All Chapters of The Sinful Nights: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
92 Chapters
Dragon Queen (3)
"Anais tight!" Gork exclaimed. Princess Maya was astounded to see the huge creature fucking her friend so savagely. She could even see the outline of the brute's cock in Anais's belly. It bloated out every time the brute shoved his cock deep into her. Praise the Gods! He is going to kill her! After several minutes of rough ravishing, Anais realized that the initial pain that assaulted her brain had vanished completely and the incredible fullness of her pussy felt good. Better yet, it felt wonderful. Her eyes rolled back frequently as the pleasurable sensation began to take over her mind and her body. For a moment, she forgot that she was doing this to save the Princess. She forgot that she was locked up in a dungeon. Her world was reduced to that spot between her legs and the massive rod that filled her so completely. "I am going to cum. You are making me cum!" Anais exclaimed as she felt her arousal growing. Maya's concerns about her friend's well being disappeared when she heard A
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Dragon Queen (4)
Gork moaned louder and grabbed Anais's thighs hard, pressing down on her while he buried his cock to the limit. Then he climaxed, ejaculating a large amount of semen inside of the astounded woman. Anais felt the hot, thick fluid filling every crevice of her body and she climaxed ins response. Her body shuddered rapidly as her pussy twitched over and over around the massive phallus, squeezing every drop of semen out of his balls. She let her body melt forward on his chest while he was still discharging the last spurts of sperm. Gork was staring blissfully at the ceiling and didn't notice that Anais was reaching out and grabbing his spear. This was not an easy task considering that her orgasmic spasms had not yet completely receded. Got it! she exclaimed in her mind as she gripped the weapon. Anais lifted the spear, aimed at his heart and brought it down with all of her might. When the brute turned to look, it was too late. "Anais!! No!!" Princess Maya screamed, pleading her friend to
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Dragon Queen (5)
Gods! What is that?! Miri wondered from her hiding spot, looking partially at the tentacle. The tongue was covered with a translucent toxin and the scout knew the effect it caused on humans. He just needed to shove it down her throat and she would become docile and easy to manipulate. Then he could ask her all the necessary questions. Jana turned her face away as the slimy tentacle poked at her cheeks and lips. She felt a slight tingle on her skin as it got smeared with the toxin. The scout tightened his grip on Jana's shoulders making her scream and he seized the moment to insert his tongue into her mouth. She tried to bite it down but the tentacle's leathery skin was unbreakable. It reached her throat and kept sinking down. As the flexible appendage moved deeper into her body, Jana's mind started to spin in a whirlpool of confusion. She had a bittersweet taste in her mouth and her throat tickled badly. The creature pulled her closer to his face, shoving his tongue even deeper. He
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Dragon Queen (6)
They could impregnate a few slaves before the arrival of their superiors, who always kept all the best females for themselves. They creatures fucked Jana for a while. Slurping sounds coming from Jana's mouth and pussy, combined with moans and grunts from the three of them, echoed in the room. Miri remained quietly hiding in the closet, watching and hearing everything. "Her belly is bulging with your phallus," one creature said. "So is her throat. She is so flexible," the other responded. They are being so rough... please don't hurt her. Miri pleaded in silence. Suddenly, one of the creatures roared loudly and an instant later, a stream of white sperm erupted from Jana's pussy. He was climaxing! He pumped a huge amount of sperm into her body, ensuring impregnation. At the same time, Jana started shaking again from another powerful orgasm, squeezing his cock and milking it for all it was worth. But the ravishing was far from over. The spent creature moved away and his partner turned J
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Dragon Queen (7)
She had fantasized about it so many times and now she was finally doing it. She was having sex. Except not in the right hole and not with a handsome man. But within her numbed mind, it didn't matter that it was a monster fucking her. She had a cock in her craving body and she wanted more. The scout in front of Miri moved closer with his phallus fully erect and ready. He grabbed the young woman's left leg and lift it, pushing her hips a couple of centimeters back and the cock in her ass a little deeper. Miri moaned in utter bliss, not knowing that the best was yet to come. "You wouldn't believe how tight she is," said the creature that fucked her ass. The creature lifted her other leg as well, bearing her in the right position to receive his phallus... Then he shoved his cock without mercy until his pelvis smashed against Miri's. The astounded young woman grunted loudly as her body stiffened like a board, then she exploded in a mind-blowing orgasm. Miri's body shivered uncontrollably
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Dragon Queen (8)
When she was five meters away, Mildred went down to her knees and started to crawl the rest of the way. When she was two meters away, she turned around and moved backwards toward the creature. Once he knows I am a female, I should be safe. If it worked for my aunt, it should work for me. The large male smelled her scent and realized she was a willing female. He slowly started moving on top of her. It worked! Mildred clearly remembered her aunt's loud moaning and wild orgasms every time she had sex with a catoblepas. Her pussy always got soaked when she saw it but she was always too scared to sneak in and try it herself. Now, after all this time of wondering, she was going to find out how it feels. Her heart was beating fast and her pussy was twitching with anticipation.I can't believe I am finally going to do this. The monster poked a few times between Mildred's legs until it found her pussy and moved forward. His large cock entered the woman's tight cavity, almost disappearing insi
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Dragon Queen (9)
This felt so good, that if she had tried it before, she would have purchased some catoblepas for herself a long time ago. "Oh, Gods! Yess! Push it deeper!" As if reading her mind, the creature took one step forward, stabbing his phallus until it wouldn't go any further. Mildred's body was lifted completely off the ground, held up only by his long, thick cock. The astounded woman couldn't believe it. She could feel the power of his member in every cell of her body and in that moment she realized that no other cock would ever satisfy her like this. Mildred did whatever she could to anchor herself to the ground while the catoblepas started swinging his hips, fucking her with the same energy of his partner. Her belly bulged every time his phallus stabbed forward, pushing her resistance to the limit. She loved it. The overwhelmed woman couldn't think of anything except the feeling that radiated from her stretched pussy. She would never admit it but her love for the Princess now came seco
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Dragon Queen (10)
Both girls were speechless, looking at the cave's dark entrance. Nothing happened for almost a minute. Then, they both screamed in horror when the dragon came back inside and approached menacingly. He was about the size of a bull and his large mouth was filled with sharp, long teeth. How can this be?! Maya wondered, still doubting her own eyes. "Sta...Stand back Princess!" Anais said. She remained in place, trembling like a leaf but still blocking the way to the Princess. Princess Maya had enough of seeing her closest friends risk their lives for her, over and over. Without saying a word, she pulled Anais back and confronted the dragon. If this was her destiny, she was going to face it with dignity. She closed her eyes and waited. "Princess!! No!" Anais screamed. The dragon leaped forward, sizzling with rage, but just before striking a deadly blow, the Princess's scent reached his nostrils. It took nothing more than that. His bewilderment was quickly replaced by curiosity and then b
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Dragon Queen (11)
Once he was satisfied with the depth of the penetration, the dragon began to sway his hips back and forth, pumping Maya's pussy with loving intensity. His cold, scaly stomach rubbed against hers, warm and delicate. He could actually feel her skin bulging as his cock moved within her loins. The Princess loved it. His huge cock possessing her so perfectly; the weight of his body pressing down on hers, amplifying every sensation. Maya was in paradise. The dragon fucked Maya in this position for a long time, rocking her body with every stroke, and accelerating the pace is he approached his climax. Maya moaned out loud, lost in an endless abyss of elation. Anais watched the couple almost without blinking. She was still worried, Don't thrust so hard! You are going to hurt her! yet her pussy moistened. Suddenly, the harmonious motions and sounds were truncated by a roar and a loud squeal. Maya was climaxing and so was the dragon. White sperm burst from Maya's pussy as her body quickly beca
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Dragon Queen (12)
Later that night, the dragon was resting his head on the Princess's lap like a loving pet. Maya knew that for the rest of her life, he would never leave her side. It was clear that he loved her as much as she loved him. They would be together forever. Seeing the dragon's reaction towards Anais moments ago, Maya had an idea. "Tomorrow, we are going back to town," Maya said. There was assertiveness in her voice. "We are?!" Anais asked with concern, "But what about your cousin? He is dangerous!" "Don't worry. I have a plan," was Maya's simple response. ***** Meanwhile, the northern creatures had arrived to the city and they started killing anybody that got in their way. Except fertile women, who they captured to turn them into breeding slaves. Within the castle, Lord Nogard tried to secure his own safety. "Forget about the people," he said to one of his Generals, "Command the soldiers to protect the castle. Block all the entries!" "Yes, my Lord." When Maya and Anais arrived, they disco
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