptive family members, Hazel also doesn’t have a friend except for Lilian. When I approach them, they gasp in fear as if I’m about to do something horrible to them. The wom
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