All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
330 Chapters
Chapter 261 Grandma, I won't leave her alone
"Ah? He has a fiancee?" Grace was clearly very surprised. She looked like she had been dumbstruck. "It doesn't matter. You young people think that as long as they aren't married, you can also compete fairly."Stella's idea was completely killed by her grandmother."No, Grandma, Rene is about to get married." Stella was speechless. "His fiancee is very beautiful. He likes his finance very much. Don't think too much.""Hmph." Grace said proudly, "It must be the order of parents, decided by the matchmaker. Rene won't like her, and the two of them won't be happy!"Stella was speechless.To be honest, Stella felt that her grandmother was sometimes right."Grandma, don't think too much about it. I don't think marriage is something that can be forced, and people will be with you who they are meant to be with you. You see, I am very happy to have Adrian and you now. Don't worry," Stella comforted her grandmother."Oh, my good child." Grace touched Stella's head with a distressed heart. "I am
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Chapter 262 Taught a lesson by the little fellow
"Well, well, well, I know I wasn't mistaken. Rene, you are the one I can depend on.""Grace said happily."Well, Okay, Grandma, I will hang up if there is nothing else. You should go to bed early.""Okay, Okay. Visit me when you are free. I will call Stella here too." Grace smiled 'kindly' as she wanted to let the two of them spend more time together.RK was speechless.Grace was determined to push Stella to him...After hanging up RK's call, Grace felt refreshed and relieved. Even when she ate, she felt much better than before.Looking at the situation, Rene had feelings for Stella. As long as he accepted Adrian, the matter would be settled.However, to be honest, she completely ignored the problem with her granddaughter. If the heroine did not agree, no one could do anything about it.The main thing was that in the end, the problem remained the same.Of course, this was just a matter of time. Let's talk about RK first.After RK hung up the phone, he immediately felt as tired as a li
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Chapter 263 Your college life was very wonderful
"Adrian, looking at your situation, you should also be filial to your Darling. You are so naughty. When Darling was giving birth to you, it must have been very difficult." Emily was unwilling to show weakness. How could she be defeated by the little kid?"Of course, I want to spend my whole life protecting and taking care of Darling," Adrian stated with confidence.Stella was amused and touched. Where did this little guy learn these lines? Why did they sound so awkward? It was like a confession."Hmph! At least you have some conscience." Hearing those words, Emily felt that it was very pleasing to the ear, so she didn't refute anything."Okay, Okay, Adrian, you eat first. Emily, come out with me!"Emily followed Stella out of the ward. As soon as the door of the ward was closed, she couldn't help but spit. "Well, Stella, how dare you sneak out of the hospital behind my back? Didn't I tell you, with me, Adrian's godmother, there will definitely be no problem? Why, don't you believe me?
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Chapter 264 Did this bad uncle was very powerful?
"Hehe, President, you are here?" Emily immediately changed into a subservient and flattering experience, making Stella want to throw up.Seeing that RK had come, Stella felt that it was not good to let Emily continue to be such a lackey. As such, she signaled to Emily, indicating that she would call her later, and then let Emily go first."Then, President, I will go back to work first.""Mmm."As if she was granted amnesty, Emily quickly took her bag and ran away.Stella felt that she really overestimated Emily's ambition. When she was with Stella, she was self-righteous and scolded RK. Emily was so vicious, but why did she run away in fear as soon as she saw him? She was such a bad friend.Stella ignored RK and walked into the ward.RK didn't think anything was wrong, so he went into the Ward as well.In the ward, Adrian was playing on the game console.When Adrian turned on the console, he found that all the levels in the game had been cleared.It was strange. He had only played hal
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Chapter 265 Thank you, Stella
"Are you done complaining?" RK walked over to Stella and sat down next to her, looking as if he was going to have a good chat with her."It's none of your business!" Stella adjusted her mood, making herself look more normal."As I said, blood is thicker than water. No matter what, I am Adrian's father. He will definitely accept me." RK was very confident in this matter."I don't want to argue with you about this, and I don't want to force Adrian to do anything he doesn't want to do. Hence, I won't interfere in your and Adrian's affairs." Stella stood up from the steps, tidied her clothes, and was ready to go out."All in all, thank you. Thank you for giving birth to Adrian. Thank you for letting him acknowledge me." RK's expression was still as cold as ever, but what he said was very shocking."I don't want your thank you. I just want to live a peaceful and stable life with Adrian. If you really want to thank me, don't bother us anymore.""Can we not always involve this topic in our c
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Chapter 266 Return...
Having taken care of Adrian for such a long time, Stella felt that it was time to go back to the company. This time, she did not ask for leave from the company at all because she had no time to due to an emergency. In addition, she was dizzy later, so she forgot about asking for leave.However, Emily knew that she had forgotten and must have found a way to help her. She could only wait for her to go back to work.That month's bonus wound definitely be gone. Not only would the bonus be gone, but her salary would also be deducted.It didn't matter if her salary was deducted. As long as she was healthy and lived a stable life, it wouldn't be a problem even if her whole year's salary was deducted.Thinking of this, the next day, Stella and Emily arrived at the company together."Emily, did you ask for leave for me at that time? I hope you didn't forget. If you did, then I am done for," Stella asked."I really didn't ask for your leave. It's the president who found an excuse to muddle thro
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Chapter 267 Power of gossip
The atmosphere of gossip immediately spread throughout the cafeteria. During lunchtime, everyone in the company knew about what had happened between Stella and RK.Emily swallowed a mouthful of food and was shocked by the power of the gossip.How could a scholar know the affairs of the world without going out? She was completely convinced.Emily was ready to finish her meal and immediately go back to tell Stella about that matter. This group of people was really too scary.A colleague beside her poked Emily's arm."Emily, aren't you usually good friends with Stella? Do you know about this?"The surroundings quietened again as if they were waiting for Emily's answer."Hehe, no Stella has never told me about it. How come I don't know? Did her friend make a mistake... Hehe... The president is so awesome, how could he fall in love with a small employee like Stella?" Emily covered the matter up dryly.Everyone was more convinced of the gossip that they had just heard.It's over. Did that m
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Chapter 268 Let's have lunch together
When Stella went in, RK was resting on the sofa. It seemed that he had fallen asleep from exhaustion with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. It seemed that he had been in pain before she arrived. She dared not to wake him up. Instead, she poured him a cup of hot water and then set it aside to cool down so that it was in time for him to take his medicine after he woke up.Immediately, after she fetched him his quilt and tucked him in. After her eyes scanned him for some time, she found that he seemed that he wouldn't wake any sooner. Perhaps he was too tired, so Stella decided against waiting. She set the medicine and the glass of water on the table in front of him. Just as she was about to leave, he woke up from stirring in his sleep."Well, you didn't bring the medicine, so I..." It seemed that she couldn't cover up the fact that she showed concern for him, so she made up her mind to explain at all. "Hurry up and take your medicine. I will take my leave!""Wait a minute! I have g
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Chapter 269 Start to fight
She was about to turn him down when RK's gaze stopped her.To be honest, she did not have any clothes in her mind she wanted. She was not a person who was fond of wearing new clothes. In short, she did not want to owe him anything in their fake marriage. Once Sophia recovered, she would leave in peace for France and never return.By then, she would assume as if RK had never appeared in her life.From then on, they were just passersby."Ding."Stella was pulled back to reality by the sound of the elevator.Oh, it turned out that she had arrived at the top floor.The lunch period was relatively short. Else, she might as well visit the hospital to take care of Adrian. If she had known, she would have paid a visit to Adrian even if the time was short. At least, she would not have to find herself facing RK's ugly face.After arriving at the president's office, Stella knocked on the door. In response, no one answered. After another series of knocks, there was still no reply.It just so happ
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Chapter 270 I am not the same Stella you used to bully
Stella knew that in the face of RK, she mustn't take his words seriously, but at the mention of the child's custody, she couldn't help the urge to rebuke his words."Stella, I am Adrian's father. Don't I have the right to raise him and protect him?""Is what you are doing protection? I know you want to fight over the right to Adrian's custody, but can't you wait a little longer? Can't you continue the fight after Adrian accepts all this? Do you think that this is for Adrian's sake? If things go on as it, I will not be the only one, but he will hate you as well.""That's impossible! Adrian won't hate me. I am his father!"Hearing the word "father" from RK, Stella couldn't help sneering."Do you think that if I tell Adrian about how his father divorced his mother for an irrelevant woman when his mother was pregnant with him, not to mention compelling her into getting rid of the child, how could you be so sure that he won't hate you? Wouldn't he hate you to the core where he might decide
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