
Chapter 61 Meeting James


My jaw hung slack, mirroring the open bathroom door. The steam from the shower still clung to the air, swirling around the impossibly broad figure standing before me. It was a man, not the tidy female roommate I'd envisioned, but a man, clothed only in his bathing suit.

He was tall, with lean yet powerfully built muscles. His eyes, the color of a moss-covered forest floor, held an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

Not that it was the first time I had seen a man, but this one seemed different. There was a lingering darkness inside of him, I could sense it by looking into his eyes. But strangely enough, I wasn’t frightened by him, instead I was drawn to him like I was a bee and he was fresh honey.

“Are you just going to stand there thinking of all the ways you’re going to jump my bones? When I’m right in front of you?” He spoke in hushed tones, his voice could make one swivel with desire.

“What…what are you doing here?” I managed to mumble, still wondering why he made no
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