All Chapters of Mated to The Triplet Stepbrothers Bullies: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
111 Chapters
Chapter 41 Find them!
Hunter's POV"No luck, sir…" the soldier in front of me said, bowing as sweat trickled down his forehead.My jaw clenched. "What the fuck do you mean?! They couldn't have disappeared into thin air, could they?! Obviously fucking not! So, get to work and stop giving me excuses!"The soldier cowered at my voice, but bowed and raced off in the other direction to join the others. In the distance I could see Gunter yelling at another soldier.We were all pissed. Pissed and fucking stressed. It had been three days since our fool of a brother, Ryder, let Liya and her mother escape, for stupid reasons best known to him. My blood burned each time I remembered that it was his fault that our mate was gone.All our wolves were in anguish being so far away from her. Since the day she disappeared, I had known no rest, tossing and turning each night, restless and worried about her. Although we had searched high and low, there was not a single trace of them.Every morning, Father would rage and bring
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Chapter 42 That bastard
Liya's POV"Are you sure you don't need anything else?" I asked my mother as I peeked into her room once again with the slice of cake I'd brought for her as dessert.Mother was propped up on the bed in the small chambers that had been assigned to her by Connor. Three months of living in a pack devoid of fear and abuse had done her so much good that she looked better than I ever remembered. Her sunken cheeks were filling back up slowly, and she had an overall healthier glow."I'm sure, Liya," she smiled. "I'm okay. You've done enough already. You should head down to the training ground. Isn't that due in five minutes?"I shrugged, waving off her concern. "I'll meet up. For now I just want to make sure you're okay.""I'm fine," Mother protested with a laugh. "Seriously, go.""Okay, I'm leaving."I pretended to shut the door fully, but peeked through the hinges as I watched her slowly climb into the bed and rest her head against the bed frame. Although healthier than when we first joined
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Chapter 43 Kill the Alpha
Connor's POVAs I walked back to the pack house with a sobbing Liya in my arms, worry settled deep in the pit of my stomach. She was still mumbling incoherently about needing her mates, and as I watched the tears stream down her face, I could not help but feel an overwhelming sense of pity for her.I hated seeing her like this, so helpless and teary. It made me want to burn the whole fucking world to the ground and punish the bastard that made her feel like this! It just wasn't fair that someone so pure hearted would suffer this much.When Allen rushed down to my chambers to inform me that Liya was causing a scene in the tavern, I was completely speechless."Tell me that's a fucking joke," I had said, but I arrived at the tavern to meet the last thing I ever expected. It was strange seeing her so out of her element. Liya was reserved, and preferred to keep her pain and grievances to herself, so seeing her sobbing openly had been a stab to my heart.I was even more worried when I heard
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Chapter 44 In danger
Ryder's POVThe first few days being locked up in this hellhole had been strange. I spent a better part of it feeling repentant for participating in Liya's escape. But as time flew by, it became more annoying and irritating. I had never been locked up here for more than a day. I missed being in my own room, and eating decent food.The clanging of the dungeon doors roused me out of my thoughts. I did not bother to look, already knowing that it was the same old guard bringing me food. I shut my eyes tightly as I readied myself for yet another plate of terrible food.But when my wolf tinged with the sensation of the triplet bond, I jumped to my feet. Sure enough, Gunter and Hunter stood at the entrance, beckoning me forward."What are you guys doing here?" I said quietly, unable to hide my surprise. The last time I saw them was when they were literal seconds away from beating me to a pulp after Father exploded with anger. Since then, they had not even stepped foot within the four walls o
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Chapter 45 I reject you
Alpha Wade's POVMy wolf buzzed with excitement as I received the mind link from a werewolf warrior who claimed to know where Hana was. In fact he claimed that he was currently positioned at the border with the rest of my soldiers and was watching Hana being held hostage by a random werewolf.It was the last thing I expected to hear today but with the frenzy my wolf was building within itself and making me restless I knew it was true. And after my soldiers at the border confirmed this I needed no other motivation to get up and go.Just as I was about to leave, a warrior rushed down to me and threw himself to the floor bowing at my feet. "Alpha!" He panted, "we have just received another message from the man who is holding the Luna hostage."My eyebrows cocked in amazement. Whoever this werewolf warrior was, he had some balls to be sending messages back and forth between my soldiers and I. I swore right there on the spot that I would rip that bastard into shreds when I eventually set m
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Chapter 46 Eliminate werewolves
Liya's POVI had just finished my training for the new crop of werewolf warriors. It was by far the most exhausting thing I had ever done, and I could not understand how people could even teach for a living. Just these two hours had drained the life out of me, and I was so glad that Rolando would take over tomorrow. I needed a break.I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand, and immediately hit the shower. After taking as long as possible in there to bask in the coolness of the water, I finally turned it off and wiped myself clean.My stomach rumbled as if on cue, and I realized I had not eaten the whole day. I had planned to have breakfast with my mother before this training came up. I knew that this was around the time where she would be sleeping due to the drugs she was taking, but I just wanted to see her anyway.So I began the long walk to her chambers. Just as I reached the flight of stairs, I saw the tall figure of Allen rush down the steps and block my view.
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Chapter 47 Find the traitor
Liya's POVMy chest tightened at Rolando's words. For a moment I could not move, could not breathe…only one thought flooded my mind; Alpha Wade had captured my mother. Then, almost like a switch was turned on in my head, the meaning dawned on me.With tears already threatening to spill down my cheeks, I rushed down to the place Rolando had asked me to meet them. Fear and anger filled my chest. I was going to murder Connor for taking my mother there without my consent!Once I arrived and sighted Connor, rage like I'd never known exploded in my chest. Growling angrily, I drew Connor forward by his collar."Where is she?! Where is my mother?!""Liya, she–"A fat tear dropped down my face. "I worked so hard to take her away from that…that bastard! Do you think all of that was for my own sake? I did it for her, Connor! And now because of you, she has landed right back in his trap!"My body trembled as I spoke. My eyes roamed through Connor's bloody body and I grew even angrier. "What were
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Chapter 48 Traitor is here
Liya's POVI had never seen Connor so angry before, and to be honest, it was rubbing off on me. It was still so shocking to me that such sinister plans could be made by a member of this pack. One of the reasons I had preferred this pack to Alpha Wade's was because everyone was cordial and friendly. There didn't seem to be any bad blood, or hatred for the Alpha.So where did this come from?I wondered briefly if it might have been voices of spies and not pack members. But then how had they infiltrated the pack? It made absolutely no sense.Once Connor and I were certain without a doubt that the traitor was a pack member, we began to discuss ways to reveal this person's identity."Is there anything else you remember?" Connor asked me once again as we walked down to the training ground."Well, the one thing I know for certain is that it was a man. His voice, and his scent gave that away. There was a crack in the door, but I could only see the witch from there."Connor was silent, lost in
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Chapter 49 Too late
Connor's POVI was so lost in watching Liya utilise her powers that I barely kept track of exactly where she was pulling me off to. I knew she didn't either, because her eyes were shut in concentration. But once I finally looked around and saw us standing in front of the wolf doctor's studio, it felt like I just had the wind knocked out of me.How the hell did we land at the wolf doctor's office?My uncle's office, to be precise.I turned to Liya who was also staring at me with shock etched on her features. I gritted my teeth, too apprehensive to even walk in. I firmly refused to believe that my uncle had something to do with the dark witch. It just couldn't be.But I knew that Liya's powers did not just lead her here to waste our time. The traitor was in there, and there was a high chance that it was my uncle. It felt unnatural even thinking about it. My uncle had been the pack doctor for years. He never showed any signs of hatred towards us, and he always treated his patients with c
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Chapter 50 Back to prison
Liya's POVAs Connor and I hurried out of the studio, blood rushed through my ears. I knew that Connor was hurt by the revelation of his uncle being a traitor. His face was hard and expressionless as we made our way out, and I wished there was something I could say to make him feel even a little better.But what could possibly dull the pain of his family member wanting to kill us all? Absolutely nothing. So I kept quiet and just followed behind him.Besides, there were more pressing issues at hand. Seeing those drugs was a source of worry for me. Not only had the pack doctor made plans with the dark witch, he had also put it in motion. We were heading to the pack house to identify all the members that had been administered the vitamins by the doctor. Our plan was to separate them from the others and find an antidote.I said a silent prayer to the moon goddess, hoping that the number of pack members who were affected would not be much. But in the back of my mind, I suspected that the r
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