All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
330 Chapters
Chapter 251 Collage about to Start
Stella sat on the bed, holding the ointment in her hand. She suddenly felt a little hot, and there was an inexplicable feeling in her heart. She didn't know whether it was good or not.Sometimes, that man was always so inaccessible that no one know what he was thinking. For example, now...A few days ago, he and Sophia appeared in the newspaper together, and they were called "a perfect match." Today, he was there...What's more, when she was in the bathroom, he told her that he had nothing to do with Sophia. What's going on? Did she think too much? Or did she misunderstand him?Thinking of this, Stella was in a bad mood!She didn't know if she should trust RK or not. She just felt that she couldn't figure him out!Stella shook her head and tried to get rid of the distracting thoughts in her heart. She then applied ointment to her ankle again. The ointment was cold and seemed to be able to relieve the pain, redness, and swelling in her ankle.Then, she falls asleep in the huge room...
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Chapter 252 I am going to the bookstore
Thinking of the beginning of the semester, Kelly felt inexplicably excited. After all, she and Stella had only seen each other a few times during the summer vacation. Moreover, in the only two times they had met...On one occasion at the KTV, Stella was taken away, and on the other occasion, they were horseback riding in the RK mansion. The ending was not good in either instance...Therefore, Kelly was looking forward to it now!It was different from the past. When they were in college, they did everything together.It was only then that Stella realized that there were only a few days left before college began...She hadn't noticed it before, and she spent her time in the RK mansion every day, resting on the bed to recuperate her leg.Therefore, in the blink of an eye... She had thought that time would pass very slowly when she stayed in the RK mansion. Now that college was about to begin, she thought about the two months that had passed and realized that the time flew by very quickly
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Chapter 253 Sir asked you to answer the phone
That was a clear robbery of her personal freedom, okay?"But... Miss Richard, Mr. Kingston said that you can't go out..."The servant blocked the door awkwardly. Clearly, she did not intend to let Stella go out, nor did she intend to let anyone else out."But I have already made an appointment with my friend! She was already waiting for me. Anyway, I have to go out today!"D*mn it! Who was he? What's wrong with her going out? During the summer vacation, he locked her up at home every day and didn't allow her to contact the outside world! It was like she had gone missing!""Miss Richard, please go back!"The servant stopped her and said, "Miss Richard, Sir cares about you. Before he left, he said that we should watch over you and not let you go out. If you have any requirements, we can satisfy you! However... You can't go out!""I want to go out!"As Stella spoke, she was about to squeeze her way out.This time, because of the repeated movements, all the servants downstairs were attrac
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Chapter 254 So, that man was an Uncle
On the other end of the line, RK asked, "Who are you going with?"Stella was speechless.Did this man... need to care so much?Previously, she went to the KTV, controlled her, when she was playing with her mobile phone, he even peeked at the messages sent by her and Steven! However, it was still alright... But now, if she wanted to go out, he even had to care about who she went to the bookstore with!When did the president become so idle?In the past, wasn't he busy every day? Had work been too easy recently? Then why didn't he come back every night? Why did he still stay in the company every day?Stella then replied, "I am going with Kelly! It will only be me and her! There was no one else! Can I go?""Let Mrs. Cassidy go with you!"On the other end of the line, RK said.Stella was very depressed! Why did she have to bring another person with her when she went out with Kelly? Could it be that she couldn't meet her friend alone?When she went out later, and if Kelly found out that she
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Chapter 255 RK paid her tuition fees
She thought, "That's the only way!"To be honest, it wasn't that there was anything bad about being in the RK mansion. It was just that being watched by that man all day long made her feel very uncomfortable."By the way, I remember something, Stella. Have you paid the tuition fees? I haven't paid it yet this semester. Let's go to college to pay the tuition fee in two days!"After saying that, Kelly asked with concern, "Have you saved up all your tuition fees? Do you want me to lend you some if it was not enough?"Because Kelly knows about her situation, especially her family. She always helped Stella.Although Stella had grown up in the Richard family since she was a child, she lived a life that was more ordinary than that of most ordinary people!If she came from an ordinary family, at least when she started college, her parents would give her money to study. However, when it comes to Stella...Her mother, let's not talk about it. Her father...Since Stella was 16, David said that s
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Chapter 256 Adrian, What are you doing?
Thinking back to the past, Stella's heart was a mess...At that moment, Stella left the hospital and hurried home to pack up before returning to the hospital again.As soon as she opened the door of her son's ward, she saw through the smoky air inside that the room was filled with snack packages, fruit cores, and so on. The bed was full of toys and on the bed sat a little boy who was stuffing his mouth with potato chips. He was dumbstruck when he saw her."Adrian, what are you doing?" Stella felt that it took her two minutes to digest what she saw. She was stunned before anger filled her chest. "Are you treating the hospital as a garbage dump? It's only been a few days since I was away. Are you already in heaven?"Adrian was dumbfounded. He had never thought that Darling would appear at this time. Didn't Aunt Emily say that there were still a few days before Darling would finish with her work? How could it be done so quickly? It was too sudden. How should I deal with it?Adrian quickl
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Chapter 257 Adrian, uncle is more pitiful than you
Among Adrian's toys, there was a game console that the enjoyed playing. Adrian could only watch him and get angry, but he could not run out of bed to grab it back."Bad Uncle put down the game!" Adrian roared, but it didn't seem to work on RK. "Bad Uncle put it down, or I will teach you a lesson!"*****RK was still playing with no worries. In the end, Adrian had no strength to scream so he had to lie on the bed and glare at the man, waiting for Darling to come back to save him.That was the scene that Stella saw when she came back. The adult sat at the table and had a good time. The child was lying on the bed, feeling very wronged. Stella felt that there was no one more shameless and childish than RK in the world."Boohoo, Darling, that Bad Uncle stole my game..." After seeing the arrival of his reinforcements, Adrian immediately sent out a distress signal."It's okay. This uncle was very lonely in his later years. He is particularly pitiful. Adrian, you should feel pitiful for him.
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Chapter 258 I don't like you, Sophia
Stella deeply loved Adrian, and he relied on her very much. Adrian was like a piece of wood she found floating in the lonely sea. She grasped it very tightly because he was very important to her. As long as she let go of him, she would drown in the water.When RK returned to the Kingston family home, he felt that he had led a particularly tough life in the past few days.Stella's return brought him trouble. It was so troublesome that even he could not solve it. For the first time, he felt helpless. It seemed that in the face of fate, everyone was insignificant.The most important thing was that his lifeless heart seemed to be beating slowly again.Was this a revival? Or was it more appropriate to say that he had come back from the dead?He didn't know, but that kind of dazed and fleeting life seemed to make him feel that his life was not so bad.When he was about to go to bed in the evening, he heard someone knocking on the door. As soon as RK opened the door, Sophia's body fell. He e
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Chapter 259 A dream...
RK looked at the tightly shut door as if he was trying to save the world.It was true that telling Sophia the truth was the best way to save her.He hoped that she could think through herself.He didn't know if it was because of himself or because Sophia told him that she dreamed that he and Stella got married again. That night, RK dreamed that he and Stella got married again. Alia was very satisfied with her new mother, and Adrian also liked the Kingston family very much. Their family of four went out for a trip. He and Stella stood, holding Alia and Adrian's hands as the children stood in the middle. No matter where they went, they were eye-catching. Stella had gained weight. She was not as thin as before, and her face was chubby. He felt very comfortable when he pinched her. She often smiled, never showing a depressed and desperate expression. He also laughed, without any quarrels or anger. They were very happy together.He was very happy. Even in his dreams, he could feel the suns
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Chapter 260 Grandma, Rene has a fiancee
At noon.On this day, Alia went to the kindergarten and did not find Adrian to play with. Adrian was very bored at noon and was sleepy after lunch. When Stella helped him to tidy up the quilt and let him lie down, Adrian began to chat with her."Darling, I have never heard the story of Little Red Riding before, have I?"Stella was amused by Adrian's childish question. "Why haven't you heard of it? I told you this story. Why? Are you going to test me on it now?""No, no." Adrian pouted and quickly shook his head and waved his hand. "I mean, when my legs are healed, I will go to the hospital to see Great Grandma."Speaking of this, Stella also remembered that she hadn't seen her grandmother for a long time. She hadn't seen her since Adrian was hospitalized, so she didn't know how her grandmother was doing."Well, go to bed. I will go to visit my Grandma on your behalf in the afternoon, okay?""Okay, okay." The little fellow went to sleep with satisfaction. "Darling, you have to bring so
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