All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
310 Chapters
Chapter 31 Cold face Uncle
Adrian was wearing his fluffy crocodile pajamas... Because he had just rubbed against Stella's arm his hat almost off his head... As he walks his long crocodile tale also moves behind him...At this time... He just looks too cute...Adrian was about to move the stool to see who was outside when he heard a deep male voice..."Adrian... It's me. Uncle Tristan.""It was cold face Uncle."When Tristan was waiting outside he heard the child's footsteps inside and know that it was Adrian who come over to open the door...He also heard him moving the stool...Because he didn't want to let the child move things here and there, he spoke first...But what he didn't expect was... That he was greeted by the word, "Cold face Uncle."Tristan was almost amused by his words and smiled...He must be the first time heard someone call him "cold face Uncle."He thought it must be because he left last night with a cold face without saying anything, the child get scared by his behavior...He know in his he
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Chapter 32 He has fiancee
After Stella come out to eat, she saw Adrian sitting at the dining table and eating Vegetables and chapati...Which he hated the most...But now looking at him she felt like... He seemed to like it a lot.An adult and child sitting there together. They are only eating vegetables and Chapati with some fruit and salad...Yet they are feeding each other.From their back, it looks like they know each other for so long...Stella looked at them in shock...What happened? She had just slept for one night, when did they become so close?Did she miss something?Because it was a surprise for her!"Darling, don't just stand there. Come quickly and eat. Food is getting cold."Adrian looked at Stella and said...He also added... "Mr. Davis had also cooked " Gajar's halwa." I had tasted it, it's very tasty and yummy!""Mr. Davis is amazing... He can cook very yummy food."Did he cook himself?Stella was not very shocked to know that he can cook. Because when she moved with this man in the Richard f
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Chapter 33 Shameless man
Yesterday, her grandmother was not in the Richard family house, so how would she know that the man had admitted that he has finance and they are getting married next month...?Grace continues to say, "Stella don't try to fool me. Yesterday morning when Rene come to see me at the hospital I had asked him what did he think about you? I also asked him if he had a girlfriend or not. He told me that in these six years he didn't have any girlfriend. Stella how can you talk like this for Rene...!"Stella doesn't know what to say...That man was so shameless.He was still laying to her grandmother.If you had a girlfriend, you had a girlfriend. If you have finance then you have financed. What's the problem? Why can't this man admit it?In these six years, he only lied to her grandmother but now... That d*mn man. He was still lying to her grandmother that in these six years he didn't have a girlfriend...Did he want her grandma to matchmake them again?What this man was thinking?The more Stel
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Chapter 34 Falling from the stairs
Yesterday when she was in the Richard family house, that man had stepped on her foot, just because she want to take the wine glass from Tristan...She thought that maybe it was because of a mistake...But now...He made this mistake again...Stella and RK sitting on the sofa together. He stepped on her white shoes...Stella cried out in a pain.She glared at that man angrily and cursed in her heart... "Rene Kingston... You are a Devil... No, you are the biggest villain..."When she glared at him, RK looked at her and asked politely, "Miss Richard, what did you say? I didn't hear... Can you please repeat that?"Stella can't say anything. She just lowered her head...But she still scolds him in her heart... "Shameless."Grace looked at them and thought like the couple are fighting and she completely ignored Stella's complaints.Anyway, Grace completely trusts and believes in RK that he will never cross his line or overstep his boundaries with Stella...At this moment...You can say that
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Chapter 35 Her mind is filled with suspicion
"How long are you planning to lay on me?"Suddenly, a man's low and deep voice fell on her ears.Stella was furious. She shook his hand away and quickly stood up. She mumbles to herself, "Who wants to lay on you?""This man..."His face was not red. His heart was not beating fast.Rene Kingston stood up and tied up his suit and looked at Stella's blushing face and said with a smile, "You are blushing."That was easy to say...The people who don't know the truth would think that they are an old couple.Stella lowered her eyes and didn't dare to look into that man's eyes. His gaze is hot!It was clear that it has been so long Since they got divorced. But he talked about the past... It felt like it just happened yesterday... It would remind her everything about the fast...Stella stood there with her head lowered. Because after hearing his words, there are too many complicated emotions in her heart...Both of them had already divorced... Next month he was getting married to Sophia... But
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Chapter 36 Feed him
Stella looked at his injured hand and start to reply the scene happened at the staircase...Then she remembered...He had used his injured hand to take advantage of her...D*mnit.At first, she was feeling guilty. After all, he hurt his hand because he was saving her, that's why she felt he was hurt because of her...But now, when she finds a reason to hate him...She snorted and turn her head away and pretend she didn't see anything...Want to take advantage of me, despite being injured... Very good! Serve him right... For injuring his hand..."Stella! Why are you snorting? How can you be so unreasonable!"Stella was obedient... She didn't argue with her grandmother... She just lowered her head and pretend like she was not there...Grace looked at Stella and was very angry she thought, "I had just said that don't behave like this in front of Rene and treat him well... But why doesn't she understands..."She looked at RK with a worried face and said, "Rene... We are in the hospital. W
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Chapter 37 All her lies were exposed
Stella quickly withdraws her hand from his palm... It was like she was the one who had taken advantage of this man...What a big shot! He was getting ruder!Not to mention that he had taken advantage of her on the stairs just now. He was now in her grandmother's ward, but look he was still not behaving well and playing tricks on her...Moreover, he was getting married next month...Stella turns her in anger. "I can't wipe your pants. When we go back you take off your pants and give them to me and I will wash them."She can't just wipe a man's body part. At most, she just clean the stain on his pants and wash them for him.RK raised his eyebrows and looked at her...But he didn't say anything...Not that he refused or agree, but yes, he didn't ask Stella to wipe his pants again.Anyway, the sauce was dark, and he was wearing black trousers, it was almost like no stain.After a long time, both of them finished their meal and sat there awkwardly. Because they don't know what to say...Gr
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Chapter 38 Her heart was beating for him
Inside the ward, they are still arguing about going home when a nurse comes into the ward to drive them away...Stella looked embarrassed.Now...Not only her phone was dead, but she also didn't even have any friend who was coming to pick up her. What's more, she was also driven out of the ward, because the nurse said that visiting hours are over...Stella thought in her heart...The next time when she comes back to meet her grandmother, she will do her homework well. First a fall, she should check this man's whole schedule, so that she would not meet him again and again in the hospital...It was not easy to meet her enemy every time...It brings her bad luck...Grace also looked at them waved her hand and said, "Stella quickly go home... It's getting late. Even the nurse had come to urge you... It was already 10 in the evening... It was already so late to go home... I am worried for you."Grace looked like she want to chase out of the ward quickly...No matter what... Stella couldn't
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Chapter 39 Help me apply the medicine
The more Stella thought about it the angrier she became. This man had done all kinds of things to let others misunderstand them again and again...With his actions, how can people don't misunderstand them?"I had my own plans for Grandma. You don't have to think too much."RK replied in a cold voice.He was speaking like everything was under his control... Like everyone was his chess piece and they will do everything according to his will..."Mr. Kingston, I had already told you that you don't have to interfere in my grandmother's business. Now when I am back in the country, I will take care of her..."Stella still made her point clear. Anyway... Grace was her Grandmother, why was this man calling her grandma his Grandma...What's more, Did he think it was fun to deceive an old woman again and again?"If I should get close to grandma or not, Don't you think you should ask her first"RK said with certainty.Look how he was talking. It was like her grandmother had acknowledged him as he
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Chapter 40 Darling, what are you doing?
If Stella don't know what was going on with the situation, she was sure the word she just spoke going to let people misunderstand what she was going to do to this man.Only she know at this moment how fast her heart was beating... She felt her heart would jump out of her chest...This was her first time saying something like this to a man...In a situation, when a man and woman are alone in the same room in the middle of the night...Words like this... It's hard not to be got misunderstand.After saying that, Stella didn't see any moment from the man standing in front of her. It was like he didn't hear her...She knows, just now when she spoke... Her voice was soft...But she was sure, it was not that soft that in such a quiet room, he didn't hear her...Then what was he trying to do?Stella glared at the man standing in front of her and said clearly, "Hurry up! Take off your pants. I will help you to wash it."This d*nm man. Why did she have to repeat herself, before he start to move
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