All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
330 Chapters
Chapter 241 Somebody! Please Help!
"Your foot is injured?"Sophia looked at Stella's feet with ill intentions in her eyes!"What are you going to do..."Stella looked at her cautiously. She quickly reached out to grab the blanket on the side and covered her right foot tightly!She didn't want to be hurt at all!Without thinking, Sophia shifted her attention back to Stella's right foot...This time, She took her bag and smashed it on Stella's right ankle.It was already red and swollen, but not it was smashed like this...It was even more swollen."Ah..."Stella cried out softly, "Sophia! You are crazy! Stop it!"If you are that capable, go and tell RK that you want him to divorce me! Why are you saying so much to me?"D*mn it! How did she end up meeting Sophia?And it happened to be when her foot was injured!Stella was in so much pain that she wanted to stop her, but she couldn't...It wasn't that she wanted to marry RK but that David had forced her to marry that man!Otherwise, how could she be willing to marry a str
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Chapter 242 I slipped accidentally
Stella stayed alone in the room for a while, and the servants came in with the RK's private doctor."Miss Richard is your foot..."As soon as the private doctor spoke, he saw that Stella's right foot was even more swollen than before! He was stunned on the spot.Stella curled her lips and did not want to mention what had happened just now!However, the maid standing aside opened her mouth and said, "Doctor, it's Miss Richard...""Don't say it! I slipped accidentally."Stella lied.Her family's shame could not be made public. She did not want more people to know how bad her relationship with Sophia was!When the doctor beside her heard that, he was only surprised. "Oh... Miss Richard, didn't I tell you? You can't move your feet! Now... Why are you moving again? Your foot is even more swollen than before!"The doctor spoke with concern.Stella just kept quiet and didn't say anything.She just had an inexplicable feeling in her heart. The relationship between her and Sophia had not been
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Chapter 243 Mistress breaking into your house
Originally, there was still Tristan. When she was in the Richard family, he would at least be there to take care of Stella.However, after Stella married into the Kingston family and moved to the RK mansion...Not only did she not know where Tristan was now, but even the Richard family did not know...In particular, Sophia and Isabella disliked Stella more and more!They had always felt that Tristan's disappearance was because of Stella. Originally, the relationship between those people was already very complicated. Now, with this matter... their relationship was no longer the same as it used to be!"What? That woman came to look for you?"Kelly was shocked for a long time by what she heard..."That's too much! How can she be so shameless? How dare she came to look for you!"After saying that, Kelly began to complain to Stella. "If she has the ability, go and find RK! Stella, I think it's because she doesn't dare to look for RK that she vented all her anger on you! You can't go easy o
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Chapter 244 RK was her first love
Puff...Stella couldn't help laughing when she heard that.Kelly had already treated Sophia as RK's mistress... If Sophia found out about it, she would be extremely angry.Stella smiled but didn't say anything.Kelly continued, "Stella, let me you something. You are going to deal with men... especially someone like Mr. Kingston. How can you still be the same as before? Also! Look at how you are dressed now... It was too ordinary! You have to be more feminine!"Stella was speechless.She was used to that style of dressing.Stella lowered her head and looked at the clothes she was wearing...It was just pajamas that she didn't get up to change. Even her all pajamas were all cartoon pajamas...It could only be blamed that she was just dressed like a student!For the time being, she couldn't change it...Stella refused, "I don't want to dress like that..."Since she was a child, she had always dressed simply. To be honest, when she was a child, Sophia's clothes were much more beautiful th
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Chapter 245 RK will be back soon
It was fine if they didn't talk about this, but Kelly was a little scared when Stella said that.After all, everyone knew the man's means.At that time, if something happened, not only would Steven be in an unfortunate situation, but Stella might also not be able to avoid it.Kelly thought for a moment and said, "Well, it's up to you, but what I said about Mr. Kingston is true! He didn't marry you, right? Why should he care about you? What qualifications does he have? He is not your husband! If he wants to control you, he should get married to you first, Stella!"Stella's face turned red when she heard that.If Kelly know that Stella was already married to RK... She didn't know what would happen.However, when she thought that there might be a divorce between the two of them in the future, Stella decided not to mention it. Anyway, they would also get divorced in the future. It would be better to let others think that the two of them had never had a relationship, to begin with."Stella
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Chapter 246 RK! What are you doing?
Stella didn't care. She had to tell the truth first!Although the man's chance of returning to the RK mansion was very low, he couldn't come back once a week. When she had just moved in, the man could stay away from home for two or three months. That made Stella realize that RK was a man who hadn't returned home for many years...It wasn't bad for her to live alone in the RK mansion.At least, she didn't have to face that man's cold face all day long.Over time, Stella got used to it.What's more, When she was in college, she rarely went back to the RK mansion, so Stella didn't think much of it.Occasionally, when she went home on the weekends, she still... didn't see the president come back.They had been married for such a long time, yet they were like strangers. As for her, it was as if she was staying there temporarily, and she could be driven away by that man at any time. As for the president... He had probably forgotten about this place. Otherwise, how could he not go home every
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Chapter 247 Even if touch you, it's legal
RK was dressed neatly in a suit. When he stood at the door of the bathroom, the indifference in his eyes could not be more natural.As for Stella..."You! RK!"Stella was so frightened that she wanted to cover her body with something, but she was soaked in the bathtub and could not move at all. Especially when her right foot was injured... It was even more inconvenient for her to move.Now, her foot was still hanging outside the bathtub...The posture, that scene, it was as strange as it could be! It was incredibly awkward!"What are you doing here?"D*mn it! What on earth was this man doing? Didn't he know that she was taking a shower?Stella quickly crossed her hands over her chest, afraid that the man would see her.Although RK and Stella were now living in the same house, it had to be said that they hadn't done anything intimate. Especially when this man... He comes back once a month, or even once in a few months. It was impossible for there to be any intimate actions between them
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Chapter 248 I have already seen it,
This man! What did he mean by staying there? How shameless was he?Even if she married him, he couldn't force her! Especially, did she allow this man to... See anything?Before the soap Stella threw landed on the man, he avoided it...She couldn't help feeling upset and depressed when she saw that!She was very unlucky. She didn't know why he would come home instead of staying at the company that day. Why had he never been so energetic to come back home before?"RK! Get out! Get out of here!"Stella saw that she couldn't throw anything over, so she wanted to drive the man out.RK started to move...He walked toward Stella.He took slow steps and didn't seem to want to leave her at all. Instead, he was walking toward her!Clatter, clatter...His leather shoes tapped on the tiles, making an orderly sound, but it sounded scary in Stella's ears! It seemed that there was a great demon coming toward her...Stella was so frightened that she wanted to run.However, she was in the bathtub. Whe
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Chapter 249 I have nothing to do with Sophia
However, it was not only because of this but also because of her mother. If it was not for the fact that David had fooled outside beforehand with Isabella and had Sophia, their family would be... harmonious and happy now.It was ever more unlikely that so many complicated things would happen after that.At the end of the day, although Stella did not like Isabella and Sophia, to be honest, she also had a grudge against David.After all, everything was all because of David.However, that man was her father. After he separated from her mother, he brought Isabella and Sophia with him. It was not a big deal. In the end, Stella lived in the Richard family, but it was as if she was living in someone else's house. She looked at them all day as they lived happy lives, while she...At the same time, she had to face all kinds of provocation from Sophia and Isabella.In addition, Stella was young, so she had no defensive abilities at that time.Now that she had grown up, she wanted to stay away f
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Chapter 250 He came to give her an ointment
RK didn't seem to have any intention of answering her question at all!He just kept silent and didn't say.She was afraid that even he... also thought so, didn't he?For a moment, there was no sound in the quiet bathroom. There was a strange atmosphere, and Stella felt very embarrassed.How could she have asked such a question just now? She knew that their relationship would come to an end sooner or later, but she... Did she just think that they could go on forever? And she even asked about Sophia...Why did she feel that she could compare with Sophia? This man should only have Sophia in his heart.Stella lowered her eyes and turned her head to one side, "You, Get out! I am going to take a shower. Don't look!"After that, Stella leaned to one side and took back her right foot.She didn't want to let this man take any advantage of her! In particular, she didn't want to let him see her!Since the news of the relationship between him and Sophia had already spread to the outside world, es
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