All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
310 Chapters
Chapter 41 Adrian, where is your mother?
"Darling! What are you doing?"Stella heard childish and innocent words from behind...She was shocked...In an instant... She blushed so much that she didn't dare to lift her head...Originally, Stella's face was already red as an apple by doing this kind of thing...Especially, In Such a situation where a man and a woman are alone in the same room in the middle of the night...Now they were discovered... No... They are not only discovered by a coincidence but they were discovered by her precious baby!It was very embarrassing!Today, Adrian was wearing his panda-printed pajamas. He just looked like a cute little panda. Especially, his innocent blue eyes... Which seemed to prove how pure and innocent his question was...As he spoke, Adrian rubbed his sleepy eyes and walked forward.When he went to them, only then was he able to see what was happening between Stella and RK. After that, he asked innocently, "Darling! What are you doing?"Stella was shocked and speechless...She doesn't
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Chapter 42 Owed something to him in her last life
After hearing his words, Stella was so frightened that, her body trembled and her legs go soft...This man... Did he want her to die from a heart attack...Although they had met before in the hospital, RK didn't ask or said a single word or question to Adrian...He didn't ask, which means that he did not take Adrian seriously. It also means that he didn't notice anything particular about him...Now... Why did he suddenly ask the question?What's more, he didn't ask her when she was standing in front of him but... He asked from a child! What did this wan want to do?Stella was so scared that her hands are feet are shaking and her heart was beating very fast...But, in the next second, for the sake of her precious son, she regained her sense and calm down.She looked at the father and son duo sitting on the sofa and said, "Mr. Kingston, Didn't I tell you last time that Adrian is Emily's nephew... Did you forget?"But when Adrian hear her words, he felt very unhappy...He was not even ab
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Chapter 43 I am used to Darling's temper.
What was going on?Didn't she just drive this little guy to go back to his room and sleep? Why he was here again? It was only fifteen minutes, she turned around and went to was the pants, and the father and son were together again.Not only that, but Looking at them those two seemed to be on good terms with each other.Adrian's chubby little hand was holding RK big hand and supporting his big hand carefully while his other hand was kept fanning gently on the back of the man's hand creating a gentle breeze.The chubby hands fanning in front of his eyes, looking like he was in love.It was as if his father was injured and his son was feeling very distressed and concerned about him...Stella quickly walked over and said."Adrian, Didn't I ask you to go back to your room to sleep? Why are you here again?"After Stella finished speaking, she looked at the man's face. She wants to find out from his expressions if he had found something or not.After all, she knows very well that her son alw
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Chapter 44 If Darling says so, I will go.
No matter how you heard it, it sounds like the man was very concerned about the child.Adrian hear the concerns in Uncle's voice and his heart was filled with warmth. He nodded his little head and replied sweetly, "Okay... Uncle, you should also go to bed early too!"Then he thought of something and said... "Ah~ it's getting late. Uncle, are you going to drive home? Do you want to sleep here?"Look... Look...She just had thought that the can't let her son stay with this man for too long, for fear that he would sell his mother.But now...He was even inviting this man to stay with them.Adrian looked at the back of RK's hand and said, "Uncle, your hand was still injured. It was not convenient for you to drive, right? Why don't you stay at our house today? You can go back tomorrow. It was already so late, it's not easy to get a taxi in the middle of the night.""No need."Stella rejected on the behalf of RK.Stella quickly pulled her son and let him stand beside her. Standing beside th
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Chapter 45 The world is cold and lonely
If both of them had saved each other phone numbers if Adrian secretly contacts RK behind her back.Then...Stella know that day was not far when she would be seen through.No, she can't let this happen.Of course, Adrian knows Stella's intention!She didn't want him to get close to the Uncle, nor did she want him to have any contact with him. Now, she must want his phone to delete the uncle's number from his phone.Adrian raised his little head to look at her, and it was as if he has a more genuine and sincere expression on his little tender face."Darling I gave my phone number to Uncle. But I don't have his phone number."Adrian spoke innocently. As if he know what Stella meant by asking for his mobile phone.He added, "If it is true. I can use my phone at my will. Anyway, I don't have Uncle's phone number.Stella looked at his little face and see how honest the little fellow was and felt that there is nothing wrong.So... She didn't check his phone herself.Anyway, now Adrian didn'
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Chapter 46 She didn't want to stay here
This man was a playboy! He is a cheater!She mixed the chilly pate in his coffee. She wanted him to choke to death. She wanted to poison him to death!Last night, he had bullied her last, he lied to her grandma and fooled Adrian at home. Not only that, today when she come to the company in the morning, she was accused of having an affair with him!She deliberately messed up with his coffee. Let's see after drinking this coffee, he still had the strength to tangle with Sophia!After that Stella went to the door of the President's office with the coffee that had been mixed up...However, she just stood at the door and walked here and there, and finally stopped. But she didn't go inside...Just now, Sophia was sitting on his lap and the image of both of them had in a very ambiguous position come into her mind again...At this moment, it seemed like her mind was filled with the intimacy between the two of them...It's been six years, but this man...she had never let him go...Even after s
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Chapter 47 Take off your clothes and let me see
Stella didn't expect that the man, who was just had been Sophia, suddenly come to the entrance of the women's bathroom and wait for her...Was he here to take revenge for Sophia?In the past, every time she "bullied" Sophia whenever she complained to RK. This man comes to Stella for revenge.That's, why when Stella saw him here, she almost knows why he was there!RK blocked the door and didn't let her go out.On the other hand, he took one step closer to Stella.He lowered his head and looked at her. His blue eyes are so deep that you can't tell what he was thinking about. It was hard to guess his thoughts."Take off your clothes and let me see!"RK spoke in a calm tone.Stella hear his words and subconsciously took two steps back.She don't know what this man was going to do.Was he here to warn her?"Mr. Kingston, if you are here to make fun of me, then you don't have to do it! I didn't owe you anything."Stella tried her best to be calm when she was talking with this man.What did
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Chapter 48 Can't you just sit properly
This d*mn man! Was that not enough for him?The two of them were alone in the Women's restroom now. He was a man, it was already enough to make trouble for her.But just now... He had pulled her into the water before he left!Why did he personally ask her to go to his office?Wouldn't it let people misunderstand more?"Stella, it seemed like you really have an affair with the president!"RK didn't even leave so far when the commotion broke out at the door of the women's restroom...A group of women gathered around Stella..."Stella, what are you doing inside the women's restroom alone with the boss? You even locked the door...""Yes... Yes... Are you with the boss?"That's great. Now they all interrogating her..."Stella I think you must be careful! The President has a fiancee! Don't go too far!""Lily... You don't understand! Some people can go too far just because of money. They don't care about anything else..."Stella didn't bother to explain anything to them...To be honest, thes
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Chapter 49 Where I live, has nothing to do with you
Stella smiled. Protect her my foot?How could this man protect her? He didn't even protect her in the past, how can he protect her now?"Stella someone is looking for you?"As Emily and Stella chatted for a while, someone come and said.After that, she smiled like she was watching a good show. "Stella, You stole someone else husband. Miss Richard, mother was here to see you!""Who stole whose husband?" Make it clear!"Emily spoke angrily and immediately stopped the girl. "You talk too much! It was the president's idea to let Stella stay in the company and transfer her to the secretarial office! Did you think Stella...""Okay! Emily don't talk!"Stella quickly stopped her.Emily has a very bad temper. Especially when she saw her friends get bullied, she becomes angry. What's more, her temper would rise more quickly than any other person.If they argued with each other like this, it was not good. The more they argue the more people in the company would know.Emily pressed her lips toget
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Chapter 50 Lunchtime was over
"Stella, what are you thinking?"Isabella push the check forward as if she was afraid that Stella wouldn't able to see the number clearly and said, "Stella, if you don't want to interfere with Sophia's marriage, I don't think there is anything wrong to take the money from Auntie...""It was also the same for Tristan, You know that according to moral ethics, you two can't be together so...""Mom! What are you doing?"Before Isabella could able to finish speaking her words, A familiar male voice come from behind Stella!Thus before, Stella could able to turn around, she saw that the check on the table was snatched away by the man's big palm.Tristan was afraid that Isabella gives the check back to Stella.He didn't dare to give it back to Isabella. "Mom, are you giving her money to send away from the city? Have you also done this before?"Because it was almost lunchtime, Tristan especially decide to come to Stella's company to have lunch with her.After all... Now when he was pursuing S
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