All Chapters of Mated to The Triplet Stepbrothers Bullies: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
111 Chapters
Chapter 81
Hunter’s POVThe world spun as Liya turned towards us, her scent washing over me in a violent wave of familiarity. For a blissful moment, I forgot about the tense situation, forgot about the rogues surrounding us, forgot about everything except the fact that she was here, alive and well.It’s crazy how one person could affect you so immensely, that nothing else mattered but them. The fact that they might not even want you wasn’t relevant, or that they had sinister intentions towards you, because you get satisfied from the mere fact that they’re standing right in front of you."Liya?" I breathed; my voice heavy with disbelief. “It’s really you.”Her eyes widened in shock, mirroring my own. Then, anger crossed her face. "Hunter?" she spat; her voice laced with ice. "What are you doing here?"My initial excitement disappeared, replaced by a cold dread. My heart sank, the hostility and disgust in her voice was a punch to the gut.Did she even feel the mate bond? My wolf curled inside me,
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Chapter 82
Hunter’s POV“Disgusted?” Ryder asked, clenching his hands till his knuckles went white, he gritted his teeth, his lips in a thin line.I guess, I was not the only one who felt betrayed by her behavior. I mean, Of course I was not the only one, we three were all mated to her, we all felt the same pain.Liya's harsh words hit us like a physical blow. My throat tightened, the air suddenly thick and suffocating.Disgust? We disgusted her? The weight of her words settled like a heavy weight in my gut. Of all the things you said to us and the way she acted, this one hurt the most."Liya," I managed, my voice hoarse. "You can't mean that."Gunter punched the wall beside him continuously till it busted his knuckles.His hands were clenched as the blood dropped from his fists. A giant hole replaced the wall that was there before.We were angry and jealous because of how James was behaving. He hovered around her like he was her mate and we were the intruders.The only thing stopping me from co
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Chapter 83
Hunter’s POVLiya had to come with us. After searching for her so long, there was no way we could let her go again. She needed to return to where she was supposed to be. And more importantly, we needed her.There must be a reason why she hated us so much, some people have done worse to their mates and they were still forgiven, because of the mate bond.But Liya, she was trying so hard to fight it, which meant the hatred she had for us was almost as strong as the bond, which is practically impossible, so we needed to get her back to know what was really going on with her.As the drama went on, I was brainstorming ways we could get Liya to come with us. It would be a little hard, because we had just a few people with us, and Liya clearly brought her best warriors with her to fight this pack.It seemed like it was just yesterday that she left, how was she able to become an Alpha of a certain pack in this short time?How is it possible that she gathered all these warriors and they allowed
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Chapter 84
Ryder’s POVI clenched my jaw tight as I watched Liya leave. She exuded an aura of confidence, as she strutted away with her chin held high, with a couple of wolves trailing behind her.She was their leader, and I found it ironic.The Liya I knew was frail and helpless, and we had used that to our advantage, bullying her and all that. It was clear that Liya was gone, replaced by this version we saw today.In her place stood a fierce leader, radiating an authority that commanded respect. It was both arousing and unsettling.Sure, Liya looked damn good all fired up, but her coldness towards us cut deep. The way she slammed us with those disgusted looks and all the direct and indirect insults… man, it stung.Frustration gnawed at me. Maybe we'd messed up, okay, we royally messed up, but that didn't erase the love we felt for her. Hell, it probably amplified it. The thought of losing her forever was a bitter pill to swallow, and something I did not want to think of.We were alphas, damn i
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Chapter 85
LiyaSunrise came with a sour dose of memories, the type that caused me to swallow hard every minute.I was returning to the place I had been running from in the first place, trying to protect the same person that had made me leave.I wondered how she was doing, we hadn’t communicated in months, but I suppose she had her way of taking care of herself. She had always been a survival, and even though I thought she was weak some times, now I understand better.“Good morning Liya,” James smiled at me, as he took a seat beside me at the breakfast table.Yesterday, when I had agreed to return with my mates, James insisted on coming with me, and I may have accepted for two reasons.A justified one, which meant I needed James by my side as my friend and someone I really trusted.And also a petty one, his presence obviously pissed the triplets, and I would give anything for it to stay that way. If they wanted to play that game, they picked the wrong opponent.“Are you alright, Liya?” James que
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Chapter 86
Liya’s POVWe were standing so close to each other, but it felt like a giant hole separated us, wider than the distance between our packs.I looked at them, my heart a tangled mess of longing and resentment.Despite the tension, I ached for them, a central need gnawing at me. They were mine, my mates. I loved and missed them, but I still hated them.‘I hate my mates,’ I echoed in my head. For some reason, it gave me a twisted satisfaction, because I meant it.They had bullied me physically, and I was currently doing the emotional ‘bullying,’ and there was not much they could do about it.‘But we are also affected’ My wolf whined, but I ignored her.My wolf whined within me at the same time I felt the mate pull. It was so strong it almost knocked me over.I better not be going in heat. What the fuck was that?I was uncomfortable and I knew it was obvious. They could probably tell that I missed their touch and I wanted them. We were mates after all.I missed their touch, and craved thei
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Chapter 87
Liya’s POVHunter sighed, and looked at me, "Alright, Liya. What exactly do you want?""Simple," I said, my voice firm. "We want to be independent. We don't need you telling us what to do or how to live."Gunter scoffed. "Independent? You can't just waltz in here and demand independence for a rogue pack. It doesn't work that way!""Why not?" I challenged. "We have a strong alpha, a growing pack, and we're capable of taking care of ourselves.""But for how long?" Hunter countered. "Sooner or later, you'll attract unwanted attention. Other packs will see you as a threat, a loose cannon, and they'll come for you."“Then, let them come. Let them fucking come!” I seethed, angry at how low they thought about my pack.“Liya-” Gunter started but I was not done. “Let me remind you that you made the majority of them who they are now. You destroyed my father’s pack, leaving the ones that survived to become rogues. No one wanted them in their packs, why? Because of you, because of this very pack
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Chapter 88
Liya’s POVI stormed back towards the clearing where I left my pack members waiting. Frustration simmered in my veins, hot and angry. The negotiations, if you could even call them that, had gone about as well as a snowball in hell."Well?" Anya asked, her voice laced with concern as I approached. The others all turned to look at me, their faces etched with worry."Negotiations are over," I announced, my voice firm but laced with disappointment. "They're not willing to accept our independence."A collective groan went up from them. They knew, just as I did, that being a rogue pack wouldn't be easy. But they were also fiercely loyal, and the thought of bowing down to the A pack was unbearable."What happened?" James asked, his brow furrowed. He knelt down in front of me, his blue eyes searching mine.I took a deep breath, forcing myself to calm down. There was no point in unleashing my fury on them."Basically, they want us to become part of their pack, give up our independence," I expl
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Chapter 89
Gunter’s POVThe moment I saw James lean in towards Liya, my wolf growled a warning. The audacity of the rogue! He was clearly trying to rile us up, to assert some kind of dominance over our mate.I scoffed with this believe. That little act was merely an intended provocation, an attempt to make us jealous. But before I could intervene, Ryder and Hunter were already there, their own possessive instincts flaring.My brothers obviously reacted with aggression. I wanted to join them, to teach James a lesson for disrespecting us and our claim on Liya.But something held me back. A flicker of understanding, a sense of strategy that often kept me grounded when my brothers were consumed by their emotions.This wasn't the time for a brawl. Liya was already on edge, and a fight would only push her further away.Before I could do something to try to de-escalate the situation, Hunter had already snatched Liya and Ryder shoved James aside. I smiled a little as Ryder stopped himself from injuring
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Chapter 90
Liya’s POVAnger flared in my eyes as Gunter opened the door, standing there shocked like he was not with his brothers in whatever rubbish they planned to do with me.There I was, half-naked and chained to the damn bed like a prisoner, while Hunter stood there, his face contorted in a grimace, and his hands clenched to fists.I could feel the anger radiate from him, but I was even more pissed. I hoped my powers would not seep out in this room as I was chained to the bed against my will. I could easily break through the chains but I was unsure if I wanted them to see that yet.The room was hot, and I know majority of the heat came from me. Furious was an understatement to how I was feeling. And what pissed me off even more was that My wolf was enjoying it.“Why the fuck would you like being chained on a bed” I seethed internally. “Because they are our mates” She replied, her voice too giddy for my liking.“They might as well claim us right here since the third brother is here. They wou
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