All Chapters of The Ruthless Billionaire Babysit Me (English): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
40 Chapters
Chapter 20
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿“Yes. I want this. I . . . want you, Adam.”He released me and took a slight step back. Standing in front of me, he gazed at me as if he were hungry, as if he wanted to devour me whole.“You want to do it here? In your bedroom?” he asked softly, and I nodded gently. “Come here.” He reached for my hand and led me towards the bed. He settled at the foot of it, sitting down while I remained standing before him. “Take off your clothes,” he commanded, his voice cutting through the silence.Though it was my first time, I didn’t hesitate. I acted confidently, but deep down, I was nervous and wanted to retreat, to run out of the room. But here I was. I didn’t want to waste the opportunity to make real something I had only dreamed of.I first peeled off my cropped top while keeping my eyes fixed on his. I unzipped my jeans and slipped them down, leaving me in just my panties and bra. His hand moved, signaling for me to remove the rest of my garments, and I complied without hesit
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Chapter 21
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿I knew exactly what I was getting into. I also understood the nature of my arrangement with Adam: 'fuck buddies.' It’s a purely physical relationship, with no emotions involved.But this morning, when I woke up naked and alone in my room, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. I didn’t even catch a glimpse of him in the house. He didn’t leave a text or a note to let me know he had left or gone back to his apartment. I don’t even know what time he slipped away.I reached for my cell phone and started typing a message to him, asking where he was. But just as I was about to send it, I paused. 'Who am I to ask?'I put my phone down and sighed as I slid out of bed. I had a bit of trouble walking to the bathroom because I could still feel the soreness between my legs, even though we only had two rounds last night. It was probably because he caught me off guard with his intensity.After a refreshing shower and changing into some comfortable home clothes, I left my room an
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Chapter 22
✧ADAM MEADOWS✧Jazzlene's words echoed in my mind as I stood before the mirror, adjusting my necktie, preparing for the alumni gala scheduled to start at seven p.m. It was already six-fifteen.‘A date? Really, huh?’I smirked to myself. I knew exactly why she had said that. She was trying to provoke me, having seen Lexi at my apartment earlier. Though she didn’t spell it out, I could read the jealousy on her face when she noticed another woman seated on my couch. Amusing.Lexi was the reason I left Jazzlene's place abruptly earlier, without a goodbye or even waking her up. My phone had awakened me with four missed calls and a text message from Lexi, announcing her imminent visit to my apartment. That compelled me to get up and leave in haste.[FLASHBACK]“Hi, babe.” She greeted me with a wide smile when I opened the door after two knocks.I didn’t respond immediately. I hadn’t intended to invite her in, but her early visit made me consider she might have something important to discuss
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Chapter 23
✧ ADAM MEADOWS ✧When I mentioned buying her a restaurant, I wasn’t joking. As we left the party and I drove home, I called my secretary, Ezra, to find a restaurant I could purchase that night. That's what sparked the argument between Jazz and me in the car.She couldn't believe I was serious about it, so she tried to dissuade me. Jazz insisted she didn't need a restaurant and preferred to eat at home instead. But even now, she's still sulking.Luckily, her parents bought her excuse when she asked for permission. She told them she had a stomach ache and said she would come home with me, so they were somewhat reassured."You know what? You're the kind of brother I'd curse if you were actually my sibling. You're worse than Kuya Zane," she said, her voice breathier than usual, and I couldn't help but react to the sound."What exactly bothers you? My brotherly behavior or pulling you away from that guy?" I asked, coldly. When she didn't respond, I continued, "It's in your best interest to
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Chapter 24
✧ADAM MEADOWS✧AFTER printing the documents, I returned to the living room where Jazz was patiently waiting for me. She sat quietly, eating. Earlier, she had taken the initiative to find something to eat in the fridge, mentioning she was hungry. Fortunately, I had leftover food from the restaurant that I had delivered earlier in the afternoon.Approaching her, I slammed the somewhat thick stack of papers on the table in front of her, clipped together with a paper clip."W-What's this?" She picked it up and glanced at the large title on the front page. SEX SLAVERY CONTRACT. Her mouth hung open, but upon seeing the title, she stopped chewing. Nervousness was evident on her face.I sat down on the couch opposite her and leaned back, watching her closely. "It's a contract.""H-Huh?" Her brow furrowed."It’s filled with unimaginable conditions. There are a total of fifty pages with ninety-nine clauses. But I know you'll probably be too lazy to read through all of that, so I’ll explain." I
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Chapter 25
✧ADAM MEADOWS✧She sank to the floor, so beautiful that it made my heart ache and stirred a reaction in me. However, it seemed her nerves compelled her to follow me immediately.I grabbed her by the hair and pulled it down until she was looking up at me. "If it's too much for you, give me a sign. Tap my thigh so that I would know."She nodded, so I finally released my hard member. I tugged her hair harder and ordered her to open her mouth. I slipped the head of my c0ck into her waiting mouth, slowly pushing deeper until I was buried all the way down her throat."Fuck." I groaned, my head falling back with my eyes closed. The sensation of her mouth enveloping me was so intense that a shiver ran through my entire body, and I nearly came right then and there.I opened my eyes and glanced back at Jazz. Her eyes were slightly watery from the size of what was in her mouth and the depth I had gone down her throat. It was clear she wasn't used to this. I also knew it was her first time doing
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Chapter 26
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿It's been two days since I last saw Adam because my parents are staying at home with me. During these two days, Dad has been the one picking me up and dropping me off at school. Nevertheless, I never forget to text Adam to update him on what's happening in my life. Not only because it was part of our agreement when he agreed to watch over me, but also because it's part of the contract I signed. I need to keep him updated on what I'm doing, who I'm with, where I am, whether I've eaten, what I ate, what happened at school, how I'm feeling, if I was on my period, etc. I have to inform him about everything.What frustrates me, though, is that when I ask him what he's doing or where he is, he often doesn't reply. I understand why; it's also part of the contract that I can't inquire about his activities or whereabouts.It feels incredibly unfair, doesn't it? I'm not allowed to question him, but if he texts me a question and I don't respond within five minutes, he becomes upse
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Chapter 27
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿The meeting ended swiftly. I opened my burner laptop and accessed the encrypted folder containing all the documents on my enemy's finances, business dealings—both legal and illegal—and upcoming contracts. This is why I succeed so quickly. I monitor their every move and prepare my attacks accordingly.One of my long-term goals is to destroy the Crystal Empire. I won't just ruin their business; I'll annihilate their entire lineage, just as they did to my family. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth.My phone pinged with a message from Jazzlene. It was sent from her messenger, saying, "Adam, this is Leigh. Jazz is at the university clinic. Could you pick her up earlier? She fainted earlier and isn't being allowed to attend the rest of our classes to rest."Clinic? Fainted? Damn.I didn't waste any time. I dialed her number, and it was Leigh's voice I heard on the other end. "Hello?""What happened?""A woman confronted her earlier. We don't know what happened because the
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Chapter 28
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿Over the past month, I lost count of how many times Adam and I hooked up. I could probably count on my fingers and toes the number of rounds we'd had in various hotels he took me to. Yes, it was always in hotels. He avoided our home and his apartment, not wanting my parents to notice I was constantly moving around. Especially with CCTV cameras in front of our house and on posts near the gate that would catch me entering his apartment.I would sometimes visit to bring him dinner. But when he needed my body, he'd message me to meet him somewhere. Other times, after my afternoon classes, he'd pick me up and we'd go straight to a hotel.Sex with Adam was unlike anything I'd experienced before. Raw. Animalistic. Soul-crushing in the best possible way. It shattered all my preconceived notions of myself and turned me into something darker, more depraved. He'd call me sweetheart one moment and his slut the next.And I don't know why, but . . . I loved it.The remarkable thing
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Chapter 29
✧ADAM MEADOWS✧"Hey, Adam!"Auntie Cass greeted me with a wide smile when I arrived at their house, even giving me a hug.They’re here in the Philippines now, which I only just found out. She called me earlier when Jazz and I were on our way to my penthouse. She asked me to come over, so instead of heading straight to the penthouse, I first dropped Jazz off at their house. However, I didn’t drop her right at their gate. I stopped at the third house before theirs to avoid her parents noticing."When did you arrive?" I asked. We were now in the living room, and I was taking in the entirety of their house."Two weeks ago. I couldn’t call you immediately because Uncle Win and I were busy sorting out our things. It was difficult to find a place here, but fortunately, your uncle knew someone who helped us speak with the owner."They’re staying in Villasis Park, one of the well-known exclusive subdivisions. It’s widely understood that not just anyone can get a unit here unless they know the
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