All Chapters of Mated to The Triplet Stepbrothers Bullies: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
111 Chapters
Chapter 91
Liya’s POV"Don't worry, Luna Hana," I promised, squeezing her hand back. "I won't forget you. As soon as things settle down with the pack, I'm getting you out of here."She gave me a smile and turned away from me, her gaze distant. "I appreciate that, Liya. But for now, I'm content to stay hidden. The last thing I want is to cause you more trouble."We hugged, my heart warming towards her, a silent promise hanging in the air. Then, with a final wave goodbye, I turned and left the den.The walk back to the main house was filled with a whirlwind of emotions. Hana's words echoed in my mind: the triplets were trying to change. Were they really?A part of me wanted to believe it. After all, Gunter's apology had felt sincere, and his suggestion to visit Hana definitely wasn't a controlling move.But the other part of me, the part that still held onto the hurt and anger, remained skeptical.As I approached the house, I saw the triplets waiting for me on the porch, their faces etched with wo
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Chapter 92
Liya’s POVTo my surprise, despite the interruption, I actually managed to sleep pretty well that night. Maybe it was the ridiculously comfortable bed, or maybe the calming scent of those herbs. Or maybe it was the unexpected warmth of three alpha bodies surrounding me – I wasn't sure.The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and vey relaxed. The triplets were nowhere to be seen, but a breakfast fit for a queen awaited me in my room.Freshly baked pastries, exotic fruits, and a steaming cup of herbal tea – they really were spoiling me rotten.As I ate my breakfast, a knock sounded on the door. Alex entered. "Good morning, Luna," he greeted with a respectful bow. "The Alphas requested your presence in the study after your meal."I raised an eyebrow. "Really? What for?" I teased, a playful glint in my eyes.A small smile played on Alex's lips. "They apologize for the inconvenience, Luna. But they believe this is a matter of… urgency."Intrigued, I nodded my head and Alex understood
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Chapter 93
Liya’s POV"Alex?" Gunter scoffed. "Absolutely not! We can't just send one of our best warriors to live amongst rogues!""Why not?" I challenged; my voice laced with irritation. "Isn't that what you want? Trust? Open communication? Sending Alex would be a perfect first step.""It's too dangerous," Hunter argued, his voice calmer but no less firm. "We can't risk his safety."I rolled my eyes. "Please, spare me the dramatics. Alex can handle himself. Besides, if you're truly serious about building a future together, a little risk is inevitable."They remained silent; their expressions unreadable. The tension in the room was so thick I could practically chew on it.Finally, Gunter spoke. "Liya," he began, his voice heavy with regret, "we appreciate your suggestion. But sending a liaison to your pack… it's simply not possible at this time.Frustration bubbled up inside me. "Not possible? Or not what you want?" I pressed, my voice rising slightly."Both," Ryder growled, his eyes flashing w
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Chapter 94
Liya’s POVAdrenaline surged through me, erasing any lingering thoughts about the triplets and survival mode kicked in as I sidestepped the creature's lunging attack.It let out a frustrated roar and swiped at me again with a massive, clawed paw. I rolled away just in time, the beast's claws tearing through the earth where I had been standing a split second earlier.My eyes did a quick sweep of the features of the creature in front of me, looking for a physically obvious weakness. I noticed they had the features of a werewolf, but looked nothing like us.Pure dread flooded my veins. These weren't ordinary wolves – these were creatures from a nightmare, their hulking forms and glowing red eyes making me even more curious.Who, or in this case, what were they? And why were they attacking us?James, lunged at the nearest creature, but it was too fast. It swiped at him with a razor-sharp claw, tearing a deep gash across his chest.A guttural scream ripped from his throat as he stumbled ba
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Chapter 95
Liya’s POVA knot of unease tightened in my gut as the triplets and I huddled around the table in the study, piecing together the puzzle of the recent attacks.My wolf, being my other sense of reason (well, reason when it wasn't telling me to have sex with the triplets in completely inappropriate places), stirred within me.'There's something wrong, Liya,' she rumbled in my head, 'I don't like this.''What do you mean?' I pressed, feeling a little spooked.'I can't explain it,' she admitted, 'but the danger isn't over. The vampire… it feels like it's coming for us.'Coming for me? Why? What did the vampire want?I probably thought that out loud because my mates snapped their heads towards me. Shock and dread displayed on their features.Oopsie."Why would it be after you?" Ryder finally asked, his voice skeptical.I hesitated. "Because of the Moon Wolf," I admitted. "Now that my identity is out, maybe the vampire sees me as a threat."The triplets didn't respond immediately, but I cou
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Chapter 96
Liya’s POVThe news kept rolling in like a never-ending wave of bad luck. More attacks, more dead wolves. Packs, especially the smaller ones, were getting wiped out. It was like a massacre, a feeding frenzy for whatever the hell those creatures were.My wolf whined inside me, a constant thrumming of fear and frustration.Soon, the triplets were fielding distress calls from all directions. Smaller packs bore the brunt of the attacks, their warriors often outmatched and their defences easily breached.A heavy weight settled in my chest with each new report. Every life lost felt like a personal failure.The only thing that made me happy these days was seeing that James had recovered and was better.It was cute to see him spending a lot of time with his mate as he was slowly trying to get to know her better.And it warmed my heart to see that we still talked and we were still friends. While we were talking, he noticed my growing despondency and placed a consoling hand on my shoulder."It'
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Chapter 97
James.I opened my eyes to a view of clouds floating everywhere around me. I didn't know at first what to make of it until I looked below me and saw that I was indeed floating. I nearly screamed out my lungs, but then I saw another very incredible thing.Just before me, walking on the sky like it was a physical road, was an old woman. She seemed to be holding something. Her hands seemed folded that way to give the impression of her holding a thing."Do not be afraid! I come to give you a present," she said. I looked at her and did not see anything that looked even remotely like a present in her hands, but she still kept walking towards me. It was an entirely strange experience, and the strangeness only seemed to increase in strength as time went on."Stretch out your hands," she commanded. I felt my body having an irresistible urge to do as she said. And I did, stretching my hands to receive whatever gift she had for me.She stretched her hands too in a manner that seemed like she was
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Chapter 98
Liya’s POVWhy was an innocent wolf like me looked down on by these people? It was one underestimation after the other, and it annoyed me to my very core.I glanced at James wondering if he was the least bit affected by how they were talking to me. Why did I even care?‘Because he’s your best friend still,’ My wolf answered for me, and I smiled slightly.Partly because she was right, and partly because I noticed James clenching his fists, betraying the expressions his calm demeanor was trying to hide.The air crackled with tension so thick I could practically chew it. These Alphas, puffed up with pride and even puffier egos, were still throwing stink-eyes my way.Seriously, get over yourselves, furballs.We have bigger problems.I was impressed by my mates. They obviously weren't about to let a bunch of overgrown toddlers derail the meeting.Hunter launched into a detailed explanation of what they'd learned about the enemy."These creatures," he growled, slamming his fist on the table
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Chapter 99
Liya’s POVThe next few days, we began investigating and looking for clues. Each time we would think we were onto something, it turned out being a dead end.But all our efforts were not futile. We had arrived at a few facts, though they did not really help.We were brainstorming next steps to take in regards to our current lead. We needed a way to track this vampire, and fast.Suddenly, a voice piped up from the back of the room. It was Alice, the werewolf mate of a pack member.She was pretty, and I liked her big ears. She had blond hair and sharply upturned ears due to a mis-transformation with her wolf.I was certain she has gotten bullied for it, but I thought it was the cutest ear I had ever seen. She was shy, that was a taken."I might have some information," she said hesitantly, her voice low and cautious. All eyes turned to her, curiosity and suspicion warring in their gazes."Let us hear it, Alice," I said, my tone coming off a bit too sharp, but in my defense, it was due to
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Chapter 100
Liya’s POVThe revelation about Jafar's dead mate hung heavy in the air. It all made a twisted kind of sense now.A powerful vampire with a werewolf lover, brutally murdered by her own pack.‘Poor Charlotte,’ I internally mused. No wonder he was unleashing his fury on werewolves everywhere."So, Jafar's getting revenge for his dead girlfriend," I muttered, trying to process this whole mess. "But how exactly is he turning werewolves into those… things?"Alice sniffled, wiping her nose with a crumpled tissue. "They were mates, Alpha Liya," she corrected me gently. "There's a difference.""Okay, mates," I conceded with a sigh. "Still doesn't change the fact that he's on a werewolf-killing rampage."It had been a long day, so with no more questions to ask Alice, we dismissed her and the rest of the packs.Back in the pack house, I was with the triplets, and we were discussing all the new information we had gotten today from Alice.“That’s one hell of a story. It’s more dramatic than my ow
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