All Chapters of Mated to The Triplet Stepbrothers Bullies: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
111 Chapters
Chapter 71
Hunter’s POVSilence. It was a suffocating thing, pressing down on me like a physical weight. I’d so badly wanted to sit on the Alpha’s chair, in this very chamber, but it now echoed with an emptiness that mirrored the hollowness in my chest.It had been a couple of weeks since Liya… since everything went to hell. The memory of her fiery eyes flashing with defiance, her words laced with hurt and anger, still haunted me.I know we weren’t perfect, but at least we tried our best. Relationships weren’t exactly plain and simple, especially if you have the weight of the pack on your shoulders, even Liya knew that, but I guess she expected us to try harder.Her disappearance had punched a hole through our hearts, leaving a void that echoed in the training grounds and every other place I tortured her.Guilt gnawed at me; a beast that refused to be tamed. We, the triplets – Gunter, Ryder, and I – had treated Liya like… well, like something less than she deserved. We followed our father's lead
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Chapter 72
Liya’s POVSurprise flickered through me as Jameson steered me away from the cluster of out of shape buildings. I'd half-expected to meet a disorganized group of rogues huddled around a fire, sharing stories of their struggles and plotting menace.But in their case, they were just a bunch of people fighting for survival, if anything, they inspire me. The fact that they were able to survive the war and still form a community of strong people who looked out for themselves.Rogues were often seen as werewolves who do not abide by laws, werewolves who brought chaos wherever they went, but these people were nothing like that. Perhaps they’ve always been misunderstood.Don’t get me wrong, some of them were complete neanderthals, with myopic sense of reasoning. They’re go to war even at the expense of their family."There are others here?" I asked, curiosity piqued.Jameson chuckled. "Yeah, there are. But they're not exactly the 'let's hold hands and sing campfire songs' type. They keep thei
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Chapter 73
Liya's POVMy heart hammered against my ribs as the werewolf, gruff and with scars all over, blocked our path. James, stepped forward, a placating smile on his face. His stance was a little protective, his hand holding mine as I stood behind him.Okay, forget what I said about rogues, some of them are completely dangerous with an intent to kill.I had a feeling the rogue knew his presence frightened me, and he liked it. It’s probably a reaction he was used to getting from people."Easy there, Greymane," he said, his voice warily cheerful. "It's just James and a friend. We come in peace."The wolf, whose name was Greymane apparently, scrutinized us both with narrowed eyes. He sniffed the air, his nose twitching comically. "A friend, huh?" he rumbled, his gaze lingering on me."Doesn't smell like any friend I know. Wait! Are you fucking this girl, James? Oh my my my, this must be your newest little conquest, you didn’t have to call her your friend, James. We don’t frown upon fucking."H
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Chapter 74
Liya’s POVApparently, Candice was James’ sister. I wondered why I did not remember her. ‘Maybe because you did not remember James in the first place,’ My wolf replied, answering my question.She was so young as well, I felt bad for her, she had been through so much at such a young age. It must have been difficult for her to move from place to place. Her situation made me try to understand her hostility towards me, but her outburst left me reeling a little, every other person was receptive, so why her? Why that reaction? I internally chuckled.It appears being around James seemed to get the girls irritated. Both the girls at the academy and now his sister.What was even more hilarious was the fact that I wasn’t actually his girlfriend, but they kept making it seem like I was. Or at least that was what their jealousy was fueled by.I once asked James why everyone thought I was his girlfriend, and his reply was vague as expected.His words “you can’t blame them, people hardly see me wit
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Chapter 75
Liya’s POVCandice met my gaze, “Why so silent? Cat got your tongue?” She said, a smug smile on her face. I released her, still somewhat in shock.Had James told her I was mated to the triplets? But that was definitely not the reason for her initial hatred towards me. Instead of overthinking, I decided to just ask her.“How do you know I’m mated to the triplets?” I quizzed, narrowing my eyes at her. She snorted, “I uncovered your secret, haven’t I?”There had to be someone reason why she was this hostile to me and I had to find out why. If it were someone else, I wouldn’t bother, but for some reason, I didn’t because she was Jame’s sister.“That does not answer my question Candice. I’m not going to ask again, how do you know I’m mated to the triplets?” I countered, taking an intimidating step towards her.Her eyes darted around the room, searching for a quick escape. I smiled, analyzing her thoughts. The door obviously was not an option because I had my back to it, and the windows wer
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Chapter 76
Liya’s POVA wave of relief washed over me as Candice and I laughed at her sarcastic joke, we had succeeded in forming a truce, one I hoped would last forever.I could use a female friend, one who was honest and fierce as Candice. I needed someone who would be completely transparent with me and would have my back no matter what.“You know, I initially thought you were one of those girls that had a crush on James and hated seeing me around him, before he introduced you to me as his sister. Then I realized you were just being protective of him.”“He’s just been through so much and I want him to be happy. I want him to be safe as well. And he seems to like you a lot, I wanted to make sure you’re not out to hurt him,” Candice explained softly.“I won’t, James has been there for me, ever since I knew him. More than anything, I want him to be happy and safe as well. He could use a break from all the fighting.”The sound of the rough wooden door creaking open made us both jump. James stood i
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Chapter 77
Liya’s POVThe cheers echoed through the chrowd, a sense of togetherness washing over the pack. James, a wide grin on his face, nudged me with his elbow. "Looks like you've won them over, Liya."I chuckled, a sense of satisfaction warming my chest. "Seems so," I replied, returning his playful nudge. "Though, I wouldn't mind a little less drama next time."Anya, her eyes sparkling with amusement, chimed in. "Drama is what keeps life interesting, wouldn't you agree?"I rolled my eyes with a playful smile."Maybe for some," I replied. "But honestly, all I want is a decent night's sleep without worrying about rogue wolf attacks or accusations of treachery."Anya patted my shoulder, "Well, peace and quiet might be a bit of a tall order, but we'll do our best to keep the drama to a minimum."James, a wide grin splitting his face, nudged me with his elbow. "See, Liya? All it takes is a little near-death experience and a shared hatred for arrogant princes to bring people together."I chuckled
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Chapter 78
Liya’s POV"My father was the Alpha of Pack B. And I, Liya, am a Moon Wolf." I announced, my voice clear and strong. James’ head snapped towards me; shock written all over his face. I had not told him I was a moon wolf. Only Mr. Harrison knew.I wasn’t ready to tell anyone else because I still had a lot to learn about myself as well as my powers, but Mr. Harrison had helped me in understanding who I was, and it helped a bit.However, now that I have been accepted by James and his people, I felt more confident in myself, and I felt like I was no longer alone.Also, If there was anywhere I could learn to harness my abilities and use my powers fully, it was here with the rogues.I thought if I was to be their Alpha, I should at least tell them the truth about my identity, without concealing anything.A stunned silence descended upon the crowd. No single rogue spoke as they all digested the information. I knew they would not believe me immediately, especially as it was a big claim.“Is sh
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Chapter 79
Liya’s POVThe clearing erupted into chaos. Snarls and yips filled the air, punctuated by the sickening thuds of claws connecting with flesh.I could see the hunger for victory and survival in their eyes. This wasn’t their first time doing this and this might not be their last, but they wanted to win, same way I’m certain they’ve wanted to win every single battle they’ve fought.“Liya, I know your moon wolf instincts will urge you to go to the frontline but you have to be careful, once they know who you are, you become a target. And we can’t have you fighting on our side if you don’t even make it to the final battle.” Anya advised.I knew she meant well for me, and I should take her advice, but I just couldn’t watch them fight by themselves, while I just cower and hide. They wanted to protect me but I needed to protect them too.“Anya I know you mean for me, but I’m sorry I can’t stay here and watch you guys risk your life while I do nothing:” I muttered and left before I could get a
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Chapter 80
Hunter’s POV“Fuck!” I groaned in frustration, as the sound of the glass I was holding crashing into the wall, filled the air.This was the third bottle of wine I was served, but no matter how exquisite my servant made it to be, it seemed to leave a sour aftertaste in my mouth.“Can’t an Alpha get a good wine, huh? What the fuck am I paying for if I can’t even get a decent bottle of wine?”Gunter and Ryder sat down beside me, they were both lost in their own dilemmas.I knew there was nothing wrong with the wine, and the anger I felt had to do with our inability to find Liya. We had explored various means, but she was as slippery as an eel.“Sir, we’re doing everything we can to find her, but we must give her credit, she’s very smart and always find a way to evade us.” That was the feedback from the general two days ago, if he wasn’t important to my pack or someone I respected, I would have had his head on a spike for that statement.I tried to calm myself down and focus on other ways
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