All Chapters of Mated to The Triplet Stepbrothers Bullies: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
111 Chapters
Chapter 21 A stranger
Liya's POVI was not fully healed when dawn came the next morning, but I wasted no time in hopping out of bed at first light. My limbs moved at the speed of light as I jumped into the shower and pulled on my clothes afterwards almost an hour earlier than I usually did. My reason for this was to avoid any sort of drama today. If possible, with the moon goddess on my side, I would get through the day without getting involved in any sort of drama.There was still so much to process after the terrible day I'd had yesterday. As I packed up my bags and books for school, I thought back to being saved by Ryder, and the forehead kiss Gunter had planted on my forehead. I shuddered at the thought.Maybe I was just imagining it. Maybe it was all just an effect of the herbs that were administered to me.After I programmed my brain to believe this, I flung my messy hair into a bun and raced down to the kitchen. The head maid was still yawning, getting ready for the day when she saw me."Why are you
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Chapter 22 Ours
Liya's POVI had no idea what was happening to me. But there was one thing I was certain of; I did not want it to stop.As I pressed myself up against the stranger and felt his strong fingers graze over my skin, I let out a soft sigh and threw my head back. Heat like none I had ever known coursed through my veins, spreading over my skin down to my fingertips.My core tightened with nerve wracking pleasure as he spanned my waist and leaned into me, whispering into my ears. "Wanna get out of here?"My lips parted to blurt out a refusal, but I found myself nodding instead. My head spun as he pulled me away from the rowdy party and the disco lights, and dragged me up to a dimly lit room. I was too weak to notice anything else other than the bohemian aesthetic of the room and the queen sized bed that sat in the centre.Now away from the crowd, the stranger spun me around, his hands roaming over my body as he trailed kisses down my neck."Ah..." a soft moan escaped my lips at that motion th
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Chapter 23 Fucking traitor
Hunter's POVMy eyes darted swiftly across the wide bedroom as I walked in. Cursing under my breath at Liya's absence, I made do with pacing around the room in anticipation of her arrival.She should be here, for fucks sake! Where the hell was she?!I had searched high and low for her throughout the mansion but she was nowhere to be found. Which meant that she was probably still at school. If that was the case, there was nothing I could do.But that didn't stop the anger from bristling within me. I picked up a random object from her dressing table and stared at it absentmindedly as memories of the night I fucked Liya resurfaced. I could feel my cock throbbing and stretching out through my pants as I tried to relive that night.My wolf howled hungrily, also stimulated by the thoughts running through my head.'Where is our mate?!’ He growled almost painfully.“I don't know either. But I sure as hell hope she'll be here soon.”Gritting my teeth, I lowered myself down into her bed, sprawl
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Chapter 24 A slut
Liya's POVI didn't even have the chance to comprehend the ecstasy of having Hunter's lips on mine when I heard the door swing open. At first, I was not sure how to react. I panicked, wondering why I'd let myself be so taken by Hunter. He was usually the absent and silent one, so seeing him so visibly drawn to me was not something I ever pictured.And I hated myself for eating it up like an idiot.The tingles running through my body were still raging when Ryder yanked me away from Hunter and pulled me behind him. I shrunk back at the fury emanating from Ryder and Gunter's wolves. They were so angry, I feared they would tear down the room to pieces! And that was going to raise a lot of consequences and put me in trouble!My eyes darted around as I wondered what to do. If Alpha Wade got wind of this, he would surely blame me. I shut my eyes and said a short prayer to the moon goddess to keep me free from any trouble. With nothing left to do, I shifted my attention back to the triplets.
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Chapter 25 A competition
Liya's POVMy feet felt stuck to the ground as I stood in the midst of basically the entire student body, unshed tears pooling in my eyes. I swallowed with difficulty, mustering up the courage to keep my head high, but the more the snarky comments flew past me, the more the hole in my chest widened.I fought the urge to cry. What good would that do me? None at all. If anything, it would only make me look more guilty than they painted me out to be. I slowly tilted my head back up, ignoring the trembling of my body and the pain pricking the back of my eyes. I just needed to get out of here.I won't let them see me cry, I continued to repeat this in my head like a mantra. The beating of my heart filled my ears as I tried to push past the people in front of me, but they wouldn't budge.“Let me pass…” I tried to scream, but I could barely make out the sound of my own voice. My stomach tightened painfully. I was beginning to feel dizzy. The world blurred continuously as I tried to digest al
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Chapter 26 I need help
Liya's POVMy fingers tightened around my school bag as I watched Lily walk away with a smug expression on her face. I stood there until she disappeared from sight, feeling my stomach drop with each passing second. I was red with anger and pride when she proposed the competition between us, but now I wondered if I had made a grave mistake.Maybe I should not have let her taunts get to me. Maybe I should have been the bigger person and just walked away before her words could have any effect. Now I had already gotten myself into this and there were no take-backs. My insides churned with doubt and trepidation as I stood at my locker, still thinking.‘Don't worry, Liya,’ my wolf spoke up. ‘Just calm down, everything will be fine. You're going to beat her at her own game. You just need to train enough and get stronger.’I found it hard to believe her, especially since I was so weak, but I said nothing and turned around instead, walking to my first class for the day. I had already missed on
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Chapter 27 Finally Dday
Liya's POVI climbed out of bed at first light, wincing slightly from the ache in my limbs. I attempted to get up, but the trembling in my legs stopped me. “Ow..” I groaned, stretching as I allowed myself a few minutes rest to just sit in bed and gather my thoughts. The last training yesterday had been vigorous, but it paid off.Despite the throbbing pain in my entire body, I was happy to realize that it made no difference to me. I was still so happy at all the progress I'd made in training so far, and the ache only proved that I was working my hardest. A smile played on my lips as I regarded myself with gratitude. If anyone told me I could be strong enough to lift a fallen log, I would have stared at them in shock and amazement. But I had done just that the day before.I was learning to harness my powers day by day and learning more about my wolf the more I trained. My senses were sharper now. I could sniff out a scent from a distance, and pick out words from a conversation I was not
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Chapter 28
Liya's POVAs we ran through the forest, I made sure to not expend all my energy trying to race the fastest as I knew I still had a whole lot of running to do. It was much more advisable to take it slow and steady. I would need all my energy when it was time to return.With this energy, I raced into the forest in a different direction from the other contestants. It was not long before I encountered my first veteran. He was an older man geared up in a pack commander uniform. As he sighted me, he pointed a finger upwards into the tree behind him, motioning to me. My eyes immediately trailed up, and I didn't need instructions to know that the power I required for this challenge was in my limbs.I drew back, getting into a climbing stance as I stared at the shiny gold object up in a tree. The tree was the tallest I had ever set my eyes on, and I doubted briefly if I could even reach it. Get it together, Liya, I encouraged myself. I just needed one mighty jump, and I would get it.Taking a
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Chapter 29
Liya's POVAs I watched Lily walk away, I could not help but feel a sense of relief. The tension that seemed to be tightened in my chest ever since her arrival unknotted, leaving me a lot lighter. She had done nothing but antagonize me.After her confession just now, I realized that she was also behind my spiked drink at her party the other time. I shuddered to think that she would go that far; let me be taken advantage of by a total stranger, just to humiliate me in front of the triplets and the entire student body. Just to brand me a slut. It was despicable, but not hard to believe after seeing how she acted.I was not expecting Hunter to force her to drop out, but it was the best thing that could happen to me right now, and the joy I had from knowing that I would no longer see her at school was brimming in my chest. I turned my attention away from her receding figure, and tried to focus on what was happening in front of me. I tried to sit up on the grass, but the pain shooting thro
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Chapter 30
Liya's POVI was in the process of climbing out of the squeaky hospital bed when the door to my ward swung open. I smiled when the triplets walked in, for the first time, grateful to see them. Following the doctor's orders, I had been placed on strict bed rest with no visitors allowed. It was starting to get tiring being in this dreary hospital, and I found myself wishing to go back to the back.The irony of it all did not bother me. I was simply fed up with the smell of drugs and disinfectants.“Hi..” I whispered back when the triplets greeted me.“You've been discharged,” Gunter informed me. “We can go home now.”The sigh of relief was so great I was certain they heard it. Finally! I felt much better so it was not difficult for me to spring up from the bed and begin to pack my things away.“Woah, easy,” Ryder laughed, gently taking my bags from me. “You've only just recovered. We wouldn't want you to fall sick again.”I nodded, eager to just leave. As they led me out of the hospital
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