All Chapters of Mated to The Triplet Stepbrothers Bullies: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
111 Chapters
Chapter 31 Leave now
Ryder's POVSomething was not right.As I watched Liya take the keys from Hunter and mutter her thanks to us before walking away, I could not shake off the feeling that something was off. I tried to think back to the events of today's and if there was any specific thing that stood out to me. But there was none.I shook my head, turning away from Liya's retreating figure in an effort to turn down the thoughts in my head, but it still stuck. A chill ran through me as I leaned against the wall, trying to listen to the conversation my brothers were having. But my mind had strayed so far away that I heard nothing.Instinctively, my head snapped back to the hallway; the one leading to the Luna's bedroom. The same feeling of dread overtook me again.What on earth was this ominous feeling?! I tried to reflect, it seemed uncalled for. The urge to call Liya back rested in my chest, but it was too late.Desperate now and clenched by my gut feeling, I turned to my brothers.“What is it?” Hunter a
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Chapter 32 Meeting Conner
Liya's POVI clumsily wiped the tears off my face, my lips parted in shock as I stared from Ryder's face to car keys in my hand. My mother had also frozen with shock as we both stared sheepishly at Ryder. Was he actually letting us go?!“Go, Liya!” He repeated, a sense of urgency wrapped in his tone. From then on, I did not stop to think about anything else. I did not let the doubts creep into my mind, doubts that he was just baiting me and would never actually let me leave. But the pained expression on his face proved me wrong.“Thank you…thank you,” I stuttered, but he had already hurried us off to the door and locked it again behind him. Without looking back once, I grabbed my mother's hand, and ran as fast as I could toward the back of the mansion. Being a servant for so long gave me the opportunity to know the secret hideaways and exits in the pack which were only used in emergencies.I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, prodding my mother on although I knew she was weak. She
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Chapter 33 He's gay??
Liya's POVThe scent of herbs roused me out of my deep slumber. My eyelids fluttered open, my head throbbing slightly as I tried to adjust my eyes to the light. I was laying on a makeshift bed, in what seemed to be a camp.“Ahh…” I groaned as I lifted my head off the pillow and glanced around the room. Suddenly, the memories of everything that had happened in the last few hours came rushing back. I had escaped from the pack! My eyes darted round the room in search of my mother.“Mother!” I yelled out, climbing out of the bed despite the throbbing in my legs. The flap covering the tent was immediately drawn open and I saw my mother hurry in, followed closely by the tall figure of a guy I would recognize anywhere.“Connor..” his name escaped my lips. It seemed like years since I last saw him.My mother moved over to me and pulled me into a hug. “Thank the goddess,” she sighed. “How are you feeling now? Does it still hurt?”I shook my head. “No, I'm fine now. Just a slight headache. How
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Chapter 34 To save Liya
Connor's POV“W-What?” Liya asked, her voice so quiet that I almost did not hear her.I nodded, explaining briefly to her that I had hidden my sexual orientation to keep out of trouble and to avoid being bullied in the pack. Her gaze gradually softened as she placed a hand on mine.“Oh, Connor. I have nothing against you. I would have been your friend either way. I just wish you'd told me earlier. Why didn't you?”Tears of guilt stung the back of my eyes, but I held myself back from breaking down. I looked back into the beautiful face of Liya, knowing that I owed her an explanation. She was curious, I could tell. When I told her my father was the Alpha of this pack she had been in disbelief.Why did you go through all that trouble? Couldn't they have sent someone else to be a spy instead of the Alpha heir? It is a bit strange, she had said earlier.So, without giving myself a second to change my mind, I plunged into the painful story of my childhood, and how I came about to be a spy.
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Chapter 35 Something is wrong
Liya's POVAs Connor finished, I let out a shaky breath, shocked by the saddening details of his life, but more understanding of why he had to do what he did. I shuddered at the horror of it all. Being bullied by pack members was one thing. But by your own parents?! It was appalling.My chest filled with sympathy for him as I imagined how suffocating it must have felt to hide his true identity. I understood now, and every last trace of resentment and disappointment I harbored against him instantly dissipated. I moved closer to him, wrapping a hand around his shoulder.“Thank you for being honest with me. I appreciate it. And I know you feel guilty about how all this affected me, but I promise that it's fine. I completely understand. If anyone understands the pain of being despised and bullied, it's me. You are so strong for doing everything you did.”He stared at me, as if he was stunned by my words. And then he leaned closer to hug me. “I don't deserve your kindness. Thank you.”I pa
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Chapter 36 I need to start training
Liya's POVThe pounding of my heart filled my ears, my body filling up with so much trepidation that I could barely breathe properly. Connor yelled out my name as I ran through the cold night air to get to my mother, but not once did I stop. My feet bounded through the forests, tears filling my eyes as I wondered what had happened to my mother.Please protect her, I continued to pray silently to the moon goddess as I ran. Despite the cold air slapping against my face, my palms grew sweaty."Where is she?!" I demanded of the warriors in my mother's tent when I arrived and could not find her."The pack doctor had her brought in–"Without waiting to hear more, my legs carried me as I rushed over to the medic at lightning speed, pushing the door open without bothering to knock."Mother! Mother!"When I found her she was laying in one of the clinic beds, her shut as she writhed in pain."What happened to her?!" I asked the doctor, trying to keep my tears at bay as I intertwined my fingers
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Chapter 37 Kill him
Alpha Wade's POVI stormed out of the car as the chauffeur halted at the parking lot, walking into the mansion and heading straight to my chambers to cool off. Although the business matters I travelled to attend to had gone very smoothly, it had still been a hassle dealing with those hard-headed business men.Fucking measly humans!I swore under my breath as I recalled the shock I felt when I'd arrived to see that Alpha Joel supposed new partners were a pair of humans. It was unheard of! Werewolves and humans should never mix, that much was an unspoken rule. And every single person in the werewolf vicinity was aware of that. But Joel had always been a stubborn old goat.Regardless, I had been careful not to blow my cover, so I forced my claws back in and concentrated on the meeting, banishing thoughts of digging into those humans' necks and snapping the life out of them for even daring to look my way.I snorted as I began to climb up the stairs. It had ruined the whole meeting for me,
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Chapter 38 New pack
Liya's POVI was up at the crack of dawn. Although my anger from yesterday had calmed down considerably due to the improvement of my mother's condition, I was still determined to start my training so I could avenge my parents.A cold shower woke me up fully, and I threw on the clothes Connor had lent me. It was not much of a training gear, but I had no other options right now and it would have to do. In less than twenty minutes, I was out in the biting cold. As I walked through the trees down to the training ground, the icy dew from the trees fell onto my neck, making me shiver violently from the cold.I was surprised to see more than a handful of warriors at the training ground despite it being so early. As I began to search for Connor, his voice floated over to me in the small crowd."Liya!"I turned around to see him waving an arm in the air as he motioned me over."Wow, you're up early," he commented, looking me over. "How do you feel today?""Pretty good," I lied. I was exhausted
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Chapter 39 A deal
Liya’s POVI paused in my training to show respect for the man and woman I came to know were Connor's parents. The resemblance between Connor and his father was so great that I might not have been able to tell them apart if not for the streaks of grey in the Alpha's hair.My heart was soured against them knowing the pure evil they put their son through, but I was in their pack and I had to show respect to avoid being thrown out.My arms folded, I watched from a distance as Connor walked to them and bowed in greeting. I did not magnify my hearing senses to enable me listen so as not to cross boundaries and breach their privacy, but the coldness between them was obvious. Feeling sort of protective towards Connor, I did not want to get back to training just yet.Minutes later, Connor motioned me over. I obliged, bowing when I got to where they were standing. "Alpha, Luna," I greeted. To my shock, the two of them were beaming at me."You must be Connor's girl, Liya," the Luna said, lookin
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Chapter 40 Officially a member
Liya's POVI narrowed my eyes at the Alpha, every nerve in my body pricking at the mention of my mother. What he was implying was obvious, but I refused to believe he would even propose such a thing."I don't understand what you mean by my mother remaining here," I said, barely able to curb the rage that threatened to explode.He did not look fazed one bit. "If I am going to make this deal with you, there needs to be some kind of collateral.""Don't you dare refer to my mother as collateral! I already gave you my word that I will assist Connor in whatever scheme you are planning. What I will not allow is you using my mother as some kind of hostage. In case you hadn't noticed, she has suffered enough already!"The Alpha did not look very pleased at my outburst. He narrowed his eyes at me, sneering as he walked closer to me."You can give me your word all you want. As if that makes a difference. The truth remains that you are the daughter of a rogue, and I make no mistake by assuming th
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12 Protection Status