All Chapters of The Ruthless Billionaire Babysit Me (English): Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
40 Chapters
Chapter 30
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿"That's very good, darling, so you won't have to travel too far," Mommy commented after I told them—while we were having lunch—that I had changed my mind about doing my internship at La Vienna Hotel.Actually, I wasn't the only one who changed my mind among our friends. Violet was the first to reconsider. She mentioned that it would be more convenient to apply for internship at M-Power Hotel because not only is it closer, but it's also gaining recognition lately due to several appearances in the news and online, especially since its opening last month. It has even been featured in a well-known magazine.That's not all. Our school dean has been recommending M-Power Hotel to us now when looking for internship placements, rather than La Vienna Hotel. It seems our school coordinator has struck a partnership with M-Power to accept students from our school, so we shouldn't have much difficulty, especially since they select their applicants."Does that mean all of your friends
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Chapter 31
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿"If you ever speak badly about her again, I swear, I'll make sure you suffer forever."I held Adam by the waist, standing behind him as he threatened Dom, who was now unable to stand, looking dazed from the two punches that had landed on his face. I didn't like what he said to me earlier, but I have to admit, I felt sorry for him now. That's why I held onto Adam tightly to keep him from reaching Dom again. Another punch might knock him out completely."Adam, let's go. Before any security or police arrive!" I tried to pull him towards his car, which was parked near the club. There were no security guards or bouncers outside at the moment, and I was grateful for that. Otherwise, Adam might get blamed instead of Dominic.Once we were both inside the car, I faced him with a frown. "Why did you have to hit Dom right away? You could have talked to him calmly!""Watch your tone, Jazz," he warned.Yes, it's also in our contract that I'm not allowed to raise my voice at him. But
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Chapter 32
✧ADAM MEADOWS✧For over a week, I diligently worked on the documents required for my application as a personal driver for Jake, the founder of Crystal Empire, who ordered the assassination of my family. I couldn't use my real name; he or they would recognize me immediately and shut me out. So, I became Allen Ruz, an identity I crafted meticulously. I created a backstory with an impeccable track record, ensuring no one could question my credentials. Even though I'm applying for just a driver position, having a good record is necessary because he is well-known in the industry.Applying to him under this alias was the first step in my plan to uncover the truth. I know the truth that he's behind the crime, and if I wanted to, I could end him anytime. But I need to carefully plan every move to bring him and his family down without putting myself at risk or being pursued by the law.I passed through an agency where I was interviewed before being sent to the mansion of the Crystal Family. Th
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Chapter 33
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿LAST week marked the beginning of our internship at M-Power Hotel. Only Leigh, Violet, and I proceeded with our internship there, while Camille was strongly encouraged to pursue hers at La Vienna Hotel, especially since her parents had already arranged an apartment for her there.So far, our stay at M-Power has been generally good, albeit occasionally challenging. We also have some classmates who are doing their internship here, along with students from other blocks, so there's quite a few of us around.Our daily routine involves rotating through various departments. Sometimes we're in housekeeping, other times in banquets, the kitchen, bar, front desk, office, or restaurant, depending on where our manager assigns us.Most of the employees we interact with at M-Power are friendly. However, there are a few we've encountered who seem to act as if they own the hotel, despite being just employees like us. I was referring to Sasha, one of the receptionists at the front desk
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Chapter 34
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿"Why are you late, Jazzlene?" Sasha asked me sternly when I arrived at the front desk. Leigh was already there since she's my duty partner today, while Violet was assigned to the bar. Brianna, another regular employee at the front desk, was also present. She's much kinder than Sasha. Brianna is always calm and speaks gently. Even when she gives us instructions, she does so with a polite request and a warm smile, making it a pleasure to follow her orders. Unlike Sasha, who is quite the opposite.But yes, I was late."I caught on traffic," I replied curtly, not wanting to engage in a long discussion. I didn't want to worsen my already bad mood, which started last night when Adam upset me."Traffic? You should have left earlier. That way, even if you encountered traffic, you wouldn't be late," Sasha continued, her tone full of reprimand.I closed my eyes tightly and took a deep breath to calm myself. Leigh gently tapped my shoulder, probably noticing how irritated I was, t
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Chapter 35
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿We arrived at Meadows Tower in silence. I was scowling and ignoring Adam, annoyed with him for reasons I couldn’t quite pinpoint. All I knew was that it irritated me when he didn't reach out, yet he acted indignant when I did the same to him.I felt a bit dizzy from the alcohol I had at the club, but I was still aware of my surroundings. I knew we were heading to the elevator, but this time I was leading the way. He had insisted I go first since we entered the building.I stepped into the elevator, my heels clicking sharply against the marble floor. Adam followed, his usual confident demeanor slightly tempered by a hint of unease. I didn't bother to glance at him, keeping my eyes fixed on the elevator's panel as the doors slid shut.Five days. Five entire days without a word from him, and now he just waltzes back into my life as if nothing happened. And all he wants is to indulge in my body again. How dare he? And how dare I just let him?The elevator began its ascent,
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Chapter 36
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿I was aware of what happened after Adam and I showered together. We lay down on the bed after I dried my hair using the hair dryer he bought for me here. I was aware that nearly an hour later, he carefully got up to answer his phone, which had started ringing. I was aware that he left the penthouse after taking the call.He left without saying goodbye, probably assuming I was already asleep. But I wasn't. My eyes were closed, but my mind was awake, so I felt everything. He was gone for almost an hour. Feeling a bit dizzy from the alcohol, I remained lying on the bed alone.When he returned an hour later, he lay back down beside me on the bed. I could still feel his embrace from behind, and we stayed like that until we both fell asleep.The next morning, he woke up before me. I found out because his side of the bed was empty when I tried to reach for him. He was already out of the room by the time I opened my eyes.Despite a slight headache from the hangover, I pushed my
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Chapter 37
✧ADAM MEADOWS✧"Are you really going to wait for Jake to admit that he's the mastermind behind what happened to your family before you take him down? Is that it?" Uncle Win asked, disappointment evident in his tone.I felt disappointed in myself too, because, honestly, I could have ended him anytime, especially since I've been with him every day since I became his driver.I’d labored over my revenge plan for more than a decade, moving and manipulating every piece until I had them where I wanted them. Always play the long game.But even I had to admit I’d gotten . . . distracted these past few months. Jazzlene had swept into my life like a sunrise after dark, awakening creatures within my soul that I thought had died a long time ago: guilt. Conscience. Remorse. Making me question whether the ends justified the means.Around her, my thirst for vengeance waned, and I almost—almost—gave it up. It all began when Uncle Win suggested I use Jake's daughter to get closer to the Crystal family.
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Chapter 38
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿I STOOD AT THE FRONT DESK, my fingers trembling slightly as I tapped on the keyboard, searching desperately for the reservation. The couple in front of us looked increasingly impatient, and the woman’s face was turning a deep shade of red. She was yelling, her voice echoing across the huge lobby and drawing stares from other guests.Not only am I feeling flustered, but so is Violet, as we're the only ones manning the front desk right now. Brianna is on her day off, and our other regular receptionist, who's with us, has been in and out of the restroom since earlier because it's the first day of her period, and she's in considerable discomfort. She needs to change her napkin frequently due to heavy flow. As a result, Violet and I are currently bearing the brunt of the workload. It's also our first time encountering a guest who doesn't seem to grasp the concept of 'CALM'. Despite Violet's repeated attempts to reassure her and ask her to wait for our receptionist, she doesn
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Chapter 39
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿“Get in.”I hesitated, glancing back at Violet and Leigh, who were still deep in their argument about who they were with the night we went to Castillano Club and where they slept. The idea of spending time with Adam was appealing, especially since we hadn't seen each other in a week, but the suddenness of the invitation and my unfamiliarity with his uncle made me cautious."That’s very kind of you, but I’m not sure," I began. I glanced at my watch and pretended to check the time. "Dad is on his way to pick me up.""Is that so?" He pursed his lips, appearing thoughtful. "It's my wife's birthday today. Auntie Cassandra, Adam's aunt. We don't have any other guests besides Adam, so I wanted to invite you to meet my wife. She would be happy to meet you, especially since I mentioned you to her. I told her you're like a sister to Adam," he explained. "But okay. If you're heading home now, maybe next time?" He smiled gently at me.Aunt Cassandra, Adam's only relative? His dad's
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