All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
330 Chapters
Chapter 271 RK you have changed
"Daddy, I want a mommy like Aunt Stella. Aunt Sophia is so annoying. I don't like her. Daddy, will you not marry her? Daddy, she will hurt me when you are not at home."One had to admit that Alia had the talent in complaining. Not only did she praise one, but she also insulted another. Indeed, she was something.Stella felt that she had nothing to say. After a few days, Adrian had been brainwashed by Alia, not to mention how serious it was. He immediately showed his goodwill to RK's side. There were hints of rebellion."Alia, don't talk nonsense." RK interrupted Alia's coquettish act in time.In truth, deep in RK's heart he too felt that Alia's suggestion was a great idea. It was a win-win situation.After dinner, RK ordered the driver to send Alia home before he could have a brief chat with Stella and Adrian. It was not until eight o'clock in the evening that he left the ward with Stella to head home.It was no surprise that RK drove Stella home. On the way, Stella leaned against the
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Chapter 272 I can feel it here
Not long after a simple day passed, Stella received the notice of notification from the court, a letter of authorization, and a letter of evidence.Did it imply that she was about to start a lawsuit?Could it be that the right to Adrian's custody might not belong to her?She dared not imagine such a scene.Tristan came to visit her, informing her about how he had assisted her in hiring a lawyer. She had an advantage in all aspects. There was a rule in the law that after staying with one parent for some time, a drastic shift in the living environment was not beneficial toward the development of the child, not to mention how the parent with no other children held the upper hand in comparison to the parent raising other children.Deep down, Stella knew that she was in an advantageous position.She had no other children, plus she had been staying with Adrian all the while, RK had never stayed under the same roof as Adrian, not to mention how he had Alia, his beloved daughter. Logically sp
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Chapter 273 Past that can't be recalled
"Dad, what's the matter?" Stella sat in the corner of the sofa with her hands on her knees as she raised her head to meet David's gaze.Something was wrong that day. It was very strange. Not only David, but Isabella dared not look her straight in the eyes either. It was not something pleasant to have Isabella not have the courage to meet her eyes."You know that Sophia had a car accident, and her face was disfigured. She is wretched and in a miserable situation." David hesitated, failing to get to the main point.Hearing David's words, Stella was irritated."Also, you know about her wedding with RK. The invention was distributed. If we withdraw the invention cards right now, it won't be doing our families any good.""So, what Aunt Isabella and I were thinking that... You...can you... can you..."David, too, might find that idea so ridiculous, but there was no other way out. He discussed it with Isabella and Sophia throughout the entire night, and it was the only solution they could co
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Chapter 274 Everyone in the company knows about her and RK
Stella fell asleep while being in her deep memories. In her sleep, she felt as if she had sunk into the deep sea. She floated along with the waves, all the while in a daze. She seemed to be bound by the water and couldn't float up to the surface no matter how hard she tried."Darling, Darling, darling, darling, what's wrong with you? Wake up, darling..."Vaguely, Stella seemed to have heard a child's voice calling out to her. The voice drifted far from the distance as if it had been passed on several centuries ago. She had completely lost her sense of reality.She opened her blurry eyes and sat up in a trance to find Adrian lying prone on the bed, looking at her."What's wrong, darling? Were you asleep? No matter how I called you, you didn't respond." With a pout, Adrian complained to Stella in dissatisfaction."Oh, I am sorry, Adrian! I fell too deeply asleep." Stella stood up from the sofa and found that she had been too soundly asleep. Her right leg was thoroughly numb, stirring he
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Chapter 275 RK was pissed off
"I am board to the death!" Stella leaned against the back of the chair in despair. "I am an elite. How could he allow an elite to stay idle all the time?""Hahaha..." Emily burst out with a peal of hearty laughter. "You don't know what's good for you. You should be satisfied. It's great to be in a daze every day and receive a salary nonetheless.""Humph!" Stella pouted disdainfully. "I want to create my legacy.""Fine, fine, I am leaving. I won't be with you today. The president's aura is too dominating, I can't stand it. I will take my leave, Your Highness." Emily teased."All right, you get out of here!"In an actual sense, the sound insulation in the president's office is fair. Generally, those outside the office could not hear what was happening, but the ones in it could hear everything that took place outside. It was why the complaints between Stella and Emily were overhead by RK without missing a single word.He placed the document on the table and walked out of the president's
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Chapter 276 RK, you are good at serving people
Seeing that RK didn't move, Stella was displeased."Hey, RK, what are you doing? Hurry up, and get something to eat!"Seeing that RK still didn't move, Stella was even more dissatisfied."Hey, RK, What are you doing? Hurry up, and bring the food over!""What? Do you want me to bring you some food?" RK asked in surprise. It was clear that he hadn't come back to his senses yet."Yes, I want you to bring the food over!" Stella repeated."Hey, you want me to bring you some food?" RK asked unhappily."That's right. I just want you to bring the food over. Why? Can't you serve your son?""You...""RK, what's going on? You don't want to do?"RK had no choice but to take the dishes that he had bought and put them in front of Adrian."Alright, RK. You are pretty good at serving people," Stella remarked with a smile.RK tried his best to ignore Stella's sarcasm. He lowered his head and ate silently.As they ate, Stella chatted with Adrian, completely ignoring RK."Hey, Adrian, were you obedient
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Chapter 277 Because of gravity and inertia
"Alas, it's all your fault. Why do you have to quarrel and argue? I choked on your words. You have to take full responsibility for this!" Adrian was very dissatisfied."Alright, alright, we will take full responsibility. We will take full responsibility. I will teach the bad uncle a lesson for you. Don't be angry, Adrian."Then, Stella gave RK a few punches, causing him to cough in pain.It was a simple and brutal revenge...Adrian was finally satisfied. At the same time, everyone lost interest in continuing to eat. After settling Adrian down, the two adults left the hospital.RK saw Stella as she get in the car. When he thought of what she had said in the ward, he was so angry that he couldn't help feeling depressed in the car."Well, well, I will go down first." Stella was about to get out of the car and escape home, but she found that the guy had locked the car, so she couldn't get out. It was over."What did you say about me in the ward?" RK approached her slowly. "Did you say tha
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Chapter 278 What kind of feeling is this?
RK's car stopped below Stella's apartment, and he didn't drive away for a long time.He opened the car window and quietly let the cold wind blow him for a while. Then, he started the car slowly and left.The car drove on the road, but his mind was not focused on driving. Just now, when he kissed Stella, he had a feeling that he had returned to six years ago. The first time he kissed her was still as familiar as if it was something just happened the day before. God, he had never thought of the moment, when he kissed her in the past six years ago. Why did he just kiss her today, and all the memories returned to his mind like a movie?It was over. He had never recalled those things before. He had never wanted to think about anything after he lost them. That sudden feeling made him feel at a loss. What kind of feeling was that? What on earth was going on?He even began to think that the reason why he was feeling like this was that Stella had given birth to a baby for him.Could it be that
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Chapter 279 I can't calm down
Ever since the incident at the cemetery, the relationship between Aden and RK seemed to have improved significantly. At the very least, they were no longer as cold to each other as they used to be. The two of them could even quarrel with each other occasionally. Their lives were quite interesting."What's wrong? Did Ruby come to harass you again?""Who even is she? For so many years, what else can she do other than say sarcastic words, and then get blocked by me?" To put it simply, he had never taken her seriously."Hahaha, RK, you are too heartless. I admit that Ruby is a bit of a b*tch. She is mean and cruel, but no matter what, she can't compare to you." Aden laughed. "Tell me, you can't just want to drink with me. If there is something you need, just tell me. Don't act like an artsy young man. You are an overbearing CEO.""It's nothing. It's just that recently, I suddenly have a particularly deep memory for things that I forgot before. Why do you think that's the case?" RK asked w
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Chapter 280 The reason behind the divorce
Stella sat there for a while before realizing that it was getting late. She went into the bathroom to take shower and came out to blow dry her hair. When she returned to the bedroom, it was already very late. She had just laid down but her mind was still a mess. She couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard she tried. The scene of RK kissing her kept replaying in her mind.That d*mned RK. Why did he come to disturb her when she just wanted to live a peaceful and stable life? All in all, RK was a hateful fly. He was everywhere, pouring salt on her old wounds time and time again.She hated him, but she couldn't forget him no matter how hard she tried.Just as she was struggling, a message came from her phone.Stella opened it, and after she finished reading the message, she couldn't fall asleep at all.What did he mean? What did it mean that he would explain it in the future? What did it mean? What did he think of her? Could he abandon her just because there was a reason to do so? If ther
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