All Chapters of After The Divorce: Chapter 1 - Chapter 7
7 Chapters
The Worst Surprise
Melanie wanted to surprise her husband on his birthday, but he gave her a surprise instead. And boy, was it a nasty one. It had been three draining days in Tokyo for a business trip, but all she could think about was surprising her husband, Hardin, for his 29th birthday that weekend. She tapped her foot impatiently in line, and a fluttery feeling rose in her stomach as she exited customs at SeaTac. She couldn’t wait to see the look on Hardin’s face! After retrieving her bags, she hurried to the waiting car. She was more than excited when it finally pulled up in front of the mansion. She spun the keys around her finger as she walked up the steps to her front door, an eager smile on her face. Balancing the gift bags and boxes in one arm, she quietly unlocked the door, planning to sneak up on Hardin. The house greeted her in silence. The lights were off, and her heels clicked loudly against the hardwood floor as she made her way down the hall, her gift bags swinging. "Hardin? I'
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Love makes you stupid
He reached out and grabbed the pen, shoving it in her limp fingers. Melanie held the pen, hesitating as she hovered over the line. Part of her wanted to resist, to not make it so easy for Hardin after his betrayal. But deep down, she knew prolonging things would only cause more pain. "You don't deserve to be celebrated, Hardin. You're nothing but a liar and a cheat," she spat out. She scrawled her name quickly in the vacant lines before she lost her nerve, throwing the pen down in disgust. Natalia clapped her hands with glee. "Oh wonderful! Let's go celebrate your freedom and also continue your birthday celebration, babe." Melanie struggled to tear her eyes away from Hardin as his lips met Natalia’s in a passionate kiss. Once they left, she ran a bath and sank into the scalding water, sobbing violently. She had loved this man with all of her heart, even before he married her. Was their entire marriage a whole lie? The next morning, Melanie woke with a pounding headache, her
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Handsome stranger…
Melanie let out a long sigh as she trudged through the front door of her too-big, empty mansion. She had to figure out some other way to hire a good lawyer.As she headed to the kitchen, she could hear hushed whispers from the maids. "I heard Master Hardin leave Miss Melanie for that tramp sister of hers. I never would've guessed he had it in him." Another maid was added. "That Miss Natalia looks like trouble. Mark my words; she'll break his heart too in time." That's when the cruelest one chimed in. "If you ask me, Miss Melanie was too boring and goody-goody. Master Hardin always liked the wild ones more. About time she got what was coming." Melanie froze, blinking back angry tears. At that moment, one of the maids glanced up and fell silent, spotting her. She nudged the other two, and they quickly straightened. “Welcome back home, Miss Melanie!” The one who had been badmouthing her was the first to ask, "Good evening, Miss. Can I get you anything?" Melanie shook her head,
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You’re pregnant!
Melanie stared at Natalia in disbelief. "You can't be serious. I will never be your maid." Natalia laughed coldly. "Why? Because you think you're above it? Please. Do not forget where you came from." She stepped even closer, gaze raking over Melanie calculatingly. "Or have you forgotten? Your mother was a simple maid when my father picked her up, wasn't she?" Anger flooded Melanie at the jab at her late mother. "My mother worked hard as a waitress - it was honest work providing for me. Besides, your father is my father too."Natalia waved her hand dismissively. "Waitress, maid, potato, potahto, it's all the same." Melanie turned helplessly to Hardin. "Please, tell me you won't allow this."Hardin watched her impassively, his hazel eyes showing nothing. "Our marriage is dissolved, Melanie. You have no right to be here anymore.""How can you be so cold?" she whispered in despair. “I do not know you to be a troublemaker Melanie,” he looked at her coldly. “You have to leave right no
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I have to thank him!
Melanie straightened her lilac dress that hung to her curves and headed for Hardin's office straight from the hospital. She had to give him this chance to do right, for their baby's sake if not her own.As she was trying to talk to the secretary, Natalia appeared from nowhere. Great, her witch sister was all she needed to have a mental breakdown."Well well, if it isn't the miserable ex. Causing trouble as usual, I see." She paused and glared at the secretary. “Didn’t I tell you she isn’t allowed into the premises?”Melanie held her head high. "I need to see Hardin. It's urgent."Natalia scoffed. "Well tough luck, he's in an all day meeting. Come back with an appointment, maybe in a few months I'll squeeze you in.Or how about you come back….never?""Are you serious? This can't wait. Please, it's about..." Melanie trailed off, unwilling to give anything away to this snake yet.Natalia sauntered closer until they were nose to nose. "You'll tell me whatever it is, darling. Hardin's in an
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Bring her to me immediately
Back at Marshall Corp. The secretary, Gina, had put off a particular conversation with Hardin for weeks but knew she couldn't delay it any longer. Her stomach was in knots just thinking about breaking the news to him. Hardin was an intimidating boss, always stern and unrelenting in his demands. Gina feared how he would react to what she had to say. She heard the elevator ding, signaling Hardin's arrival on their floor. His long strides could be heard down the hall as he approached his office. Gina slowly got up from her desk and walked over to meet him. "Good evening, Mr. Greene. Do you have a minute? There's something I need to discuss with you," Gina said, trying to keep her voice even. Hardin glanced at her impatiently as he unlocked his office door. "Make it quick, Gina. I have a lot of work to get through tonight." She hesitantly followed him into his spacious office. Hardin tossed his briefcase onto the leather couch and turned to face her, crossing his arms expectantly.
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The Return
FIVE YEARS LATERDUBLIN, IRELAND.Sophie twirled around in front of the small mirror hanging on the wall of their bedroom, checking her pink sundress and white bow tied around her long brown hair for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning. "Don't I look like the prettiest princess, Mommy?” she asked excitedly, turning to face Melanie who was folding clothes and putting them into their suitcases. "You look gorgeous as always sweetpea," Melanie smiled at her daughter. Sophie beamed and did another twirl, the skirt of her dress flaring out around her. From the bed, her twin brother Matthew scoffed in response. At nearly five years old, his slim frame already showed signs of future height. "You look silly is what," he teased. Sophie turned to stick her tongue out at him, hands on her hips."I’m not! Take it back, Mattie poo!" Her foot stamped petulantly against the expensive carpet.Melanie heard Matt sigh loudly. She looked over to see him walking over to peer into the smal
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