
Chapter 50 Back to prison

Liya's POV

As Connor and I hurried out of the studio, blood rushed through my ears. I knew that Connor was hurt by the revelation of his uncle being a traitor. His face was hard and expressionless as we made our way out, and I wished there was something I could say to make him feel even a little better.

But what could possibly dull the pain of his family member wanting to kill us all? Absolutely nothing. So I kept quiet and just followed behind him.

Besides, there were more pressing issues at hand. Seeing those drugs was a source of worry for me. Not only had the pack doctor made plans with the dark witch, he had also put it in motion. We were heading to the pack house to identify all the members that had been administered the vitamins by the doctor. Our plan was to separate them from the others and find an antidote.

I said a silent prayer to the moon goddess, hoping that the number of pack members who were affected would not be much. But in the back of my mind, I suspected that the r
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