All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
330 Chapters
Chapter 281 Child bride
Stella waited angrily in the company for RK for a whole day, but she didn't see him come to work. Later, she heard that he was on a business trip abroad.D*mn it! He was on a business trip when she was going to get even with him angrily. He had gone too far!Stella was surrounded by an angry aura the whole day, which made her colleagues tremble with fear. They didn't know what had happened.When she got off work in the afternoon and rushed to the hospital, Adrian asked her where Bad Uncle had gone."Your bad uncle was sold to South Africa by human traffickers to be a child bride," Stella replied fiercely."Oh, what is a child bride?" Adrian asked curiously."Er... A child bride is... is the daughter-in-law of a rich man in old days who was bought for his son..." Stella felt that her son's brain was very abnormal."Oh, it turns out that a wife can be bought. Did bad uncle buy you back then, Darling?"Stella was at a loss for words.However, Adrian's analogy was quite appropriate.In th
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Chapter 282 Am I not handsome anymore?
"At that time, I don't know how to deal with outsiders. Why did David quarrel with you when he met with you? And why did he divorce you? I begged you not to divorce him, but you insisted on it. At that time, I knew that you are a person who would rather die than live a miserable life.""Later, you fell ill before you could get a divorce."Stella always remembered that rainy night. Her mother had a high fever, but David was not at home. She tried her best to drag her mother who had fainted to the hospital. Later, her crying woke up the housekeeper who had been taking care of them. The auntie hailed a taxi to take them to the hospital.At that time, Stella knew that she could not depend completely on a man. Her mother was like this, so she was destined to be completely hurt by David. She could not go on the same path as her mother, nor could she follow in her mother's footsteps. She must be strong. When she grew up and worked hard, she could support herself and her mother. Then, she wou
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Chapter 283 Their boss prefers men
"Really?" Adrian's eyes were shining."Of course, so you should go to bed now. When you recover, I will take you to have a big meal!""Oh, yay!"When Stella walked out of the hospital, the corners of her mouth were still curved upwards.When she got home, it was still fine. The street lights were on downstairs, and her heart was very calm.****On the other hand, RK, who was far away on a business trip, was sitting in front of the window and enjoying his red wine. His life was not very comfortable.At that moment, there was a knock on the door.Knock, knock, knock..."Come in," RK said.A sexy, enchanting, long-haired woman walked in. RK didn't even look at her before he know why she had appeared in his room.His parents had put too much effort into the matter. They knew that he was lonely at night, so they sent a beautiful woman here in the middle of the night!It was a pity that he had never been interested in something like this.He remembered that in the basketball competition wit
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Chapter 284 Sing a song for me
Later, in the basketball competition, the campus belle managed to get RK's number and she called him. She told him that she had fallen and no one could carry her to the hospital.RK's words made the girl so angry that she burst into tears."If you can't walk to the hospital, then call the ambulance yourself!" Then he hung up the phone.The girl had been traumatized for so many years and felt that she wasn't beautiful anymore. Otherwise, why wouldn't RK take pity on her?Back to reality, RK stared at the woman in front of him for five minutes, which made her feel a little embarrassed."Mr. Kingston, I am... Mr. Vives sent me! He wanted me to..." The woman seemed to be a young and pure girl. She didn't even dare to say things like "serve you." She stood quietly in front of RK.To be honest, Mr. Vives wasn't the only one who had wanted her. She knew very well that If RK took a fancy to her that night and kept her by his side, she would be able to become Cinderella and rise straight to th
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Chapter 285 Feeling like they were a family
Despite his complaints, RK drove to the hospital without stopping.After the White cast was removed, Adrian immediately felt as if he had been reborn."Oh yeah, I am back!"After Adrian's cast was removed, Stella didn't stay idle. She began to think about making Adrian walk.She couldn't practice with Adrian at any time. Anyway, RK was the owner of the company, and no one would deduct his salary, let alone fire him. She might as well as leave that matter to him.When RK arrived, Adrian cheered."Hey, bad uncle are you back from being a child bride?""What? A child bride? What child bride?" RK was baffled."Oh, Darling said that you were sold to be a child bride. I wanted to ask, how are you doing as a child bride? Are you used to it? Did the rich man make things difficult for you?"After Adrian's questions, RK completely understood. It turned out that Stella had spoken badly about him to Adrian while he was not around. That woman was very shameless and unreliable. He very much wanted
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Chapter 286 Lost the lawsuit
Adrian's leg was gradually healing, however, Stella was about to face the custody battle. She didn't know what was wrong with RK. Recently, he had a particularly good temper, which made Stella embarrassed to ask him to account for the message he previously sent.The court hearing was about to be held soon. Speaking of which, Stella was quite nervous.RK smiled and joked, "Don't worry. Even if I win, you can come to see Adrian every day!"Stella regarded his words as a provocation, and her anger was immediately triggered by him."RK, you are so shameless. I am telling you, if you take Adrian away, I will end my own life!""Oh, then you should be prepared first. I am afraid that you will have to end your life.""You... Even if I do it, I will drag you down with me. I will drag you down to the bottom of the building and make you for a terrible death!""Oh, I am so scared!"Every conversation they had ended in a quarrel.RK told himself every time he talked to Stella that she was in a cri
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Chapter 287 She ended her life
The surrounding air seemed to have frozen. She slowly walked out of the gate of the court alone. Someone called her from behind, but she didn't seem to hear it. She didn't want to look back. She didn't have the strength to look back, and then she disappeared on the road alone.That afternoon, RK took Adrian back to the Kingston family home.She stood at the door and looked at the room. Someone took Adrian's favorite toys and the pillow that he must hold when he was sleeping. The dishes and spoons that he had to use during meals were all taken away. In Adrian's room, there was only an empty bed and a desk, nothing else.At noon, when she went to see Adrian in the kindergarten, he cried. He grabbed the corner of her clothes and cried loudly, saying that he would not leave her. She also cried. She held Adrian in her arms, as if she was holding a life-saving straw, and kept saying that she would not leave him.Then, it was the afternoon when they parted away.In the evening, she took a ba
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Chapter 288 RK, it's all your fault
In the ICU, it was so quiet that only the sound of instruments could be heard. RK squatted in front of Stella's bed, held her hand, and gently placed it on his face."Stella, let me tell you, wake up. Stella woke up. Can you wake up? You can scold me or beat me, or do anything you want to do with me. As long as you wake up, I will send Adrian back, okay?"It was clear that he know how important Adrian was to her. She had told him that Adrian was her reason for living. He was just a petty person, so he couldn't stand that Tristan kept pestering her and Adrian. Only he would do something so childish that he could not accept it. At first, he didn't think like that, but why, why was it like this? He realizes that he was wrong. As long as she could wake up, he was willing to bear everything for her."Stella, why are you so stupid? Why did you want to end your life? I never thought that you would be such an extreme person. You have a temper and courage. You won't give up that easily no matt
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Chapter 289 It was good to have a surprise
The four people sat like that all the time. At noon, Tristan received a call saying that there was an important operation that required his presence. Then he told Emily that if Stella woke up, she must call him immediately. After that, he left in a hurry.After a while, RK still had no intention of moving. The company must have been waiting for him anxiously. As the president of the company, he didn't even answer the calls of the special assistant. Aden had no choice. Afraid that he would starve, he went downstairs to buy lunch. Thinking of the crying young lady next to him, he bought another packet of food for Emily.After going upstairs, Aden put the lunch in front of RK, but the latter had no intention of picking it up. Aden could only put Emily's lunch in front of her, but her reaction was the same as RK's. She was hungry, but she still ignored him."Hey, what's wrong with the two of you? If you don't eat, you will faint. Then, you won't be able to witness the moment when Stella w
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Chapter 290 He is a person whom no one can hate
In a coma, Stella felt a dull pain.Pain... It was so painful all over her body. She did not know why she was in such pain. It was as if every single pore in her body and every bone marrow was throbbing with pain. She swam around with great difficulty. Her surroundings were boundless and there was no place for her to find her footing. She was always alone swimming, walking, and sleeping in the air.She wanted to open her eyes, but she couldn't no matter how hard she tried. She tried her best, but she failed to open them. In the end, she had no choice but to give up.Where was this place? Why was there no one there? Where was Adrian? Where was Emily? Where was RK? Where was Aden? Where was Tristan? Where have they gone? Why couldn't she see them?The memory of that night when she was drunk seemed to come back to her mind. Did she fall off the building? So, was she dead now? Since she was dead, why did she still feel so much pain? Would she meet her mother here? Maybe she could see her
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