
Chapter 77

Liya’s POV

The cheers echoed through the chrowd, a sense of togetherness washing over the pack. James, a wide grin on his face, nudged me with his elbow. "Looks like you've won them over, Liya."

I chuckled, a sense of satisfaction warming my chest. "Seems so," I replied, returning his playful nudge. "Though, I wouldn't mind a little less drama next time."

Anya, her eyes sparkling with amusement, chimed in. "Drama is what keeps life interesting, wouldn't you agree?"

I rolled my eyes with a playful smile.

"Maybe for some," I replied. "But honestly, all I want is a decent night's sleep without worrying about rogue wolf attacks or accusations of treachery."

Anya patted my shoulder, "Well, peace and quiet might be a bit of a tall order, but we'll do our best to keep the drama to a minimum."

James, a wide grin splitting his face, nudged me with his elbow. "See, Liya? All it takes is a little near-death experience and a shared hatred for arrogant princes to bring people together."

I chuckled
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