All Chapters of I Want A Divorce, Mr. Billionaire!: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
30 Chapters
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: The Future Whitlock
LILIAN’S POV: We had been so passionate, so in sync before Morgan came along. Now, it feels like Carter's attention is monopolized by Morgan, while I’m relegated to just an insignificant role. The only time I feel Carter's attention on me is when we’re in bed, and even that feels like it’s driven more by routine than passion. Elmyra’s voice pulls me out from my thoughts. "Is something bothering you?" she asks, her tone deceptively gentle.I sigh. "Carter. How can he not show some effort with our wedding when we've talked about this several times before, even when he was still married to Hazel?"Elmyra chuckles. The sound grates on my already frayed nerves, but I force myself to be calm. I’ve been trying my best not to make a bad impression on her, no matter how infuriating I find her.Elmyra leans closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Remember, once you're married to my son, you'll lose all the privilege to question his words and actions. You must follow him, an
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CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: Carter's Looming Presence
HAZEL’S POV: My heart aches as I think of Sammy who has to remain at hospital for I have no idea how much longer. Our bills have already reached thousands of dollars since he became an in-patient just a few days ago. Without Marius’ help, we won’t be able to sustain it.I grab the bag, heavy with fresh clothes, and step out of my house. The sand crunches softly beneath my feet as I make my way to the bus stop. While waiting for the bus to arrive, the sound of an approaching BMW catches my attention. It glides by, followed by another, and then another. Then, a chill runs down my spine when I notice the plate numbers: WTL. T-that’s… The Whitlocks! What are they doing here?! Why do the people of my past keep reappearing now all of a sudden?!Men in black suits begin to emerge from the cars, their faces hard and menacing. Some of them I’ve seen, and even talked to before. They’re Carter’s bodyguards!Panic surges through me, and without thinking, I bolt towards the nearest convenienc
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Wow! This is all… so much!This place, with its panoramic views and opulent decor, is beyond anything I’ve ever imagined for me and my son. I only want a safe place to hide, but Marius offers so much more than that - a penthouse.I lay Sammy onto his bed. His own bedroom has medical equipment meticulously arranged, and a private, in-house nurse who’ll look after him. Betty and I also have our own bedrooms, though Betty is free to come and go home just as what stated in our contract.My eyes fall upon Marius to thank him. But, I utter no single word as I first notice the red mark on his cheek. Guilt gnaws at my insides. I’ve acted out of fear and misunderstanding, and Marius has responded with compassion and generosity.Night descends, Betty is asleep in her bedroom, while the nurse is with Sammy in Sammy’s bedroom. Marius is preparing to leave and go back to the capital."I can't thank you enough, Marius," I say softly, walking over to him with an ice bag. "For everything."Marius' s
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“Marius Thorne, I’ll give you twenty-four hours to surrender my wife and my child to me. Otherwise, you’ll lose everything you hold dear.” Carter and his bodyguards have left, but the threat of their return lingers. How much else can he do? Can he really destroy Marius, a man who also belongs from another powerful family? If Carter can find me here, in the supposed safe place of Marius, it means that I’ll never be truly safe anywhere else. Back in the penthouse, I sink on the sofa while Marius paces by the floor-to-ceiling window, his jaw set in a grim line. “Marius, I’m sorry that you were dragged into this,” I say. Marius moves to sit beside me, then takes my hand and squeezes it. “Don’t worry about me, Carter won’t dare harm me. If he will, I’ll make sure to retaliate. I’m not the only one who’s gonna go down, he will too.” “Will you really fight this battle with me?” I ask. Marius nods. There’s a determination in his gaze. I squeeze his hand back as I straighten my shou
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CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE: A Sinful Woman's Desperation
LILIAN’S POV: Tonight, I wanna feel close to Carter again, to break down the walls between us that seem to be growing higher each day. After adjusting my lingerie, I make my way to Carter's bedroom. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed with a glass of bourbon in hand. His broad shoulders are tense, his gaze distant as he stares at the wall opposite. “Carter,” I say seductively. “I wanna make love with you. It’s been a week since the last time we did it.” “Yes, please. I need a stress reliever,” he replies with equal sultriness. I take the glass from his hand and set it on the nightstand. Then, I begin to undress him. Carter leans into my touch, his eyes closing briefly. But just as I undo the last button of his shirt, his phone rings. Carter's eyes snap open, and he pulls away from me, reaching for his phone with a frown. "Hello?" The previous warmth of his voice is replaced with a cold edge. "What?! Are you sure?!"He stands up and exits the bedroom. My frustration flares that
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CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: The Boiling Point of Carter
CARTER’S POV: This is an official declaration of war! I thought I could control them, but they’re proving to be more resilient than I’ve anticipated! My hands tremble slightly as I pick up the divorce papers I just received, the bold signature of Hazel and Marius as her divorce lawyer, glaring back at me. I crumple the papers and hurl them to the trash can. Hazel wants to play dirty? So be it! She couldn't and wouldn’t win. Not over me! I snatch my phone and call Attorney Culpo, the best lawyer I could ever think of. "I want all legal rights to search Marius' penthouse as soon as possible!" I bark, pacing my office. "I want to take my son from Hazel, and I want full custody… no matter what it takes!" -[“Mr. Whitlock, we need to be strategic about this. Barging in—"]- “I don’t care how you do it! Just make it happen!” I interrupt, before dropping the call. I storm out of my office, my bodyguards falling into step behind me. My first official battleground: the Thorne’s residen
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CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN: They're Going Against Us!
MARIUS’ POV: Bang! The shattered pieces of the vase scatter on the tiled floor, almost hitting my feet. “Are you out of your mind?!” dad shouts, his face reddening. “You put everything you worked so hard for at risk just because of a woman?!” I remain nonchalant. I can’t argue ‘cause what I did is unarguably a crime.“Marius only did that to help Lilian,” mom says, casting a glare toward Lilian, who stands distressed in the corner.“Regardless!” dad counters. “He shouldn’t have switched Carter’s wife’s identity with a dead woman’s!”Dad closes the distance between us in a few quick strides, his hand latching onto my jaw, forcing me to meet his glare. I feel the sting of his grip but doesn’t waver.“I want you to back out from that woman’s divorce case,” he demands in a much calmer but still dangerous tone. “Let another lawyer do it for her.”“That’s not gonna happen. I’ll remain Hazel’s lawyer,” I say.Dad’s grip tightens painfully on my jaw. “If you disobey me, I’ll strip you of y
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HAZEL’S POV: I clench the handles of the heavy bags full of Sammy and my belongings. As I descend the staircase, I find Marius in the living area, his eyes red-rimmed and filled with an anguish that mirrors my own. Before I can utter a word of farewell or gratitude, he pulls me into a tight embrace. “I want you to stay,” Marius chokes out between sobs. “I really do, but I don’t wanna be selfish. Sammy needs you more than I do.” He pulls back slightly, cupping my face with trembling hands. “I promise, I’ll get you and Sammy back. You just wait.” His vow echoes my very desire. Yet, I shake my head. “It’s alright. I can endure everything as long as I’m with my son. You don’t have to ruin your future for us, but know that I truly appreciate every—” My words are cut off, my bags dropped, as Marius’ lips slam at mine in a sudden, desperate kiss. My mind screams at me to pull away, but my heart urges me to sink into the moment. In the end, I kiss him back, matching his passion. When we
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"You're never going to see him again, Carter! I'll get my son back, you hear me?! You'll regret this!" Lilian’s scream fades as the bodyguards drag her away.I don’t know if Lilian can really get her son from someone like Carter, but I envy her ability to stand up to him with such fury and conviction. I wish I can muster even a fraction of that bravery. Sleep is elusive, and in a place like this, I expect that. I don’t feel safe. Carter, if not attempt to force himself on me again, may physically assault me next time. My thoughts are filled with plans to escape with my son, to see Marius and talk to him again. But the Whitlocks’ bodyguards are everywhere, they’ll catch me the moment my foot steps out of the gates. Morning comes, and I force myself out of bed when a knock comes at my door. “Miss Hazel, Mr. Carter is waiting for you downstairs for breakfast,” a maid I've not seen before says.I nod, but deep inside, I’m frustrated that Carter still dares to expect me to prepare his
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My disgust surges to the surface, contorting my features into a mask of revulsion. "No, never again." The hope drains from Carter's eyes, leaving a hollow, desperate man. Without another word, I turn on my heel and leave him behind. Thankfully, he doesn’t follow.Carter will grow more desperate, I can sense it, and I need to find a way to escape before his desperation turns even more dangerous than it already is.Later that afternoon, Elmyra invites some of the Whitlock women for afternoon tea, a tradition steeped in formality and thinly veiled contempt. She makes sure to extend the invitation to me as well. When I refuse, her voice becomes cold and threatening."You don’t know what I’ll do if you don't show yourself to the rest of the Whitlocks," She warns. Oh, I know! She’ll tell Carter about it, and Carter will get mad at me for disrespecting his beloved mother."Wear your best clothes. I’ve sent over your old ones,” she adds, before leaving.Fine! I’ll go, but I have no intenti
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