All Chapters of Mated to The Triplet Stepbrothers Bullies: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
111 Chapters
Chapter 61 Meeting James
Liya.My jaw hung slack, mirroring the open bathroom door. The steam from the shower still clung to the air, swirling around the impossibly broad figure standing before me. It was a man, not the tidy female roommate I'd envisioned, but a man, clothed only in his bathing suit.He was tall, with lean yet powerfully built muscles. His eyes, the color of a moss-covered forest floor, held an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.Not that it was the first time I had seen a man, but this one seemed different. There was a lingering darkness inside of him, I could sense it by looking into his eyes. But strangely enough, I wasn’t frightened by him, instead I was drawn to him like I was a bee and he was fresh honey.“Are you just going to stand there thinking of all the ways you’re going to jump my bones? When I’m right in front of you?” He spoke in hushed tones, his voice could make one swivel with desire.“What…what are you doing here?” I managed to mumble, still wondering why he made no
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Chapter 62 My roommate
"Sorry." I apologised to the guy I'd just bumped into, cursing while straightening my bag and chiding myself."Watch where you're going." He groaned before disappearing into the crowd.I was walking to class but I had been absent minded. I was thinking about him, my roommate and it surprised me because I wasn't the type to always fawn over guys but there was just something about him that had me thinking. Was it because of his shredded abs and ruggedly masculine features, or the way his blue eyes roved over me, or the way his deep voice instantly calmed my nerves, I couldn't tell.Chiding myself, I reminded myself that I had a mate before hurrying to the lecture hall. I walked into the throng of students and slipped inside before making my way towards an empty seat towards the back before setting my bag down with some relief. I settled into my chair and opened my notebook, but that was when I heard the conversation behind me.A group of girls were speaking excitedly among themselves ab
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Chapter 63 Trouble again
Liya.“I’m sorry, what?” I quirked my brows at her.“You’re the girl that was all over James in class earlier today. And has been all over him since you got here. I know what your game plan is, but I’m warning you, stay away from James, he’s mine.” She rambled on.“I would, except he’s my roommate, can you excuse me? You’re blocking the entrance to my room.”The look of shock on her face gave me more satisfaction than I expected. The girl had been mean to me for no reason, just because she thought I had something to do with a guy that clearly didn’t like her.People in this school acted so weird, sometimes I wondered if it was part of the curriculum.I tried to walk past her, but she grabbed my arm, “so you’re trying to beg him to let you stay in the same room with him, how desperate. But I know James, he wouldn’t fall for your petty tricks.”Releasing my arm from her grip, I rolled my eyes, ignoring the hostile glare boring into my back.As if on cue, James reached for the doorknob,
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Chapter 64 Roommate bonding
Liya.James's question hung in the air. Did I always attract trouble? Well, maybe. But in my defense, trouble usually found me, not the other way around. Like the triplets…I wondered if they had forgotten about me already. Well, I’d have to answer the question of if they really cared about me in the first place. If they did, they wouldn’t have treated me like a prisoner.Perhaps James was right, maybe I had a penchant for attracting trouble after all.I rolled my eyes, a playful smile tugging at my lips. "Maybe it's my magnetic personality," I teased, bumping my shoulder against his playfully.James chuckled, the tension dissipating slightly. "Magnetic, huh? More like a giant neon sign that screams 'easy target.'""Hey!" I swatted at his arm playfully."Maybe it’s trouble that actually finds me?"He raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Or maybe you're just looking for it.""Me? Looking for trouble?" I scoffed. "Why would I do that?"James studied me for a moment, a flicker of something u
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Chapter 65 Sleep now, work later
Liya.James' playful smirk faltered, replaced by a flicker of something… unexpected and more stoic.“Liya, why are you really here?” He asked sternly. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that he was a spy sent to take me back to the triplets.“I’m here to learn how to harness my potential, just like you, James, is that a problem? I don’t understand why you’re asking.”“Liya, I know we’ve not known each other that long, but you know you can trust me.”His actions were confusing, at first, I thought he was trying to play a prank on me, but there was seriousness in his tone.“James, I don’t understand what is going on, but I assure you I’m here for the same reason you are—““I doubt that,” he cut in.“James, what the hell is going on? Why are you acting strange? Did something happen?”“You really don't recognize me, do you?" His voice was low, laced with a hint of disappointment.My brow furrowed in confusion. Recognize him? From where? I scanned his face again, searching f
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Chapter 66
Liya.Weeks bled into months, and the once chaotic hustle and bustle of academy life had settled into a familiar rhythm. Classes, training, and dodging the questionable culinary creations of the school cafeteria (seriously, who puts pickles on pizza?).Not like I was a culinary master myself, but food was the only compensation for being in the academy, at least we deserved a proper meal.My wolf and I, we were a team. Well, mostly, except when she missed our mates, which was more often than not. I had to constantly remind her that they weren’t exactly good to us, but she insists they could be redeemed.The whole 'moon wolf' thing, was still a work in progress. Training went well, sometimes. I could tap into bursts of incredible strength and speed; my senses were sharper than ever before. But control? Let's just say it was a bit of a hit-and-miss situation.Most times, my moon wolf powers were exhilarating, unpredictable, and a guaranteed way to break something valuable… Or someone's n
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Chapter 67 I am transforming
Liya…The day went by in a blur and night came. I changed into something that would be easy for me to train in. ‘You can do this!’ I kept telling myself as I walked into the open sky.The moon hung fat and silver in the sky, casting long, eerie shadows across the deserted training grounds.The wind blew my hair across my face, giving me a chilly feeling which helped to dissipate the burning sensation in my heart.Sometimes, it was difficult to hope for a breakthrough, especially whenever my mind reverted back to where I came from and how my life was there. But all I could do was hope.Hope that I mastered my abilities and I actually achieve something worthwhile, so I could prove to everyone, including myself that I was worth more than what anyone thought.I always imagined how my life would have been like if my mates treated me differently.Would I have still chosen to continue with my pursuit of knowledge?Would I have come to the academy? Would I have met James who had become an imp
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Chapter 68
Liya.The days blurred into nights, then nights back into days. Now, I was constantly exhausted, and muscles were always sore. and the occasional crater left in the training ground courtesy of my overwhelming moon wolf powers.Grueling training sessions became my new normal, the same cycle of dodging, lunging, and unleashing the raw power that thrummed within me.I was getting used to life in the academy, I even had a routine. Go to class, spend some time in the library, then meet Mr. Harry for my training, while avoiding James.He had been acting strange around me, after our last conversation about if I knew him. I racked my brain for days, trying to recall everything I might have forgotten, but of all the memories that came rushing in, none included knowing him or remembering whom he was to me.I tried to cajole him to tell me the truth, rather than just continue to act like there was something he expected of me but was somewhat disappointed when he didn’t get it. The training was a
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Chapter 69
Liya.My breath hitched in my throat. "Escape?" I stammered. My mind raced, replaying James's words like a broken record."Rogue… smell like a rogue…" This couldn't be happening. How did he know? Could he actually smell it on me?I actually never thought rogues smelled a certain way, but if they did, and I smelled like them, I was at an advantage because it would be difficult for my mates or anyone else to find me.“Are you certain about me smelling like a rogue? Can you explain it a bit more to me? How do rogues smell?”James squinted at me; his brow furrowed in suspicion. "Don't play dumb, Liya," he said, his voice low and tense. "There's something different about you. A scent… a presence. It's… familiar."Familiar? A flicker of hope ignited in my chest. Maybe… maybe he wouldn't freak out. Maybe he'd understand. But before I could even think about explaining, James's eyes widened in realization.“Are you a rogue?” He asked again, his eyes narrowing at me.Rogue. The word hung heavy
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Chapter 70
Liya…I paced the room, trying to process Jame’s revelation. The air crackled with electricity as the realization dawned on me. Jameson Davies. The son of the Beta, I vaguely remembered from my childhood. The missing piece of the puzzle finally clicked into place.I now realized why I had no idea who he was, a lot had changed about him. He was much older and had grown to be his own person. Also, he was well-built, compared to the lanky looking James everyone knew.“I can’t believe it’s you, you should have just told me your real name, I would have easily remembered you, rather than make me rack my brain, while feeling like I disappointed you.”“Well, you did disappoint me,” James smirked.“I wished you had told me sooner. No wonder I felt so comfortable with you. It’s because we’ve known each other already.”"Jameson," I repeated, the name tasting strange yet familiar on my tongue. "I… I don't believe it. You've changed so much."A wave of emotions washed over me – shock, disbelief, a
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