All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 301 - Chapter 310
310 Chapters
Chapter 301 Tristan is here again
Did Adrian completely ignore RK? Even if Stella didn't have Adrian or a tablet, RK could still talk to her. How could she be bored?RK felt very unfair.Because Adrian was an extremely noisy little boy, he was thrown out of the ward by RK. To be honest, he would not admit that he drove Adrian away because he thought that the boy had stolen his spotlight.Stella's health was recovering day by day, and her physical recovery was getting more and more laborious. Gradually, she could speak under RK's care. To be honest, her throat didn't suffer any damage. The only injury that was left was on her back after she fell off the building. With RK's meticulous care, she was already fine.RK was very pleased.He remembered that when Stella uttered a syllable, he was so excited that he almost threw his lunch away. He jumped in front of Stella and almost threw himself at her.Of course, even if he had other thoughts, he would not dare to act rashly. Her throat was only slightly injured, and her bac
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Chapter 302 Stella, you big lazy pig
Seeing that Stella looked good and her voice was not so weak, Tristan breathed a sigh of relief."Thank you. I am much better." Stella smiled. When she turned to look at RK, she looked as if he owed her a debt. "What are you standing there? Go and get some water."RK went to pour a glass of water, picked up a straw, and was about to hand it to Stella."Not for me, But for Brother Tristan."RK was very angry as he handed the water to Tristan.Tristan was also a little stunned. Brother Tristan? She began to call him Brother Tristan again. Did that mean that after this incident, she started to treat him as her brother again? Or was she together with RK again?In the end, Tristan walked out of the hospital with a sense of loss. RK left the ward with the excuse of sending Tristan off, and there was a sneer on his face."RK, are you with her again?"It took RK a while to realize that he was referring to Stella."Are you out of your mind? Do I look like someone who will return to what I have
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Chapter 303 Don't take advantage of me
"I don't want to get up. I was too tired when I walked yesterday. You told me to sleep for a while."RK didn't understand why a person who was sleeping on the had to rely on the bed so much. She couldn't sleep that much, could she?"Big lazy pig, Stella. Stella, big lazy pig. Stella is a big lazy pig who can't even wake up. Pig, pig, pig!" After a while, RK started to issue orders again and left with no choice, Stella had to open her eyes.RK carefully picked her up and put her in the wheelchair. However, Stella closed her eyes to sleep. RK, took a towel to wipe her face, comb her hair, and tidy her clothes. After everything was arranged, and RK pushed the wheelchair outside, Stella finally woke up."Hey, what are you doing?" Stella touched her wheelchair and looked at RK in confusion. Where he was taking her?"Don't talk nonsense. Just follow me!" RK pushed Stella downstairs. The car was already waiting there. He pushed her in front of the car and leaned over to carry her in.He was
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Chapter 304 Kingston Mansion
"And I have checked the weather. It's going to rain today. Don't you know that when it rains, the Kingston Mansion looks more beautiful!"Stella looked up and saw that the sky was indeed a little dark. After a while, it began to rain.Rain dripped down along the eaves of the corridor. The red bricks, green tiles, hundreds of flowers, and green leaves created a picturesque and poetic scene. The scenery of the Kingston Mansion was very beautiful. Even RK, who had seen it many times, couldn't help but admire the beautiful scenery in the rain, let alone Stella who was intoxicated by it for the first time.Soon, the rain stopped. At this time, RK pushed Stella down the corridor and they walked through the garden. Perhaps, he was afraid of jolting her, so he walked very slowly. Stella could even see the raindrops on the flowers. They were crystal clear and made the flower look very beautiful.The Kingston Mansion was indeed the biggest treasure of the Kingston family. It was not only the pl
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Chapter 305 The reality was not as beautiful as what was written
It was raining outside again, and raindrops fell on the window. She could vaguely hear the raindrops falling from the sky to the balcony, and then on the grass. She was so bored that she turned on the tablet to check the weather forecast. It turned out that it had been rainy these days, and the temperature was quite suitable. After checking the forecast, she listened to some songs again. What she listened to was Lala Hsu's "Riding on a White Horse". It was a Chinese song, however once when she was watching a drama, she heard this song. It was a very magical song. She liked the snippet of the play that was inserted in the middle. After she read the novel and liked it very much too. She felt related to the heroine, which falls for the main protagonist, Mr. Ruan, because of the song. Then, with some twists and turns, they were together again. Stella used to think that such a plot would only happen in novels. She didn't expect that such bizarre things would happen to her.As Stella though
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Chapter 306 No one in the world can't live without anyone
"Do you know what Zhuang Zhou said in the end?""What?" Stella felt that it was not a good habit to be so mysterious."The world says that I am not sad. I laugh at the emptiness of the world. If people die, I will definitely cry.""Why did Zhuang Zhou say something like this?""To be honest, Tian failed to resist Zhuang Zhou's test and the temptation of King Chu's grandson. Zhuang Zhou pretended to be dead to test Tian. Less than 20 days after Zhuang Zhou died, King Chu's grandson seduced Tian. Later, Tian even wanted to use Zhuang Zhou's brain to cure King Chu's grandson's heart disease. When Zhuang Zhou's coffin was opened, he woke up. Later, Tian failed to hide the truth and was exposed by Zhuang Zhou. She was so ashamed that she hanged herself and died. Zhuang Zhou put her in a coffin and burned down the house. With a wave of his sleeves, he went down the mountain to travel and never went back.""Oh, I see." Stella was lost in thought."How does it feel to know about the gap betwe
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Chapter 307 RK, I hate you
"Stella, can't live without me now. I can't leave her like this. I have ruined everything she has, and I have to pay back what I owe her!""But... RK you have ruined everything I have too. Do you know that I might as well die without you? I..." Sophia felt as if the world was collapsing. She struggled to hold one, but in the end, she lost it.It was all her fault. She had listened to her father and asked Stella to marry into the Kingston family. If it hadn't been for the accident six years ago, she might have been living a happy life with RK now."If, if, if. When she thought about "Ifs" she felt a sharp pain in her heart. If it wasn't for her decision, the current situation wouldn't have been like this. She and RK would have a good life, and Stella might have been with someone she loved. They would have reached the point of marriage, and she wouldn't have had to flee to France with the baby.Was it fate or tribulation? At that time, she had committed so many evil deeds, and now, it w
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Chapter 308 No medicine for regret
"D*mn it, don't you know, do you? I heard that a guard and a campus belle got together because of this!""I heard that it seemed to be the campus belle who took the guard to identify RK. Then, she was so scared by his coldness and cried, so the guard took the beauty into his warm with a warm hug.""D*mn it. It turns out that a loser is such a good-for-nothing. He got a girl who was completely out of his reach just like that!""That's all thanks to a matchmaker, Rene Kingston!"There was no end to the gossip in the dorm. They sat on the same bed, eating snacks and laughing. In the end, they concluded that if Sophia was going to chase after RK, she had no chance at all.Sophia didn't expect RK to be such a ruthless and arrogant person. She began to suspect that he had ignored her at noon on purpose. The guy was too bad.The second time Sophia saw RK was at the Start of Term Ceremony on behalf of all the sophomores and teachers to welcome their juniors. At that time, the meeting room bur
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Chapter 309 Did you miss me?
"If she fell off the building or not, what does it have to do with us?"As expected, David knows about it. Otherwise, Isabella would not have reacted like that."What are you talking about? They are both my daughters. What do you mean by this?" David questioned angrily.RK couldn't be bothered to watch them act, so left from the other side of the corridor.David and Isabella walked into the ward."Sophia, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Isabella walked to Sophia with great concern."Mom, I am fine!" Sophia reassured her mother."Look at you! Why didn't you go home last night?" David said angrily."Well, what's the use of saying that now? She is already like this!" Isabella defended Sophia. "Oh, by the way, Sophia, why do I see RK take extra care of Stella? Is there something wrong between you two?""No. Mom, I have made up my mind. I don't want to marry RK anymore!""What!!!? Sophia, did you have a fever until your brain was damaged, don't you know what's going on anymore?" Isab
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Chapter 310 Want to eat a spicy food
Stella becomes angry from embarrassment. RK had succeeded in teasing her, so he wouldn't go too far. He sat down and ate a tangerine calmly.It was obvious that most people ate tangerines in autumn and winter, but this guy ate them in early summer, and it was very sweet. Although most of the tangerine was eaten by Stella, she still couldn't help but despise RK's behavior."Hey, RK. Have you been busy lately?""I am not busy. Don't worry. I can stay with you all day long!"Who wanted him to accompany her? How could she eat spicy soup and rice noodles if he didn't leave?"No need, no need. If you are busy, don't worry about me. You can do whatever you want. Don't worry about me, don't worry about me..."RK was an old cunning fox. If she wanted to eat spicy soup and rice noodles, she had to get his permission."Ahem, ahem. RK, do you know what is the best thing in the world?""What?""Eating spicy soup, rice noodles, and then having a cold drink, and then living a carefree life...""Oh?"
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