All Chapters of The Ruthless Billionaire Babysit Me (English): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
40 Chapters
Chapter 10
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿". . . I was so frustrated that I didn't bring him dinner last night, despite mommy's advice to share whenever I cook," I concluded dramatically, taking a sip of my coffee.It's our break time, so we're at the coffee shop right next to the university, accompanied by my friends. Camille interviewed me about yesterday's events, when Adam followed one of our classmates, Janina, home to bond with us before we all go our separate ways for internships. Since we'll be interning at different places, we decided to bond as a group, representing our entire block.But even now, my skin heated with anger at the memory of Adam's overbearing attitude. Truth be told, I haven't spoken to him all day, not since last night when he brought me home.He was supposed to give me a ride to school this morning, drop me off at the university before heading to his company. But instead, I reached out to Camille early and asked if she could arrange for her driver to take me to school. I wanted to a
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Chapter 11
✧ADAM MEADOWS✧There's a bead of sweat forming on the forehead of the man sitting in front of me, despite the chilly temperature in my office. I should put him out of his misery, but instead, I continue to stare him down. "I . . . the fund . . . we we're so grateful for your continued investment," he stammers. He should be. I've got billions invested throughout the world, a far from insignificant portion of it in his firm. I looked up at him, my face serious. "I never said I'd continue investing in you," I said, my voice is firm, devoid of any kindness.One of his feet started tapping on the floor, and I could hear the sound of his shoe hitting the ground. I watched as a bead of sweat ran down his face, his breathing accelerating by the second. "A-Aren't you satisfied with the company's performance? Our share price increased by twenty percent this year."I was about to respond when my phone vibrated on the table—a text message from Jazzlene, saying, "Adam, can you pick me up? I'm no
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Chapter 12
✧ADAM MEADOWS✧JAZZLENE must not see the state of my apartment, especially with blood splattered all over the floor from the two gunshot wounds in Bueno's son's leg. He’s unconscious now, having lost a significant amount of blood.“Adam!”I heard her voice again from outside, along with her frantic banging on the door. Instead of opening it, I went to the bedroom and grabbed a clean handkerchief from the cabinet. I also retrieved a small spray bottle from the corner. I sprayed the handkerchief twice.Quietly, I stepped out of the bedroom and approached the main door. I hid behind it and reached for the handle, unlocking it so she could come in. I waited for her to open the door. As soon as she stepped inside, I moved swiftly before she could turn around. From behind, I pressed the handkerchief over her nose and mouth. She struggled at first, but within seconds, her small frame went limp, and she collapsed.I carried her to my room once she was unconscious. I didn’t want to do this to
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Chapter 13
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿I couldn't resist inhaling the alluring scent—a blend of spice, warmth, and bath soap. Slowly, I opened my eyes to pinpoint its source, but furrowed my brow in confusion.Weird.Where did my room's paintings go? And when did I switch to black curtains? I've always favored yellow for its cheerful vibe. I never opt for black—wait? What's this hard thing my hand is resting on? I shifted my gaze downward to the object under my right hand as I lay flat. There was someone beside me, dressed in gray pajamas, and I was gripping his prominent member.I blinked, a wry smile crossing my lips. In my twenty-one years of existence, this was my first experience of such a dream. Was this what they called a wet dream? But it didn't seem like it because I couldn't recall anything happening in the dream—'Sh*t! Why is it hard? Why is it warm?'I tried to squeeze the thing I was holding, followed by a small groan from a man that snapped me back to reality. My eyes squinted as I glanced at
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Chapter 14
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿"Add more contour to her chest," Leigh ordered Violet.They're here at my house now. They're the only ones available because Camille has taping again. They volunteered to help me get ready for my plan to seduce Adam."Is this okay?" Violet asked as she stepped back twice and scrutinized my chest while still holding the brush and my contour palette. She's in charge of my makeup, which she says should be a 'no makeup' look so it won't be obvious that I got dolled up. But she went all out on the contouring of my chest to make my breasts look bigger.Leigh nodded as she also examined my chest, standing beside Violet. "Yes. That looks good," she commented.I'm wearing a red nightdress now. Leigh chose the color because she said it's seductive. It's short, only reaching halfway down my thighs. And of course, to make the plan more effective, I decided to wax my legs earlier to make them look flawless.They used a curler on my hair, giving it soft waves that bounce slightly whe
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Chapter 15
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿"Okay, Mom. Bye. Love you."I hung up the phone after talking to Mom. However, I remained seated on the couch, still holding my cat. My feet were propped up, my back leaned against the couch, and I stared off into space, lost in thought.Another week had passed. Throughout that week, Adam and I hadn't spoken much. Ever since I heard that woman moaning in his apartment, I felt embarrassed around him. Plus, I had been having wet dreams for almost a week now. In those dreams, something happened between us. There were mornings when I woke up sweating, even though the air conditioner was on in my room.Those dreams were the reason I couldn't look at him directly anymore, like I used to. There were times when he would ride to school with me—like the first time I had that dream—and I couldn't bring myself to glance at him. I sat beside him in the front seat while Leigh and Violet were in the back. During those rides, it felt like there were angels in the car because of the ove
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Chapter 16
✧ADAM MEADOWS✧I WASN’T quite sure what I saw on Jazz’s face last night when I told her I had a date. Was it jealousy? Or did I just hallucinate? But why would she be jealous?My forehead wrinkled in thought, but it quickly smoothed out as I grinned, recalling what happened last night. The raw chicken that fell on the floor just as she was about to leave. She’d stuffed it into a plastic bag and used it to pad her chest.I still laugh when I think about it. No wonder when we faced each other at the door after I opened it, I noticed something was off about her. Her chest. It was obvious she had stuffed it with something. But why raw chicken breast?I was dying to ask her last night why she chose that, but I didn’t get the chance because she screamed and ran out, heading home. I understand her, though. Because if I were in her shoes, I might have just hung myself out of embarrassment. But another question in my mind was . . . why did she do it? Was she trying to impress me? Because I ins
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Chapter 17
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿I HAD just finished showering and was getting ready. Leigh and Violet and I had made plans to eat out and have a few drinks. Since Camille was busy again, she wouldn't be joining us.I kept my outfit simple—jeans, a cropped top, and my Nike shoes. I didn’t bother with elaborate makeup, just a light touch. I simply brushed my hair and took a scrunchie with me, wearing it on my right wrist.I threw my small wallet into my sling bag and slung it across my body. After spraying on some perfume, I grabbed my phone and left the room.As I was heading down the stairs, I suddenly thought of Adam. I wanted to text him to let him know I was going out with my friends, as that was our arrangement—to inform him of my whereabouts in case of an emergency. But part of me felt hesitant to bother him now, especially since I knew he had a dinner date.I was approaching the main door when I heard a knock, twice. 'Wait, is that Leigh and Violet? We agreed I would go to their apartment, right
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Chapter 18
✧ADAM MEADOWS✧I quietly watched her while I lounged on the couch, one arm draped over the back with the top buttons of my shirt undone. A lazy smile played on my lips as I watched her pour her heart into the song.“Oops, I did it again.”I lost count of how many songs she had sung by now.“I played with your heart.”After our dinner at the seafood restaurant earlier, she suggested we hit up a karaoke bar.“Got lost in the game.”And ever since she downed three shots, she's been belting out tunes nonstop. It's like the alcohol gave her the confidence to let loose in the room we had all to ourselves.“Ooh, baby, baby. Oops, you think I'm in love. That I'm sent from above~”And judging by the songs she sung, she was a fan of Britney Spears.“I'm not that innocent!”She started with 'One More Time' earlier, and I lost track of the songs that followed. This might be her fifth one now, really feeling 'Oops I Did It Again'. Standing up, mic in hand, she faced the large monitor screen, swayi
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Chapter 19
✿♡ JAZZLENE ♡✿I feel like I'm drowning in Adam's handsomeness. He still had me in his arms, and our chests were almost touching. This was the first time I saw his face up close like this, and I just realized how flawless his face was. Smooth. No pores, no pimple marks, nothing. He’s perfect.And his lips . . . they looked so kissable. I couldn't help but raise one hand. I cupped his perfect jaw and slowly brought my face closer to his. I wanted to kiss him; I really do! But when our lips were almost touching, I suddenly felt nervous. What if he kills me if I cross the line?Plus, he's my brother's best friend. If my brother Zane finds out I kissed Adam, he might tear me apart. Then he'll put me back together just to tear me apart again. So, instead of kissing him, I whispered, “Happy birthday…” as our lips hovered close. I don't know if I just imagined the disappointment in his eyes or what.I placed my palms on his chest and pushed him away slightly. He moved back a bit. We avoided
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