All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
330 Chapters
Chapter 91 Forget her key
Stella know very well that no matter what, her Grandma was going to support this man.Currently, with the charge of 'being bullied'... This man was a victim. He was playing a victim card!Until the night...Stella stayed in the ward the whole day...At first, Stella wanted to wait for this man to go back so that she can go back by herself. However, every time...She didn't manage to wait for this man to go back. In the end, it was the doctor who come and drive them away...He said that the visiting hours had passed so the two of them left the ward.In the car...In the end, it was still RK who send Stella home.Previously, when she was still in the hospital, Stella was too embarrassed to criticize this man in front of her Grandma's presence...At this moment, when they were already come out of the hospital, Stella couldn't help but say, "Just now... Why did you do this I'm front of Grandma? Grandma would misunderstand our relationship!"What's more, this man would be getting married t
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Chapter 92 Adrian, are you a pig?
Stella thought about it carefully.The last memory was that she was drunk at Starlight Nightclub the previous night and then it seemed that it was RK who had sent her back home...However, she remembered that in the morning, her precious son told her that he was the one who opened the door."Maybe you also have forgotten your keys at home..."Emily said.She looked at the time on her phone! It was already ten o'clock at the night."Has Adrian fallen asleep? Why don't you call home?"As a result...An hour later...The door of the house was opened by the little guy inside...Stella was well aware of her precious son's state of sleep!As long as this kid fall asleep, the chances of him waking up were particularly Zero!Emily and Stella both... One of them was calling on the little's guy mobile phone and the other one was calling home, and they were harassing him from both sides... They had been called for an hour, and their mobile phone was running out of battery...Only then this littl
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Chapter 93 I want to go back to france
When Stella saw Adrian like this, she don't know whether it was good or bad for his precious son to have such feelings for RK!Now... She was even more afraid that his precious son would hope that RK could be his "stepfather!"Stella didn't say much. She just rubbed his precious son's fluffy little head and said, "Adrian, it's getting late. Go back to your and sleep..."Adrian nodded and left.Stella looked at Adrian's leaving figure and thought...It seemed that in the future... She had to make sure that the father and son duo wouldn't meet each other.Otherwise, if her precious son really falls in love with this man one day, she doesn't know how to prevent her precious son from getting hurt.Especially for that man... He was already the father of another child!Therefore, Stella didn't even want Adrian and RK to get in touch with each other even more!It was to prevent future troubles.After Adrian fall asleep, Stella still felt very uneasy.Not only because of the father and son re
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Chapter 94 Met RK at school
Emily said very enthusiastically.However, Stella didn't even think too much and refused immediately, "No I don't want it. It was impossible for me..."When she was abroad, Emily introduced many potential boyfriends to her! However, in the end...None of them resulted in anything.Therefore, over the time Stella didn't want to find a boyfriend.Because what she needed was not a good boyfriend for herself but a good father for Adrian. However, she didn't think it was possible...In short, she had Adrian with her. If she want to find a boyfriend for herself, she still had to worry about whether that man would be good to Adrian or not!Would he change after marriage?Therefore, at this point, Stella felt that it was better not to look for a boyfriend.The best thing was she would look after her child herself!Emily tried to persuade her, "If you won't try, how can you think like that? In the past, I used to introduce foreigners to you, when we were abroad. Foreigners didn't want to be in
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Chapter 95 Alia Kingston
Hearing the little fellow's shout, Stella was stunned.Stella suddenly feels a chill in her back. It was like a furious beast standing behind her back, ready to attack her any next moment.Because of his gaze, Stella felt very uncomfortable all over her body!After seeing RK, Adrian walked past Stella and run toward the man behind her...Adrian waved his fair little chubby hand in front of this man and said, "Hello, Uncle! What a coincidence! You are also here!""Yes."Behind her, there was a man's faint response.When Stella looked back, she saw that Adrian was standing in front of the man's feet. Because the man in front of him was tall, he was very eye-catching... The height of the two people formed the most lovely height gap.Stella's heart skip a beat When she saw the two of them standing the and talking.Stella was afraid that, if she was not careful enough it would be not too long after her relationship with Adrian could be exposed in front of this man.Although Stella had told
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Chapter 96 Darling, I will always be with you
Every time she thought about such a scene or saw it with her own eyes, she couldn't help but felt very conflicted and uneasy in her heart.She felt that it was very unfair to Adrian.Sometimes Stella couldn't help but thought if it was right to raise Adrian alone...After that year she left, should she really listen to this man... and not give birth to the child...After all, For so many years, she had let Adrian suffer with her, however, she was never able to give him a complete family...She had only blindly been Adrian's mother for so many years, but she had forgotten... In fact, the child was also very eager to get their father's love...Thinking of this, Stella felt more and more sorry for Adrian...When Adrian was held by Stella, he looked up at Darling...He saw that Stella's face didn't look very good. It seemed like she was preoccupied with something in her mind...Having been with Stella for so many years, the little fellow had long learned to tell his Darling's emotions fro
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Chapter 97 Investigate the child living with Stella
In the car...After Stella left, RK shifted his gaze from her to the school gate...Adrian carried his little school bag on his back and walked away.He turned into a small dot and disappeared at the gate of the school."Mr. Kingston, Are we going to the company?"Alex who was sitting in the front asked."Yes."RK replied in a calm voice then shifted his gaze from the school gate and said, "Go and investigate the child living with Stella.""Yes, Mr. Kingston.!"The black Roll Royce left...In RK Group...When Stella arrived at the company, she happened to meet Emily, who also just arrived at the company.Emily brought her breakfast and handed over it, "I saw that you were in a hurry to send Adrian to school in the morning and didn't have time to have breakfast. I happened to pass by the bakery and packed some food for you, Take this."Stella held the paper bag and said, "Thank you!"Sometimes, Stella felt like her life was just like this. She took care of Adrian and Emily took care of
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Chapter 98 Take good care of her
Every time she come into the secretarial office, Stella would always felt like she had stepped into the dressing room...RK's secretaries... There were as many people as they were not in the company but in a classroom.Every time Stella entered the secretarial office, what she saw was: make-up, make-up, and even more, make-up!It could be said that there were no women in the secretarial office who would not wear makeup! Stella stayed in the secretarial office all day long, so seeing that she was the only one who didn't wear make-up, she looked a little different from everyone else...As far as the eye could see, the group of beautiful women was all wearing heavy makeup.She was the only one who didn't apply anything to her face...As soon as Stella sat down, the secretary general come over and said, "Stella because you are here from the customer department, you know more about the customer than the people here!""This time the company has a task to discuss the project with the LC grou
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Chapter 99 The mess fell on her lap
Anyway, after she comes back to the country, she gets involved with this man no matter what she does. In short, after coming back, she never separated from that man.There are always small things that caused the relationship between the two of them...To become a little different...Seeing that Stella's expression was not very good, Cherry didn't seem to want to bring up this topic again. She didn't dare to say anything more.In her heart, She still thought that Stella had an unclear relationship with the big boss!If she, Cherry Miller, offended this woman, she would not able to survive in the company in the future!Cherry thought so and didn't say anything anymore.They start to work together.Cherry put a pile of work reports in front of Stella and said, "Stella we are in the charge of the LC group project this time. The customer department and the project department also helped us in the future, however, we are the core members sent by the two departments.""The higher-ups said th
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Chapter 100 He comes to meet her at the company
Holding Stella's arms, Emily couldn't help but pinch her and said vigorously, "Stella, Look! Your Tristan is here again. You said that he did not have time and he wouldn't come to see you in the noon... However, look he comes again!"Stella felt speechless.As far as she could remember, this man was always busy with work!However, why did this man come to see her in the company every day at noon, after she come back from a broad?Emily smiled and said, "It seemed like, this time Tristan had made up his mind to pursue! It was not easy for such a busy person to put down his work and come to see you!"With that, Emily thought of something and said again, "Tell me, If I want to introduce a boyfriend to you like this and find a stepfather for Adrian. If Tristan finds out this, would he beat me to death?""Stop joking... Nothing is going on between me and him..."Stella said unnaturally.There was always a gap between them, and they could not cross that gap... So there really wouldn't be an
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