All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
330 Chapters
Chapter 71 His Fake McDonald's
Stella looked at him from the side...Stella would never buy fast food for Adrian because she was afraid that it would harm the child's growth.Of course, it was the same for Tristan...As a doctor, how could he buy fast food for the child?It was just that, the food bought by him was wrapped in a paper bag made by McDonald, however, the food inside was not from McDonald's!The little guy had never eaten any fast food before... He just heard from his classmates that McDonald's was delicious. So when he gives thin... It looked a little bit like that...However, Adrian's tail raised to the sky when he got his McDonald's...He immediately showed off in front of Stella...Adrian held his fake McDonald's, puffed his chest, and said happily, "Darling look, how good Uncle Tristan is to me! He even bought me McDonald's to eat! Darling you should have learned from him."After that, the little fellow began to eat his "McDonald's" proudly...Stella looked at him and was speechless.She was dumbf
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Chapter 72 Grandma... He is Tristan
At the hospital...Originally, Stella didn't want to bring Tristan to her grandmother's place. However, she saw that this man was so persistent and he and her grandmother had not seen each other for a long time.What's more, In the past, When Tristan had disappeared, Her grandmother had been missing him and often asked about him. Thus, Stella didn't think too much about it and brought him here...When they arrived at the entrance of the hospital...Tristan walked towards the supermarket store on the side of the hospital..."You will wait for me here. I will go and buy something for grandma..."As he spoke, the man walked to the store...Stella hear his words and hurriedly followed him and tried to stop him, "There is no need for you to buy anything. Grandma didn't lack anything. I had already bought everything for her."After all, Grace was not related to Tristan by blood at all. It could be said that they didn't know each other and they didn't have a deep relationship.However, was o
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Chapter 73 Tristan, Do you have a girlfriend?
In fact, Tristan and her grandmother were not unfamiliar with each other.The two of them had known each other for a long time. It was just that they didn't have any blood relationship between them.Grace didn't expect that, the person whom she had not seen for so many years. One day he would suddenly appear in her ward...She got off the bed excitedly and walked toward Tristan..."Tristan?"When Grandma approached, she began to carefully observe Tristan's face.Grace patted his body and said with a smile, "Boy! You haven't come to see me for so many years! I thought you had forgotten about me. However, you actually come to see me today!"As she spoke, Grandma pretended to be angry with Tristan and hit his shoulder twice to vent her anger...After all, When Tristan left the X city, he didn't tell anyone!Even the Richard family didn't know where Tristan had gone...It was until they heard of Tristan's friend that the Richard family know that he had gone abroad...Instead of being angr
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Chapter 74 I already had someone I love
Grandma had never known about what had happened between Stella and Tristan...Just like that year... When Tristan left the city, Stella didn't tell her grandmother the reason behind his leaving...She always refused or found random excuses...After all... This was not something to be proud of...For the outside world... Tristan was still her brother.Even though, they did not have any blood relationship between them. However, they lived together in the Richard family. After so many years, the outside world had identified their relationship as 'brother and sister.'Of course, Grace also thought the same...She just took it the two of them as siblings and didn't think about anything else...After that Grandma said, "I met a friend in the hospital. Her granddaughter is very beautiful and great. And...""Grandma."Tristan interrupted Grandma and said, "Grandma, I had already someone I love."Stella was speechless.Grace was also dumbstruck.After the moment of awkwardness...Grandma looke
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Chapter 75 Enemies are bound to meet
Stella was speechless!What was going on there?Half of her father?"Grandma don't talk nonsense!""What nonsense? Grandma watched the two of you grow up. Tristan had taken care of you a lot in the past! You had taken away his youth!"The more Grace said the more serious she became, "In the past when you were in middle school, Tristan had already gone to college... Look at the number of girls who pursued him. Later! When you were in high school, Tristan had already started working. However, he still couldn't let go of you, his sister. So tell me... Did you or not stand in his way of youth?"Tristan is already in his 30s. Stella, it was only because of you, that he still didn't have a girlfriend! Stella, you have to take responsibility!"In instant...Why these words didn't seem to sound right...?What the hell?What did she mean by she had to be responsible? What she still be responsible for?This d*mn man didn't fall in love, but she was the one who was blamed for this? Was it her fa
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Chapter 76 A new level of understanding about his shamelessness
That tone of the agreement... Why did Stella feel like he was putting on act whenever she heard it? It was so disgusting!At this moment, Stella felt like as long as she saw this man, he would shock her!This man was getting married the next month. However, in front of her grandmother, he lied again and again. He was spreading rumors that he didn't have a girlfriend at Grandma's side. He didn't have a fiancee!What a hypocrite!Just now, her grandmother asked this man to sit down, and this man...He was too impolite.Just now Stella was cursing him in her heart when she saw RK walking toward her...Only three people could sit on the sofa. There was only an empty seat next to Tristan where her grandmother was sitting before!Tristan sat in the middle while Grandma and Stella sat on his left and right.At this moment, there is an empty seat on Tristan's side, however, this man didn't go there instead he walks toward her..."Stella! Excuse me!"RK said.Those words... sounded so calm...
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Chapter 77 Brothers in their past lives
After they let go of each other, they looked indifferent!It was just like the first time they saw each other and they would become "friends" after they shook hands...When Grandma saw this, she felt that RK was becoming more and more generous!The way she looked at RK currently seemed to be filled with praise... In short, he was pleasing to the eye no matter how she looked at him!Then Grandma was talking alone in the ward!Occasionally, when she asked and talked questions, she was interrupted by the two men sitting around her. When Stella wanted to respond, the two men would steal her limelight every time!Sitting in the ward, she didn't look like she was there to accompany her grandmother. Instead, she looked more like she was here to serve as a decoration!She didn't even have a chance to speak!No matter what Grandma said, the two men would fight to speak..."Knock! Knock! Knock!"While they were chatting, the door of the ward was opened by someone outside!"Patient body check-up
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Chapter 78 Grandma become a fan of RK
"Stella... Look... Look... Who are you looking at?"As soon as Stella looked out the door, her grandmother teased her.As she spoke, she pointed at Stella's eyes with her two fingers and then at the two people who left the ward... Her face was full of happiness!When Stella saw this, she couldn't help but removed her grandmother's two fingers which were placed in front of her faceShe said coyly, "Grandma... What are you talking about? I am not looking at anyone..."Oh, My God! The appearance of these two men made her grandmother wants to tease her!Originally, Stella was very unwilling to bring Tristan to see gee grandmother...However currently... Before she could deal with him, another one also appeared. What's more, these two men come uninvited?Currently, they know the location of her grandmother's hospital. So, they would come to see her grandmother any time if they had nothing to do in the future!Especially...Just now when the doctor was checking on her grandmother. These two
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Chapter 79 The great RK!
Stella quickly shook her head. She felt that her grandmother was really old! Her eyes were dazzled!She thought that RK was a good man!Good man my foot!The man who cheated even after getting married...How can he be a good man?What's more, At this moment, when he was getting married the next month, he was still pretending to be obedient in front of her grandmother saying that he didn't have a girlfriend or fiancee. All kinds of thoughts had been cultivated in her grandmother's mind!Look... At the moment, Grandma was completely out of line. She didn't lean towards her at all! She just kept on talking about how good this man was!"Stella..."Grandma continued, "Do you know why Grandma didn't tell you about Grandma's condition when you were abroad... It was because Grandma's medical expenses were too expensive! Grandma was afraid of being a burden!""Besides, you were traveling abroad with Adrian, so it was not easy for you to earn some money! How can I bear to watch you work so hard
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Chapter 80 Get to know hom
Grandma looked at Stella in disbelief...She seemed to see through the fact that she was in love with someone...Stella lowered her head and didn't say anything...Even if she wants to find a man to act out, however... She really wouldn't do it...Grace continued, "Hump! Even if you had someone you like, I am sure he will be not as good as Rene!""The men outside... Do you think just because Grandma was in the hospital, she doesn't know...? After marriage, there will be an affair or cheating. Many men are different in treating their wives after marriage!""Stella you have to be aware of it!"Stella hear her grandmother's words and thought..."What Grandma said can all be referred to as Rene Kingston!"However, why couldn't Grandma see it?Wasn't that man just having an affair after marriage? Wasn't that man who had cheated after getting married?He was still putting on airs in front of her grandmother! He was just like a big bad devil!"All right, All right! Stella, you know that you
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