All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
330 Chapters
Chapter 231 Where do you live?
Now that he had her mobile phone number, Stella could guess that it was Kelly who gave it to Steven. Besides, she didn't have much to do with him.Stella replied unnaturally, "Yes.""I have been really worried about you!"Steven breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That day you left without saying anything. I thought you had encountered some bad guys!"Stella was speechless.Steven continued to ask, "Are you alright? The man who took you away... should me Mr. Kingston right?"The Tyler family was also aristocratic. The moment RK appeared, Steven recognized who he was.In particular, the Tyler family had a business relationship with RK, so they were more clear about him.Stella didn't know how to answer that question.Last time, when she was taken back to the karaoke by RK, she encountered the same question and was chased by a group of people who kept asking who the man was. However, at that time, Stella lied and said that her father asked him to take her home.She had already said tha
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Chapter 232 Miss the college life
Stella touched her forehead.What was going on? He wanted to find out where she lived..."Well..." Stella stammered and tried to find an excuse. If she said that her foot was injured and it was not convenient for her to see him, he would be more determined to come to them!There were many reasons why she had been brought back from the karaoke by RK and beaten up badly. It was because he saw Steven applying the disinfectant cream on her!Now, that man must hate Steven to death!She didn't dare to let Steven come to the RK mansion.Not to mention coming to the RK mansion, this was RK's territory. She was afraid that if Steven come in, it would become a problem for him to leave. Maybe he would be blocked at the door before he could go in...Even if RK was not at home right now, Stella, would not dare to let anyone else enter this man's house even if she had all the courage in the world!It was an exception for Kelly to come to the RK mansion.Of course, when this man was not home, he cou
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Chapter 233 Nothing happened between us
The most important thing was that she was not under the control of that man!It was not like what it was now! Not only she was being taken care of all the time, but she also stayed at home all the time. Although there were so many servants serving her, Stella knew very well that every move of hers was being watched and monitored by others. Those people reported everything to that man!Thinking about it, she even felt that her freedom was completely controlled by the President!She had no freedom at all!People spent their summer vacations happily and then went back happily. However, what about her?Hahaha, it was just like the dark history!"Miss Richard, what do you want to eat? Or what book do you want to read? I will get someone to prepare it!"The maid saw that Stella was bored, so she continued to ask, and then added, "Or Miss Richard if you really feel bored, I can also tell you a few jokes. Let's talk..."Stella was speechless.She did not dare to chat with anyone from the RK m
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Chapter 234 I am with RK
Kelly didn't believe it. "Really? Is there nothing between the two of you? Don't deny it, Stella. Mr. Kingston...""Alright, alright, actually..."Stella thought for a moment and said, "We are really... as you think, but nothing has happened between us! You know, otherwise, our relationship wouldn't have been so..."In the eyes of outsiders, they looked like strangers at first glance!Then, Stella told Kelly everything about her RK. Of course, she told Kelly everything except for their marriage.After all, Kelly was her best friend. Besides, Stella was a person who could not hide secrets from her friend. Maybe Kelly would come up with an idea for her when she found out."What? Stella, does this mean that Mr. Kingston doesn't want you to be together with him?"Kelly questioned angrily.Because Stella didn't tell Kelly about her marriage with RK, Kelly thought that he had taken advantage of her best friend... She thought that guy didn't want to take responsibility!Stella was so embarra
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Chapter 235 Pay attention to your identity
Stella said, "Kelly, don't put me and him together again. You know, it's not the right time after that."Even if she really divorced RK one day, it was impossible... Between her and Steven.After all, he was born into a rich and powerful family. When she got divorced, it would be unfair for her to accept others...Since she knew from the beginning that it was impossible to be together in the end, it was better to cut off the other party's thoughts at the beginning, so that it would be better for everyone...Kelly sighed helplessly..."Ah, forget it. It's up to you. It's up to you!"Kelly said, "As long as you feel happy, that's good!"Happy?It seemed that ever since she left the Richard family and married that man...She always felt that there was a subtle feeling that made it hard for her to explain."I know, Kelly. Don't worry too much about me. I am fine."Stella reassured her friend.Then, after a few words, Kelly said that her parents were calling her for dinner, so they don't c
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Chapter 236 Why did you throw my phone
Stella turned on the lamp beside the bed and saw a tall and straight figure standing by the bed.She didn't know when RK had returned. She didn't even notice the man approaching her when she was playing with her phone!D*mn it, this man walked too quietly, without any sound!Stella looked around for the phone...She saw that her phone had been thrown far away by the president!Both the cell phone and the battery board were broken into two halves!"RK! Why did you throw my phone?"Stella questioned angrily.What did this man mean? Since she started living there, he had been controlling her all the time. He had to control everything!In addition, didn't the president usually stay in office? Especially, in the evening, it could be said that he didn't go home at night! How could be he like that day? At noon, he came back from the business trip without saying anything.She thought that after leaving the RK mansion in the afternoon, the man would not be home for a few days. Who would have t
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Chapter 237 President on Whats app
The next day...When Stella woke up again, it was because a servant had come in to clean the room.Seeing that Stella had not fully woken up yet, the maid asked, "Miss Richard, do you want to sleep a little longer? Or do you want to get up now?""Huh? Miss Richard, why did your phone fall to the ground?"As she spoke, the maid picked up the phone and handed it back to Stella.After the battery of the mobile phone was reinstalled, the mobile phone was worth a lot and it was very well made. It was not broken, and everything was fine.In the RK Group.Early in the morning, the assistant placed all the information he had prepared on RK's desk.After the meeting, the assistant followed the man and asked, "Mr. Kingston, you still have dark circles under your eyes today. Don't you sleep well last night? Do you want to go back and sleep in the lounge for a while?"Usually, when RK didn't go home, he would mostly stay in the office.On one hand, it was more convenient. On the other hand, in a
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Chapter 238 To keep eye on you
Stella didn't know what was wrong with the president. He was the person who doesn't even send text messages at ordinary times. How could he play on WhatsApp? Was he becoming a trendy person?Although a large number of people were on that app, Stella had never seen that man use it before. Yesterday... Because she used WhatsApp to chat with Steven, the president was not happy and even threw her mobile phone on the ground. Why did he turn around that day?She almost didn't know this man anymore...She didn't know what was going on with that man recently. Yesterday, he came back twice a day. Today morning, he got a WhatsApp account and asked her to add him as a friend.Stella looked at her phone's display screen. It had been half a year since she got married to that man, but the two of them... They had not sent a single message to each other!The text that RK had sent to her was the first one he had sent to her during this time!It had been said that such a relationship between the two of
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Chapter 239 Sophia is here
Stella hadn't eaten much when a servant came in from outside.He said, "Miss Richard, Miss Sophia is here..."Stella was speechless.It should be noted that in the past when they were in the Richard family, the two of them had little to do with each other. It was only because Tristan was there that their relationship was not so bad. However, if Tristan or the other Richard family members were not there...The relationship between the two sisters was worrying!What's more, Sophia would never be nice to her.Stella thought that there was no way for her to refuse.There was a noise at the door..."Oh, Stella, you are so comfortable. You are lying on the bed and getting served breakfast in the bed. People who don't know about it will think that you are lame and can't get off bed!"Sophia's sharp voice could be heard.As for this... Stella was used to it.The conflict between Sophia and Stella was not a result of conflicts for one or two days, so of course, they could not be reconciled in
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Chapter 240 Divorce RK
When she was in the Richard family home, Stella didn't like to spend much time with this so-called sister of hers. Now that she was at the RK mansion...At first, she knew that Sophia and RK had something to do with each other. She had rejected the marriage before, but... Maybe because of fate, they ended up together.Sophia said, "Stella, of course, I am here to see you! I want to see how you are... My good sister stole my man! How you are enjoying everything which belongs to me?""Look, now even if you have a meal, someone will send it to your bed. Stella, do you think you have a good life?"Sophia"s eyes shone sharply as she spoke.As for Stella, since early on, the two of them had never had a good time together since they were young. Not when they had grown up... They were still the same. There was no change at all.Sometimes, it might be a natural destiny.If you didn't like a person or hate them, all their advantages would become flaws in your eyes.Similarly, if one liked a per
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