All Chapters of I Slept An Alpha!: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
78 Chapters
Chapter 21 Adelynn's dilemma
The room seemed to shrink, the air thickening around me. Every fiber of my being tensed as shock and disbelief surged through me, rendering me momentarily speechless. Was he serious? Or was this some twisted form of mockery?I stared, wide-eyed, at him, searching his face for a hint of amusement"Please, Mr. Wilkison," I managed, my voice tight with humiliation, "don't mock me like this. I simply requested my salary in advance. It wouldn't have come to this if I was not in dire need of money.”My emotions were spiraling out of control."I'm serious too," he countered, his voice leaving no room for doubt. "Accept my offer, and I'll make all your troubles disappear."A flicker of anger ignited within me, laced with a deep, chilling fear. Marrying him? That was never the plan.No one could be loyal to me. My parents abandoned me when I was just a baby. Then my fiance deceived me. And Noel, powerful, commanding Alpha werewolf that he was, could never truly be mine. He too would leave, ine
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Chapter 22 The contract
The air crackled with tension. I thought he was asserting his dominance without giving me a chance to express my opinion. He just delivered his decision as he commanded his employees, trying to convince me that it was for my own good. However, he didn’t give me an equal chance to discuss this matter before concluding. It was clear he saw this as a done deal, a decision he'd made and I'd merely rubber-stamp.Anger bubbled in my gut. I refused to let him dictate to me."Are you going to decide everything?" I asked contemptuously. "You haven't even asked what I think."“Your opinion!” He chuckled humorlessly. “Don't be ridiculous. I'm giving you the options, here. It's your choice. Take it or leave it. I am only pointing out what is beneficial for you. If you don't want it, fine. Nobody's forcing you to marry me."He turned on his heel and stalked back to his chair, sagging into it gruffly.A knot of confusion tightened in my stomach. Anger warred with a sliver of fear. While I was furio
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Chapter 23 The pain and sorrow
I emerged from the ward, my mind still reeling from the conversation with the director. Amy's frantic approach caught me off guard. Her face was flushed with worry, and my heart clenched with concern at the sight."What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.“The situation is getting worse at the orphanage,” Amy said. “The financial crisis is increasing, and the orphanage is about to close.”Amy's words hit me like a ton of bricks, each syllable carrying the weight of impending disaster.“What?” I exclaimed. Shock and disbelief mingled within me as I struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. I never knew that the situation was so bad. How could this happen? Why hadn't I been informed sooner? Questions tumbled through my mind.“It has been quite a while since all this problem started,” Amy narrated. “The previous sponsors are pulling their hands, refusing to fund us any longer. No one is willing to sponsor the orphanage. The director has been depressed these days and because of that
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Chapter 24 Another problem in the project
The next day…It was Monday, and I arrived at the office early, hoping to catch Noel before the day's chaos unfolded. The office buzzed with the usual morning fervor, but my mind was preoccupied with the looming crisis at hand. Before I could even gather my thoughts, Lara approached my desk with a flustered look.Sensing something amiss, I asked worriedly, “What is the matter, Lara? Why do you look so pale?"With a heavy sigh, Lara proceeded to disclose the latest setback plaguing our project. “The project is facing another issue,” she said anxiously.Regret washed over me. My personal turmoil these past few days had left me neglecting my work. "What happened now? More data errors?" I blurted out, surprised. Everything seemed fine on Friday. What had transpired over the weekend to throw us back into crisis?“No, there are no data errors this time,” Lara explained. "It's a consequence of the previous issue. The client is coming to the office. The boss has a meeting with him this aftern
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Chapter 25 The party at the bar
The whole journey passed in silence. I longed to break the ice and speak up, but my voice seemed to have deserted me. Noel didn't seem inclined to chat either, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. My mind raced with thoughts of what could have changed since our last conversation.What if he changed his mind? What if he had found someone already to be his wife? The uncertainty gnawed at my insides, making my stomach twist into knots.I fiddled nervously with my fingers, trying to distract myself from the growing anxiety. It wasn't until the car came to a stop outside the bar that I realized how much time had passed.“We are here,” Noel announced, breaking the silence.“Yeah.” I nodded, feeling a pang of disappointment in myself. I had let this opportunity slip away. Stepping out of the car, I took a deep breath and tried to shake off my uneasiness.‘Shit, Adel,’ I cursed myself inwardly.Half an hour. Half an hour I had had with him, and I had blown it. All day I had waited for this chanc
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Chapter 26 The conditions
I stumbled into the washroom, the overwhelming urge to vomit consuming me. I doubled over, my body wracked with spasms as I emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl. It felt like I was expelling every ounce of strength along with the sickness, my head spinning with dizziness.After some time, I managed to regain my composure, leaning against the cool tiles for support as I caught my breath. Slowly, I straightened up, wiping my mouth with trembling hands before stepping out of the washroom.To my surprise, Noel was waiting for me outside. Panic surged through me, fearing that he might have discovered my secret. Clutching my stomach protectively, I braced myself for his interrogation.“You?” I stammered, my voice wavering with anxiety. “Why are you here?”“I waited for you. When you didn’t come, I came to check on you,” he replied simply, his expression unreadable.Relief washed over me as he made no mention of my condition. I quickly composed myself, eager to leave the u
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Chapter 27 The danger in the darkness
I felt a jolt in my backbone when I heard him. Living together with him? That was not possible.My belly would grow in a couple of months. I didn’t want to alert him about my pregnancy.No“This is not possible,” I quickly interjected, hoping to deflect his suggestion. “We don’t have to pretend to be husband and wife in the human world. Our relationship only needs to be shown to your pack."Noel, thankfully, didn't push the issue. "Weekly visits are mandatory," he stated simply.“Yes, okay.” I swallowed, nodding in agreement. Even with the risk of my pregnancy being exposed, I couldn't refuse pack visits entirely.With a hurried farewell, I made my way out into the cold night air, the chill serving as a stark contrast to the heat that Noel's presence had ignited within me. I stood alone on the dimly lit street, uncertainty gnawing at my insides.As I scanned the deserted road for any sign of transportation, the realization dawned on me that I was stranded in this unfamiliar neighborho
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Chapter 28 Why did you bite me?
Noel’s POV…As I sat alone in the hall, my thoughts lingered on Adelynn, her remarkable performance at work, and the surprising depth of her talent. It was undeniable that she possessed a rare combination of intelligence and dedication that set her apart from the rest of the team. Despite my initial misjudgments about her, I couldn't deny her genuine capabilities.The whole tech team had been trying tirelessly to resolve the issues, but they couldn’t. On the other hand, Adelynn had resolved it in just a few hours.Lara was right when she said Adelynn was superb.Initially, I thought she had come to this position by flaunting her charms and seducing men. But I was wrong. I had to admit that she was a genuine talent.A smart and talented woman like her was fit to be the Luna of my pack. She might be a mere human. But only the strength of a werewolf was not enough to be a good Luna in this modern age.Reflecting on Adelynn's qualities, I couldn't help but draw parallels to my own mother,
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Chapter 29 The fierce battle
Noel’s POV…My vision was clouded with rage as I witnessed the vile act unfolding before me. The audacity of those rogues to lay their hands on Adelynn ignited a fire within me that burned hotter than any fury I had ever known. How dare they defile her innocence? I wanted nothing but to kill them all.With a primal growl, I surrendered to the wild instincts coursing through my veins, shifting effortlessly into my wolf form. I killed the one who was pressing her down in a blink. His scream was mercifully short, the others momentarily stunned.The other three attacked me, intensifying my anger.How audacious!If they were thinking they could kill me, they were wrong. Even if ten rogues attacked me together, I would kill them in a blink. Letting out a snarl, I fought them. One by one, they fell before me, their pitiful attempts at resistance crumbling under the might of my wrath.The silence that followed was deafening, a stark contrast to the chaos that had consumed us moments before. A
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Chapter 30 Increased attraction
Adelynn’s POV…Noel stood before me, his demeanor hardening with resolve. I couldn't help but feel a pang of dismay at his ruthless stance toward the rogues. I knew a little about the werewolves- and now these rogues. I had no idea about them, nor did I know how they were different from those who lived in established packs. However, I detected the difference in their smell. The rogues smelled like sewers. But still, I felt it was cruel how Noel treated them."Why killing them?" I dared to question. "They are also your kind. Why this animosity?"Noel's eyes snapped towards me, a snarl twisting his lips. "Don't you dare compare us to those mutts," he growled, the sound of a low rumble in his chest. "We are not the same. We live by the rules, by the pack. They're nothing but savages, preying on the innocent with no control. So, we kill them whenever we find them. They deserve such cruel punishment.""But shouldn't you try to understand why?" I pressed on, the injustice of it gnawing at m
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