
Chapter 38 New pack

Liya's POV

I was up at the crack of dawn. Although my anger from yesterday had calmed down considerably due to the improvement of my mother's condition, I was still determined to start my training so I could avenge my parents.

A cold shower woke me up fully, and I threw on the clothes Connor had lent me. It was not much of a training gear, but I had no other options right now and it would have to do. In less than twenty minutes, I was out in the biting cold. As I walked through the trees down to the training ground, the icy dew from the trees fell onto my neck, making me shiver violently from the cold.

I was surprised to see more than a handful of warriors at the training ground despite it being so early. As I began to search for Connor, his voice floated over to me in the small crowd.


I turned around to see him waving an arm in the air as he motioned me over.

"Wow, you're up early," he commented, looking me over. "How do you feel today?"

"Pretty good," I lied. I was exhausted
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