All Chapters of I Slept An Alpha!: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
78 Chapters
Chapter 41 Noel’s stern command
I stared at the screen, my mouth agape. Noel just commanded me to go back. But I was still weak, and I didn’t want to face him. I didn’t have the energy and mood to answer his never-ending question.‘What am I supposed to do now?’“Why did you lie to him?” Lily's voice, sharp and accusatory, shattered the silence, breaking my trance.I flinched, heart hammering against my ribs, as I tore my gaze away from the phone. Her accusatory glare sent a fresh wave of panic crashing over me.“He is your baby’s father for God’s sake,” she continued. “You should tell him everything- about the baby and Tina’s manipulation.”"I can't," I choked out.“Why? He is successful and wealthy – everything you could ever ask for. He can take care of you and your baby. He is perfect for you. Why do you want to leave him?” Her words, laced with harsh logic, scraped at the raw vulnerability beneath my carefully constructed facade.Tears welled up, blurring my vision. "You don't understand," I whispered. "You hav
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Chapter 42 Noel’s uncontrolled fury.
This potion!The sight of it filled me with a mixture of shock and anger. My mind raced with a torrent of emotions as I confronted Adelynn. "Where did you get it?" I demanded sharply, my tone tinged with accusation. The implications that such a potion was with her gnawed at my mind, leaving me unsettled. “It’s not an ordinary potion. Who gave it to you? And more importantly," I pressed, my voice dropping to a low growl, "are you taking it?" My eyes darted down to her stomach, a chilling dread settling in my gut.“This… T-Tina gave me,” she stuttered."Tina?" I spat. "Tina gave you this?" My jaw clenched, frustration warring with a blooming worry. "Do you even know what it's for?" I roared, my grip tightening on her arms.She flinched under my touch, a choked sob escaping her lips. Tears streamed down her face.My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat echoing the turmoil within me. "Are you pregnant?" I barked, the question a harsh accusation ripping from my throat. The ra
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Chapter 43 Noel’s unwavering support
I flickered my eyes open, blinking away the blurry haze to find Noel sprawled on a nearby sofa, his face etched with a disgruntled frown.I knew I couldn’t hide my pregnancy anymore, but I was not ready to let him know that he was the father of my child.Since Noel had already suspected the child was Richard’s, I would play along with it. After all, the contract would be ended in six months. This would help me get away from him with my baby.Taking a deep breath, I met his gaze, forcing a weak smile. "Thank you," I murmured, the guilt twisting in my gut. He deserved the truth, deserved a chance to know, but I was too selfish.“I found out about my pregnancy the day I broke up with Richard,” I lied. “I have never been in contact with him after that. Trust me.”Noel didn't yell, didn't accuse. He just stared, his eyes searching mine with an intensity that made me nervous.“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” His voice, when it finally came, was a low rumble, laced with a quiet hurt. “If I k
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Chapter 44 The Bloodmoon pack
We entered the pack territory. I looked around in surprise with a gaping mouth. Nestled deep within the woods, towering trees formed a dense canopy overhead, shrouding the area in an emerald twilight. Sunlight struggled to pierce the thick layer of leaves, casting an otherworldly glow on the forest floor. Strange, majestic trees whose names escaped me stood sentinel, adding to the mystique of the surroundings.The air hummed with life, a symphony of animal calls echoing through the verdant expanse. Monkeys swung from branch to branch, their chatter blending seamlessly with the melodic chirping of birds and the occasional squeak of a curious squirrel. It was a place untouched by time, where nature reigned supreme in all its untamed glory.The whole surrounding seemed ominous, yet the undisturbed nature was beautiful on its way. I never knew such a place also existed. I had the impression that I came to a fairyland. As the car moved further inside the woods, I noticed a structure of for
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Chapter 45 Extending contract!
“What did you say?” Both my dad and mom exclaimed in unison, their surprise evident on their faces. Sadly, it wasn’t a delightful surprise. Devastation, perhaps, would be a more accurate word for the expressions etched on their faces."You heard me right," I asserted, tightening my grip possessively around Adelynn's waist. "She's carrying my child. Delaying the ceremony is out of the question."“Okay, okay, we get it,” my father said, a deep scowl forming on his face. “The child in her womb is our blood, the heir of the Bloodmoon Pack. We’ll accept the baby but not her.”"But not her?" The disbelief clawed its way up my throat, erupting in a strangled cry. "How could you even consider such a thing?""Noel, enough!" My mother's voice echoed with a sharp snarl. “We are ready to accept the baby from a human. That’s more than enough, but making her the Luna of the pack is a big thing. The other packs will mock us. Besides, the pack members can rebel against you.”"How cruel!" Adelynn didn
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Chapter 46 Why is she so desperate to leave me?
The world tilted beneath my feet as Noel's dark eyes narrowed. Panic clawed at my throat. My stomach plummeted to the ground as I faced his suspicious gaze. I was afraid he would see through my lie. I snatched at the first excuse that came."There's nothing to hide," I stammered, a desperate edge creeping into my tone. "It's just...Richard's the baby's father, and that worries me."The mere mention of Richard's name left a bitter taste in my mouth. Loathing coiled in my chest, a tangled mess of self-hatred for the web of deceit I'd woven and the desperate situation that forced me to lie. But the yearning to escape this place, to be free, burned brighter.Pushing the guilt away, I forged on. "You'll have your own children someday," I said, the words scraping against my conscience. "The love you feel for my baby now might change. I can't bear the thought of anyone treating my baby poorly."Noel's brow furrowed, a flicker of anger chasing across his features. “You are worrying for nothin
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Chapter 47 Tina’s threat
The vein in my temple throbbed in time with the fury building inside me. My fists clenched, and the urge to grab her and toss her out the window threatened to take over. But I couldn't. Offending her wasn't an option. Other than swallowing my anger, I could do nothing."He is not happy with your relationship with Adelynn," her words echoed, laced with venomous threat. “He will definitely oppose accepting her as the Luna of the Bloodmoon pack. How are you going to deal with him?”"That's my pack's business," I countered, forcing every ounce of control I possessed into my voice. "As Alpha, I decide what's best for us. We don't need anyone interfering."Her response was a sharp bark, reminding me of the two packs’ crucial connection. “Don’t forget we are the biggest and oldest ally of your pack. Without our support, your dream of becoming Alpha King goes up in smoke. And let me remind you," she continued, her voice dripping with icy condescension, "other packs aren’t in favor of our grow
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Chapter 48 The marking
Adelynn’s POV…I was shocked, my heart hammering against my chest. He wanted to mark me! But didn’t he say that he wouldn’t mark me since I couldn’t take the pain? Why did he change his mind all of a sudden?I panicked. I had no idea what he had on his mind.“Is it necessary?” I asked fearfully. “It won’t be painful, will it?” Fear, cold and sharp, clawed at my insides.He was close now, his thumb brushing the chocolate stain from my lips. "Do you trust me?" he asked.Trapped, with nowhere else to turn, I could only nod, a small, shaky movement. "But I'm scared," I mumbled with apprehension.“Don’t be. I am with you," he murmured, pulling me into a hug. His lips trailed down my neck. The touch ignited a contradictory storm within me. Pregnancy had turned my body into a tinderbox, his touch igniting a desperate need.I wanted him badly, but I was a bit scared too. Noel's lovemaking was rough and forceful, and I worried about the fragile life growing inside me.“Noel…” I started, a whim
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Chapter 49 The alpha meeting
The day of the alpha meeting finally arrived. The alphas from prominent packs in the world gathered in the Bloodmoon pack. Alpha Ryan was the most prominent figure among them. The tension in the grand hall crackled like a live wire. Anticipation had morphed into unease as Noel and I entered. All eyes were on us, a sea of faces reflecting surprise and curiosity.We looked at each other, Noel offering me a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry; I am here with you,” he murmured in my ear.I nodded and thanked him. I was nervous, but I trusted Noel. With him by my side, I had nothing to fear. We walked down the stairs, hand in hand.Locus and Regina's indifference did little to ease my apprehension. They remained seated in their seat holding their chin high. I held onto Noel's hand tighter, seeking solace in his presence.Then, a voice – harsh and accusatory – echoed in the hall. "A human?" it boomed. "What is a human doing here? This is no place for her!"My heart sank as his accusatory gazes l
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Chapter 50 The sudden attack
Panic clawed at my throat. All the alphas seemed to follow Ryan, blatantly ignoring Noel's. This was the Bloodmoon pack, the supposed strongest in the world, and yet here they were, defying their leader. It was shocking.Ryan, on the other hand, exuded a quiet authority, a magnetism that drew the others in. The power dynamic had shifted, unmistakably placing him at the helm.I felt a jolt of fear through me. Noel's bid for the alpha king position was crumbling, and the consequences were dire. I panicked as I glanced at the faces full of hatred and fury, a glimpse of the carnage they intended to unleash upon humanity.If any of them became the alpha king, they would certainly cause a massacre in human society, killing people, and making them slaves, just as they claimed.‘No, I can’t allow this to happen,’ I muttered in my mind.With a surge of newfound determination, I pushed myself forward, my voice ringing out, “Alpha Ryan, you are selfish.”The room erupted with murmurs.Ryan's fac
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