All Chapters of I Slept An Alpha!: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
78 Chapters
Chapter 31 The unexpected offer
The hallway felt impossibly small as Tina stalked towards me. Her disdainful smirk sent a fresh wave of fear slithering down my spine. "Oh, it's you again," she drawled with mockery, "Noel's so-called fiancée."I flinched, backing away instinctively."I don't know what Noel ever saw in you," she continued. "You're nothing but a weak, pathetic human."I stepped back further. Each step back felt heavy, laden with the fear for myself and the tiny life nestled within me. My hands instinctively found my stomach, a small shield against whatever hostility Tina might unleash."Why are you here anyway?" Tina's question snapped me back to the present. She closed in on me, her movements fluid and calculated. Her emerald eyes gleamed with an unnerving intensity, zeroing in on my trembling hands, which were still protectively cradling my abdomen. The disdain on her face morphed into something else entirely. Surprise."You're pregnant!" The words burst out of her, her eyebrows shooting up in astoni
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Chapter 32 The fury
Finishing up in the kitchen, I decided to take a shower first. I stood under the warm water falling from the shower. The steam enveloped me like a comforting embrace as I let the soothing cascade of water wash away the day's troubles. The gentle scent of lavender shower gel permeated the air, its calming fragrance lulling my frayed nerves into a state of tranquility.I surrendered myself to the blissful oblivion of the bath, allowing the weight of my worries to slip away, if only temporarily.Lost in the calming embrace of the shower, I whispered reassurances to the life blooming within me. “I will always take care of you,” I murmured, caressing my belly. “I won’t let anyone separate you from me. Mommy will always protect you.”After a long shower, I came out of the bathroom. Noel had not returned yet. Maybe he wouldn’t return tonight, I thought. I was about to take out my clothes from the wardrobe when I heard my phone ringing in the hall.Assuming it was Noel calling, I rushed towar
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Chapter 33 The fiery intimacy
“What are you doing?” I stormed towards Adelynn, my anger boiling over. My gaze dropped to the phone lying on the floor, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of jealousy. Who was she talking to? The notion that she was chatting with a man made my blood boil."Who are you speaking with?" I barked. My eyes skimmed over her naked form, a storm brewing within me. “Answer me,” I demanded, grabbing her arm tightly.Adelynn seemed taken aback by my sudden outburst. “None; It- it was Lily,” she stuttered. “I-I couldn’t even answer the call.”I didn't believe her. There was no way she was talking to Lily like that. My anger grew exponentially."Lily?" I spat with disdain. "You were speaking with Lily like this - naked!"“I-I am telling…” Adelynn tried to defend herself, but I wouldn't let her. I interrupted her, "Shut up! You know what? You need a good punishment."“Punishment? No, no, I..." Her pleas were cut short as I slammed my lips against hers, the kiss a brutal collision of anger and so
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Chapter 34 The infertility issues
Adelynn’s POV…As I lay there, still reeling from the intensity of my orgasm, I felt Noel's arousal pressing into me, stirring a mixture of fear and anticipation within me. I gasped, the sudden intrusion sparking electrifying sensations that coursed through my body. My initial reaction was fear - I was worried that the baby would be hurt.“Noel, please be gentle,” I pleaded.His fingers curled around my throat, and he loomed over me dangerously. “Are you sure?” A low rumbling murmur escaped his lips. "I prefer it rough. And I believe you will enjoy it."His words terrified me even more, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and arousal. "Please," I whispered, my gaze pleading for his understanding.But his expression hardened, his gaze piercing into mine with a steely intensity. "Remember one thing: you are my woman," he declared, his thrusts growing faster and more insistent with each passing moment.Surprisingly, my body responded involuntarily, the electrifying sensations overwh
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Chapter 35 Noel’s caring nature
The next morning…I woke up early and found myself in Noel’s arms. The dawn light speared through the gaps in the curtains, painting stripes across his chest. Memories of the night before washed over me, hot and insistent, making my cheeks burn. I couldn't help but smile, a secret, bashful feeling blooming in my chest.Carefully, I untangled myself from his sleep-warmed embrace, the sheets whispering against my skin. I entered the bathroom and splashed water on my face, yet the intimate moments of last night replayed on a loop in my mind.His touch, the way his breath danced across my skin – everything felt vivid, charged. The pull I felt towards him was stronger than ever. How could I bear to leave him in six months? A desperate wish welled up, a fantasy of being his wife forever. But reality was a cold slap. He’d find his fated mate soon, and I’d be left with nothing but memories.A dull ache settled in my heart. He wasn't mine, he belonged to someone else. My hand dropped to my sto
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Chapter 36 The shocking information
I took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau but faced a problem with getting the marriage certificate. We'd gone through the entire application process, only to be met with a blank screen when my information was pulled up. No record of me existed. Since I was a werewolf, the government didn’t register any information regarding my identity in their system.It was strange. I was not aware of it.The news hit me like a cold splash. I thought we were finally integrating, and becoming part of human society. But this? It was a slap in the face. Anger, hot and primal, coiled in my gut."Mayor," I muttered, jaw clenching. I had put too much faith in that old coot, it seemed.I immediately dialed his number."Mr. Wilkinson," he answered, his voice breezy. “How did you remember me this early morning?”"Why isn't my information in your government database?" I growled, barely holding back a roar. "I helped you, invested heavily in your damn campaign – for what? To be treated like a ghost? Are you mess
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Chapter 37 Shocking information
The information overload hit me like a rogue wave, leaving me stunned and bewildered. The notion that werewolves were abducting and killing humans, despite the peace treaty, sent a chill down my spine. It shattered the illusion of safety and coexistence that I had naively believed in.My head spun as I stammered, "Why? According to the peace treaty, they can’t attack humans,” I countered. “Why this violence then?”“As I said,” the mayor leaned in closer, his tone grave, “they are very possessive about their mates.”I gawked at him. His words hung in the air like a heavy cloud, suffocating me with their implications. “You mean, humans can be their mates!” I exclaimed, my mind reeling at the thought.He gave a curt nod. "Indeed. That's why they take them to the packs. But humans can’t live with supernatural creatures. Some of them tried to come back but never succeeded.” His voice softened with a hint of pity. "They either end up dead or worse."Dread coiled in my gut, squeezing the air
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Chapter 38 The complexity of the packs
I could see her fear. I ached for a way to soothe it, to spin a comforting lie. But unfortunately, I couldn't bring myself to sugarcoat the truth. With a solemn nod, I confirmed her worst fears. "If they find someone roaming around the woods, they attack because they feel threatened."“Oh, God.” A strangled gasp escaped her lips. Her hands flew to her mouth, the color draining from her face. Panic flickered in her wide eyes.“Hey, Adel.” I went to her side and sat down on the sofa beside her. "Don't be afraid, okay?" My arm wrapped around her shoulders. “We are monitoring everything. Trust me. All this arbitrary killing in the woods will be stopped soon.”She pulled away slightly, looking into my eyes. "They can't just kill somebody because they are in the woods," she protested. "The humans are weak as compared to the werewolves. How can we humans pose threats to your kind?"Her words were a stark reminder of the chasm that separated our worlds. I squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. "
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Chapter 39 Tina’s unexpected friendly behavior
Adelynn’s POV…My stomach churned beneath the sterile white desk I was forced to occupy, my gaze fixed on the opaque glass wall of the CEO’s office. The shades were drawn, blocking my view of the scene unfolding within.My mind raced with thoughts of what might be happening inside. My heart pounded in my chest as I wondered if Tina was going to reveal my deepest secret to Noel - the fact that I was carrying his child.Noel's revelations earlier had shed light on the significance of the child growing within me. This baby could solve all his problems. It held the key to his aspirations, his dreams of becoming the Alpha king.My fingers trembled with nervous energy as I grappled with conflicting emotions. On one hand, I understood the potential benefits of Noel knowing about the baby. But on the other, I couldn't bear the thought of him taking my child away from me, especially when I knew our relationship was temporary.The thought of losing my child filled me with a sense of dread and d
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Chapter 40 The potion
Days turned into a week, and Tina's friendly gestures toward me gradually dissolved my initial reservations. Our budding friendship blossomed with each passing day as we shared meals and enjoyed breaks together. As we chatted more and more, I gradually began to trust her.One afternoon, we decided to have lunch at a nearby restaurant. As we sat down and began eating, an inexplicable aversion to the smell of fried chicken washed over me, causing my stomach to churn unpleasantly."Excuse me," I murmured hastily, rising from my seat and hurrying towards the restroom, my hand pressed over my mouth."Adel?" Tina's concerned voice trailed after me, but I couldn't stop to respond. I needed to escape the overwhelming sensation of nausea.Once inside the restroom, I barely made it to the nearest stall before the waves of sickness overtook me. I doubled over, retching into the toilet until there was nothing left but the dry heaves.As the ordeal subsided, I leaned against the cool wall, feeling
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