All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
310 Chapters
Chapter 51 His eyes were very cold
When Stella looked behind her...The man had walked past her...He sat at the table not far from their table.Stella cursed in her heart. "Why I was so unlucky? Run into this man, wherever I go!"She checked her phone, it was just 1 o click...Lunch break has just started. How could it be already over? If the lunch break was over, why was he still there for lunch?This d*nm man! Were there different rules for her compared to other workers?Tristan who was sitting opposite her, raised his hand and looked at the watch in his hand, and said, "How could your company lunchtime over 1 o'clock? Why did I remember, Sophia said that your company lunch break starts at 1 o'clock?"Stella took another bite of the food on her plate.Yes... The lunch break began at 1 o'clock! It didn't end until an hour at 2 o'clock!However, now she met that man. She doesn't know what's wrong with him. Why didn't he let her have lunch with any other person?"Stella replied. "Yes, it's just started!"It was the tru
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Chapter 52 Half a day's salary was deducted
Since Stella agreed to have dinner with him tonight, Tristan didn't stay any longer and let her go!When Stella come back to the company, it was 1:30 p.m.Because it was still lunch break all the secretaries of the secretarial office went out to have lunch. She was the only one here!"Stella."Stella had just sat down when the head Secretary come from outside and called her. "The company had an emergency that required you to come back to the company. Since you are half an hour late, half of your salary today will be deducted!"Stella was speechless.Was she late?Wasn't it just 1:30 p.m.?Stella pointed at the time on her phone screen and said, "Secretary General, it's only 1: 30. pm. There is still half an hour before the lunch break is over, how I am late?"The Secretary-General shook her hand indicating that she don't know anything."The president said that today you didn't have a lunch break. He asked you to come back and deal with some business. However, Since you don't come back
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Chapter 53 He can't just see her happy
The more Stella wanted to stay away from this man, the more she see him!Because at work, she had no choice. Now when she was about to get off work, he was still trying to hold her!It was evident that he was doing it on purpose.But the people stay beside RK, naturally very different!Alex stood in front of her and didn't intend to give in, "Miss Richard, please don't make things difficult for me. I can only carry out the president's orders!"Stella saw that he was not going to listen to her and said unhappily, "There are so many people in the secretarial office, Why did he only choose me? What's more, I had just come back to the county and only had a few days in the secretarial office. I was not even familiar with most of the work! Why should I go?"At noon, her lunch break was cancelled by this man, then he deducted her half day's salary, now, When I was going to get off work, he still didn't want to let her go!Standing in front of Stella, Alex didn't back down and said, "Miss. Ri
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Chapter 54 Want to beat him to death
As for that man... Stella couldn't figure out his character as a CEO.He was so unpredictable. No one can see through his thoughts.Stella only know that this man was very Scary!It was clear that she had only called for three minutes. But after this man appeared, Why did everything seem to become so horrible?"It was like she had committed some kind of huge crime, after making a call. It was scary!"Miss Richard, seemed to not know about the company rules!"As he said, he walked toward her step by step.His pace was not too fast or slow, but because of this, no one know what he was thinking. It made feel people scared like danger was getting closer...Stella don't know what she had done wrong and just looked at him blankly."You can't do anything in the company that was nothing to do with your work during the working in the company!"As RK passed by the Secretary general desk, there is a book of company rules and regulations. He picked up the book from the Secretary general seat and
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Chapter 55 Who allowed you to leave
Everyone's gaze fell on Stella...Originally, this man was like a moon, always surrounded by others people like stars.No matter where he went or what he does, he will always become the center of attention.It was like everything will be decided by him.However, after hearing his words, everyone looks at Stella from head to toe."Mr. Kingston, this..."The man sitting next to RK made a way.Being seen like this, she felt very uncomfortable.Stella walked awkwardly toward RK... All of sudden, she was surrounded by the crowd.The others people were RK's friends but they didn't dare to say anything. It was James who seemed to have a good relationship with RK and he said half-jokingly."It looks like, she was RK's new lover. No wonder you didn't bring your fiancee when you come to meet us today!"James was straightforward and didn't care too much.This was Stella's first time meeting with RK's friends. In the past, when she got married to this man, she just always stayed in RK's mansion.
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Chapter 56 The friend's wife was off-limits.
That order... Drew everyone's attention in the room.In instant, because of RK's order, she becomes the focus of everyone's attention in the room. Stella just stood there with a pair of blue eyes fixed on her.Stella felt very uncomfortable and frowned.She don't know what this man was thinking. He was clearly here to flirt with women, then just do it! Why did he bring her here with him?When she was in the company, he lied to her. He said that she had to accompany him to a business meeting. Business meeting my foot!Where is the meeting? He just come here to mess around!What's more, he even took away her break time. How could he be so shameless?But no matter how much pain Stella felt in her heart, she knows that she can't afford to lose her temper in front of this man.Because she can't compete with this man with her strength.Especially when... Everyone in the private room was RK's man.Stella returned to her seat and sat down beside RK without saying anything. But she was feeling
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Chapter 57 Mistaken as his mistress
Now, the man who had given this man a cigarette and wanted to introduce a few women to him didn't dare to say anything.Now, everyone knows that Stella was RK's female companion and he didn't need women to attend to him tonight...Because of the previous embarrassment, the private room was quiet again.For a moment... No one knows how to resolve the awkward atmosphere!Finally, it was James who broke the silence and said, "Come on everybody, let's play card! We haven't seen each other for so long, how can we don't play cards?"As he spoke, a group of people sat down around the square table.James was the host of the gathering, so it was natural, he was the first one to organize everything.There are almost 20 men and women inside the private room. Some men had one or two partners! Thus, it was not wrong to say that there were more beautiful women in this private room than men...As for RK, who was the focus of everyone's attention...Naturally, he was surrounded by a group of people a
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Chapter 58 His lips touched her fingers
Stella cursed in her heart. "What bad luck?"Every time she was with this man... Because of him, she would always be misunderstood.But in the end... She would be also the one who was suffering!Stella sat angrily on the chair at the side.However, in the end, she couldn't help but said, "Don't get me wrong! I am just Mr. Kingston's employee, nothing else!"Everyone here know that this man was going to marry Sophia the next month. But they all still made it seem as if She and RK were in some kind of relationship...As a man, it was not a big deal for him!No matter what you said, they were just a few words...However, she was a woman! If she got involved with this man, didn't it mean that she was damaging her reputation?Moreover... In the end, she was the one who would be labelled as the title of "mistress" who ruin other people's relationships, Okay?And...She had no interest in getting this title.She, Stella Richard, still had a reputation to uphold!*****Everyone inside the roo
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Chapter 59 Ask your Secretary to play with us
"Wine."Stella sat by the side, she was looking at RK in a daze...The man sitting next to her spoke again.This time Stella obediently handed over the wine, because RK was holding cards in one hand and playing the cards with the other hand, so that, Stella had no choice but to feed the man a glass of wine!If one doesn't know the truth, one would think that Stella and the other women who served the man were in the same line of business!James looked at her and said with a smile, "Rene... Your little secretary is quite obedient. Just now... She was a little hot-tempered! It was us brothers who misjudged you. Hahaha..."Then... The group of people starts to kick up a fuss again...Everyone was talking as if something is going on between Stella and RK...Stella just sat awkwardly beside him, because she know that even if she tried to explain again, it had no use...If they think so... Then let them be!Why did they sound like they were treating her as RK's little girlfriend?Stella didn
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Chapter 60 I will teach you
James was the first one who looked at Stella and suggested.Everyone had the same idea so they naturally chimed in, "That's right! Mr. Kingston, why don't you ask your secretary to play a few rounds with us? Anyway, there is no one here!"Stella felt embarrassed.She waved her hand and said, "I don't know how to..."She really doesn't know how to play cards.Stella was always a good student since she was a child. When she was in the Richard family, sometimes it was hard for her to pay her tuition fees. How can she have money to waste on this kind of entertainment?Since she was young, in addition to studying, she would never consider that kind of entertainment.What's more, When she was in the Richard family, there was Tristan, and he would never allow her to play cards.Over the time, Stella become a good student!When she was in college, Stella married RK. After she got married to this man, she was still hanging out with this man for the sake of her tuition fees...Thus, Stella didn
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