All Chapters of The Sinful Nights: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
92 Chapters
The Chosen Mate (5)
The second centaur was younger, his eyes gleaming with mischief and humor. Even now he grinned at Marcus and Elizabeth. "Elizabeth I want you to meet my younger brothers, Marco and Loren. Brothers, this is my mate." "Welcome, sister." Marco said with a slow smile, though it didn't touch his eyes, which held a guarded and haunted look in them. Loren, the youngest, smiled broadly. "Elizabeth, that's a pretty name. Is she rosy down in her - " Marco chucked Loren on the head and the younger centaur blushed. "I meant no offense, sister." "You must forgive Loren. He's anxious to get his own mate and seems to think of nothing else but women." Marcus explained, glaring at his brother. Loren smiled sheepishly. "That's all right. It's nice to meet you." Elizabeth didn't know what else to say. Marco seemed content to remain silent, though he watched her behind the curtain of his heavy eyelashes, as if judging her worthiness as Marcus's mate. There was something about the second brother that piqu
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The Chosen Mate (6)
Elizabeth clung to Marcus as he gripped her by the hips, moving her over the length of his cock. She closed her eyes, concentrating on how he filled her so perfectly. She'd gone to him willingly that night, knowing this would be her only chance to experience this ecstasy before she returned to her village. She wanted Marcus to think that if she were accepting him now, he would trust her, thus making her escape easier. She felt him swell inside of her as he quickened his thrusts. She stiffened as everything shattered inside of her. Marcus grinded his hips to hers as he emptied himself in her the second time that night. "Ah, my Elizabeth." He murmured, cuddling her into his arms as he closed his eyes. He brought her back to his chest as he nuzzled her neck. She took a deep breath, taking in his sandalwood scent mixed with the musk of their lovemaking. "I love the way your body is flushed after my loving." "Hmm..." One of hands strayed down to her flat stomach, caressing lightly in circl
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The Chosen Mate (7)
Marcus shuddered as she too touched him eagerly. They brought each other over the peak together, muffling their cries with a heated kiss. "Sleep, my love." He said. Elizabeth was too exhausted to protest. *** She woke in the middle of the night. The fire had died down to a small blaze, causing the shadows to dance over the walls of the long house. Beside her, Marcus was fast asleep, his face relaxed and sated from their passion. Ever so slowly, Elizabeth slipped from his arms and glanced back to see if he had awakened. She grabbed her dress and tiptoed to the shelf where she hid one of his daggers. If she was going to escape, there would be no time to don the dress until after she was well out of the camp's perimeters. Elizabeth glanced back one more time at the sleeping figure on the cushions. She couldn't deny that Marcus gave her intense pleasure. But she wasn't meant for a life here. As she slipped out of the longhouse, she tried to push away the feeling of guilt and sadness. She
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The Chosen Mate (8)
Marcus had just stepped outside when he saw Loren and Marco approach. Both were wearing metal breastplates, intricately carved with their family's symbols. Cuffs of metal similar to the ones Marcus wore guarded their arms. On their backs, quiver and bows. "What is the matter?" "We just had word there are slavers entering our lands. A group of us are going to make sure they do not trespass further." Marcus let out an oath. "Elizabeth has run away. I was just going to get her." Loren arched an eyebrow. But it was Marco who voiced the question. "Why did she leave?" His youthful face did not hide the hurt and confusion he felt. "She thinks she can still go back to her village. I thought to teach her a lesson by letting her get lost in the Black Forest for awhile." "You must find her before the slavers do, brother." Loren said gruffly. "Marco, tell the others that Marcus's mate is missing. We will keep an eye out for her. You better hurry." Marcus didn't need any further direction and head
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The Chosen Mate (9)
Elizabeth paced the longhouse. Occasionally, she looked toward the doorway, straining to listen for Marcus return. It had been more than an hour and still the centaurs hadn't returned. Now with each passing minute, she got more nervous. Marcus was going to be furious. She lay on the cushions that made up their bed. Their bed. When did she start thinking of it as being hers, too? The doorway lifted as Marcus entered. Elizabeth immediately sat up, eyes wide with worry. Marcus met her gaze silently and held it for a long moment before he turned to take off his armor. Outside she could here soft voices of others returning to their homes. Marcus's silence only made her more nervous. "I had to do it, Marcus." She saw his jaw tense. "Then why did you come back?" He asked curtly. "I'm not exactly sure." He didn't look at her, nor did he answer. His back and shoulders were stiff and his dark eyebrows were drawn together in a frown. Nothing but the crackling of the fire filled the silence. She
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The Chosen Mate (10)
Suddenly, Marcus's large muscular arm wrapped around her waist and brought her up against him. Without opening his eyes, he asked, "Is this better ?" She held her breath. Up close, the smell of him became stronger, the heat from his body was better than the furs that covered her. The feel of his naked skin against hers made her want to touch him, explore the hard planes of his chest and flat stomach, to place her lips at the hollow of his throat. "Yes, thank you." She whispered and forced her eyes to close. *** The air was filled with excitement and tension the next evening. It was the night of the mating ceremony. Katarina, being Elizabeth's closest relative now helped her into the silky white robe. With a comb carved intricately from wood -- a gift from Marcus -- Elizabeth's hair was brushed to a shine and left unbraided. There would be no adornments on her. Two must unite as one in their natural states, Katarina explained. Her stomach churned in anticipation and nerves as she was l
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Dragon Queen (11)
Once he was satisfied with the depth of the penetration, the dragon began to sway his hips back and forth, pumping Maya's pussy with loving intensity. His cold, scaly stomach rubbed against hers, warm and delicate. He could actually feel her skin bulging as his cock moved within her loins. The Princess loved it. His huge cock possessing her so perfectly; the weight of his body pressing down on hers, amplifying every sensation. Maya was in paradise. The dragon fucked Maya in this position for a long time, rocking her body with every stroke, and accelerating the pace is he approached his climax. Maya moaned out loud, lost in an endless abyss of elation. Anais watched the couple almost without blinking. She was still worried, Don't thrust so hard! You are going to hurt her! yet her pussy moistened. Suddenly, the harmonious motions and sounds were truncated by a roar and a loud squeal. Maya was climaxing and so was the dragon. White sperm burst from Maya's pussy as her body quickly beca
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The Chosen Mate (11)
He pulled back and this time, he positioned the head of his cock at her opening. She held her breath, waiting. "Elizabeth," "Please..." She whimpered. "Elizabeth," The words seemed to be forced from him. "Elizabeth, if don't want this...I won't take you." She tried to push back so that he would enter her, but he held her firmly. "I do want you, Marcus..." "I mean, if you do not wish to stay as my mate...I won't take you here and I will return you to your village." He murmured. "Give me the word and I...I will stop this, my love." She couldn't think straight and her body was humming for release. This was her chance to get away...yet she no longer wanted to leave Marcus. Somehow, sometime during the past couple days she realized she couldn't ever leave him. She realized she could be happy here, even happier than she would have been in her village. Her heart swelled and she squeezed the hand that held her tightly to him. She turned to look back at him. Through eyes that were heavy with
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Dragon Queen
Princess Maya was being held captive in the dungeons beneath the royal castle. Her golden tiara was still attached to her blond hair while she was forced to wear a very sexy clothing that barely covered her breasts. Her slim, sexy body had to be visible to have a better effect on the slave trader. A large troll, about two meters tall and carrying a fat belly, was blocking the door. Lord Nogard's orders were that the princess was not allowed to leave under any circumstances. The princess was fully aware of her cousin's intentions to sell her and she also knew about the imminent invasion of the northern creatures. The news about the death of her father and brother had been too much for her and she had given up fighting. She had decided to sacrifice herself and let her cousin become King. At least he would be able to lead an army and defend the city from the monsters. Anais, the princess' main escort, was trying to convince her otherwise, "My Princess, you can't let him do this to you.
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Dragon Queen (2)
 Drueta opened her mouth wide, yet she remained silent, focused on the staggering feeling of the massive phallus stretching her rectum and pushing her insides to make way. The huge cock reached far within the girl's tight cavity and then it stopped. It was time for the real magic to take place. "Now we shall become one," Jarrod said, spreading her hands. A strange colorful energy began to emanate from Jarrod's fingers, surrounding Drueta's lower body. The woman trembled as her mind became empty of thought and her body began to loosen up. The brunette's pussy jerked continuously as if she was already climaxing. "Oh my God! I wish it was me..." Lia thought. She also knew the meaning of 'becoming one'. Lia was staring attentively at her Drueta's face. Not because her eyes were completely rolled back but because her mouth was wide open, easing the way. Lia was waiting. The bond would be complete any second now. A moment later, Drueta's moaning turned into a guttural growl.
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