All Chapters of The Sinful Nights: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
92 Chapters
Excaped Experiment (2)
Before she could begin to wonder what was happening, he pushed forward and something large moved through his member and into her womb. The egg entered her with a *pop* and Lorie's back arched as the foreign sensation. He thrust again and another egg was transferred, then another, and another. The slow, almost gentle thrust of his hips coupled with the feeling of being stuffed made her eyes roll back in ecstasy. She felt so close; The continuous stream of eggs was massaging the most sensitive parts of her while the tendrils at the base of his c*ck played with her cl*t. Her body writhed as her belly was stretched. "I- can't take it anymore," the first words she had been able to get out since the whole thing began, and her last before she arched in climax. Above her, the creature trilled. His hands and tendrils caressing her body all over. The ones at her mouth slid down her throat and back out. At some point, he stopped pumping in the eggs, and his body gave a grassy shudder. A differen
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P*ssy Stretcher
It was a dark and stormy night. No kidding. When the weather turned nasty I pulled off the highway and sought shelter in a motel. I unloaded a new toy I had made and set it up in my room for the night. I was in the process of delivering this equipment, but I decided to take a good look at it that night. It was a full sheet of 8x4 plywood, painted and upholstered on one side. There were various attachments and such, and it took a while to put it all together. When I was done, there in my motel room was quite a nifty wife-pleasing contraption. It was, quite simply, a fucking machine. The "Penetron." Near the bottom were two blocks to stand on. There were handholds and a comfy headrest. The whole thing leaned back at an adjustable angle. At the center was a motorized device, and in a separate plastic bag were several dildos of different lengths, widths, shapes and colors. I noticed that they were of very good quality, firmly soft and flesh-like to the touch. One even had peel-back foresk
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The Baby Maker
Robert's eyes were almost closed but still he struggled, hanging on to that last sliver of consciousness like a shipwrecked sailor clinging to a bit of flotsam. But she was making it hard, almost impossible to stay awake. The vision of the large soft breasts that first ensnared him now danced inside his drooping eyelids. Her musky perfume filled his nostrils, tranquilizing him when he should be terrified. Her voice was cooing and inviting, promising him repose ... and relief. He could no longer push away the soft hand on his cock, massaging him, stroking him, making him want to come so bad. Still he resisted. He knew, somehow, that as long as he did not orgasm he was not lost. That was her teasing almost irresistibly tempting offer: let her make him come, give in to her touch; give in to the terrible sweet drowsiness that would melt his will into hers.How did this happen? How could he have blundered from a difficult relation with his pushy girlfriend into this nightmare? If he had on
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Sl-t Wife
My wife Jane worked for what we thought was a substantial company but this was nothing compared to the multi national corporation that had taken over. In the couple of months since this had happened much of her company had been sold off leaving only the small research division she worked in. More worrying, she had been the secretary to the divisional director. A kind man in his early 60's, with all the changes her boss had taken the opportunity to take early retirement. In view of all the staff redundancies that had been happening we were not optimistic for her on going employment.Today Jane was to learn her fate. The new divisional director was flying in from New York and had summoned Jane for a meeting. Jane was in for a surprise, not only was her job safe but it would involve travelling a lot with Jake her new boss. Jake asked lots of questions some, which seemed very personal but Jane could not help but reply fully and honestly. She told Jake that she was 29, had been married to
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Science Over Love
"I tell you that love has nothing to do with the conception of a child or the formation of a family," Dr Steven Myers told his wife Dr Elizabeth Myers one night over dinner. "Of course all you need for conception is an egg and a sperm, coupled with a 9 month gestation period and there you have your child," Steven continued. "Steven of course. But I think love is required to have a family," Elizabeth replied. "Love? Will you please use your brain," he retorted snobbishly. "How many orphans are there in the world? Millions," he continued. "Are we to assume that if there was love they would not be orphans? Of course not. Pregnancy is a biological response of the human beings desire to breed. It is the only thing that man is trained for," he continued. "But would you not concede that love is the foundation of the happy family," she countered. 
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Science Over Love 2
She moaned as she felt his manhood burrow down deep inside of her, her pussy stretching to accommodate this massive invader. He continued to thrust in slowly until their pubic bones met, and then he stopped and lay silently inside of her. Her eyes widened when she felt the breath of his cock buried now deeply in her pussy and moaned with pleasure as he slowly began to pump into her. "Oh yeah Vince. Oh you keep it up baby...oh fuck yeah," she moaned as he began to increase his pace. She pulled him to her mouth and they kissed deeply, as she began to thrust up to meet him and match his pace. "Oh Lizzy this is what I have been dreaming about forever. Oh God it's so fucking incredible," he moaned as he continued to thrust. "I know baby...oh you're so fucking good at this...keep fucking me baby," she moaned as she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him closer and deeper inside of
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The Chosen Mate
Marcus watched, hidden by the thickness of trees as the young woman knelt down by a small bush and started to pluck the berries. Her gown was plain, a dull red against the lush green of the grassy hills. It was a shame her long blonde hair was bound in a braid. It made him itch to run his fingers through it. A woman's hair should flow loosely over her back so that it could catch in the wind. No matter, once she was a part of his camp, she would keep her hair loose. It was the way of the females. Just for second, he felt doubt. He knew the people of her village told stories. Stories of how dangerous centaurs were, how they r*ped their women and pillaged their homes, burning them to the ground, of how they killed mercilessly. How far from the truth, Marcus thought with disgust. But one thing was true about centaurs. They captured their maidens to take as their mates. Marcus charged forward, intent upon his target. Elizabeth barely had time to react to the thundering gallop. As soon as
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The Chosen Mate (2)
He pushed aside the thick leather covering the entrance of his long house. Elizabeth quickly dismounted and rushed toward the exit, but he grabbed her just in time. "I want to go home. Let me go!" His grip was firm on her arm and he brought her close. "This is your home now, my love." "This is not my home and I am not your love. And I will not be your mate. I could never marry a centaur! It's wrong!" Elizabeth shouted. She saw something flash in Marcus's dark eyes. "Yet it is a centaur who can make you wet." He said in a low voice. He propped her onto a bed several feet up from the ground so that she lay level to his body. Angered by her words, he tore her gown and the material fell away, leaving her naked before him. "I could hear every little gasp coming from your lips, my love." He said huskily. "Let us see if it is a centaur who can make you cry out in pleasure." His kiss was punishing, his lips slanting over hers as she tried to push him away. But it was no use, he was too stro
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The Chosen Mate (3)
Elizabeth refused to cry, least Marcus know the satisfaction of his power of her. Her mind frantically searched for a solution. There had to be a way to escape. She couldn't stay here, forced to live with a centaur and be his slave. This was absurd. Unreal. "Hello there." Called a soft voice. The older woman she'd seen earlier entered the longhouse carrying a tray of food. Her graying hair was left loose over shoulders and she wore a fine gown of green that looked expensive. Elizabeth wondered at the beauty of such a gown. Did they make their clothes here? In her village, it was rare to find a gown as beautiful as this woman's, even in the shops that sold ready-made ones. "You are Orcanus's mate?" The older woman, with her lined face and kind smile nodded. "My name is Jewel. Marcus tells me your name is Elizabeth." Elizabeth nodded. Jewel set down the tray and took a seat herself. "I felt the same when I was brought here." And then she laughed softly. "When I was kidnapped." "Did you
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The Chosen Mate (4)
"Please, Marcus." She begged. "I need you." His teeth were clenched, his damp forehead rested on hers now as he panted. "Tell me I am your mate. Tell me and I will finish this." "Marcus..." "Tell me!" He slid an inch deeper into her. He was throbbing. "I am yours!" He thrust into her to the hilt. She came at once, her release flooding his cock and he could hold back no longer. He slammed into her twice before she felt him spill inside her. Marcus lay her down gently, felt his heart swell when she curled into his arms, her eyes closing. But her peacefulness was short-lived. As soon as she gained her breath, she pulled away from him, covering herself with a blanket. "Come back here, Elizabeth. We are both tired and I wish for you to sleep in my arms." Marcus said wearily. She glared at him. "I told you not to touch me anymore, Marcus. I meant it." He arched an eyebrow. "I recall that you were begging me to take you only a moment ago." "I wasn't in control." She retorted. "Will you let m
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