All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
330 Chapters
Chapter 61 She was different
Now, Everyone at the table was sweating profusely!After losing three rounds in a row, James looked at Stella in surprise and said, "Oh... So you are quick to learn!""Rene... You are going far too easy on her! You were losing money and giving it to your little Secretary!"In the first place, Stella doesn't know how to play cards. How could she be able to understand if that man was going easy on her or not?What's more, she played the cards in a completely different way from the man just had taught her.But after hearing what James said...Stella looked at the man beside her in surprise...As for RK, he was still the same as before...He didn't speak much.He seemed to turn deaf ears to what James had said and didn't hear him. He just looked at the cards in his hand and didn't reply...Moreover, it seemed like everyone is already used to this silent man because most of them didn't feel anything about it.Stella didn't know if what James said about this man going easy on her, would be
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Chapter 62 Who you gave your first time?
After everyone in the private room took back their things, Stella sighed in relief. She thought that today's gathering was almost over now...After all, it's already midnight. It was also getting late!But who knows...The person sitting next to RK suddenly spoke up, "Hay guys! We played cards, but we haven't drunk yet! How about let's play truth and dare!"As soon as he finished speaking, everyone inside the private room start to cheer again!"Yeah... Yeah... Let's play until we got drunk!""Great! Let's play... There are so many beauties today! It will be fun to choose a dare!"Before playing the truth or dare, Stella thought that everyone would play a very simple game like they usually play...But When James said these words...Those beauties related to the dare... She was afraid that it wouldn't be a good game!Following this group of a rich men. Even if Stella wanted to leave, she couldn't leave!Especially, the man sitting next to her! If he didn't leave, she had to stay with hi
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Chapter 63 Say it again! I didn't hear it
Every one was urging her...Stella couldn't help but brace herself and simply gave them a man's name, "Tristan Davis!"She swore to God! This was the only male name she had ever thought of. She didn't want to use this name on purpose!After all, Since she was a child because she was in the Richard family, Tristan never allowed her to get close to any other men until she got married...After she got married, Even though she was not in touch with Tristan, RK began to control her life even more strictly.Other than the classes in college, he didn't even allow her to contact her best friend or female friends for the rest of the time!In this way, the men that Stella had interacted with were only a few...As soon as the name was announced, all the men in the room shouted, "Oh! Oh!Oh!"However, before she could make an explanation, Stella suddenly felt that she was pushed into the ice cave...All of a sudden, a cold gaze swept over from the side...She fell chill in her back, as she was bei
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Chapter 64 Repeat memories alone
Currently, because the problem was solved, Everyone inside the private room had a sigh of relief.Originally, It was Stella's private affair, but as long there was something wrong with this man's expression, it would become the affair of all the people in the room.To please a certain man, James continue to ask and wouldn't let her go!All the people present whether they are men or women, picked up their ears.Stella was speechless.Who were these people?Stella was so angry but she had no place to vent her anger.However, she can't blame these people. She can only look angrily at the man sitting next to her as if it has nothing to do with him.There was anger in her eyes, as well as a pleading look.It was obvious that everyone inside the private room treated him, the president of the RK group as their boss. As long as he said a word for her, all these people will be dismissed."Why are you looking at me?"RK looked at her and asked.The look in his was not polite at all.H
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Chapter 65 Why are you blushing so fast
Stella looked at the man and cursed him, "This man was so think skinned!""Ding!""Wow! It's Mr. Kingston's turn!"As they spoke, they saw the next round of beer bottles pointed at RK's position.Stella saw this and feel a little happy.Finally, God has eyes! He knows how to punish this vicious man!Just now he wanted to torture her, but now it's his turn.Stella's mood improved a lot. She was now looking at this man like others looked at her before and pretending to watch a good show. She was waiting for President to get a dare!She wanted to lower the man's pride!"A man choose a dare!"James took a Dare and give it to RK. He said expectantly, "Rene, It's your turn! Quickly pick one to see what is it!"The man next to her raised his hand and draw a dare!Just like that, before it was opened it was snatched away by James...James roughly read the words on the note. This time the first person he look at was not him, RK. Instead, his gaze fell on Stella.He glanced at the woma
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Chapter 66 He didn't look at her
Being teased like this... Stella's face turned even redder!Originally, it was already very embarrassing enough to do that kind of thing with this man in front of so many people in the hall!But now, After being teased by James... She was also being criticized by this man!Stella felt that she shouldn't have come here today!"Who is blushing? No...!"She glared at this man and denied it.If she stayed with this man and his bad friends... She felt like she will lose all her face in this nightclub.In response to Stella's red face and denial, RK didn't say anything. He just looked at her and the corner of his lips curled up in a smile.However, his smile made people feel that he didn't believe in her denial.Her denial was unnecessary.On the other hand, it was more like she was covering up...Stella was very angry. She just simply sat on the sofa in the corner and isolated herself from this group of people. In front of them..."I have better not talk to them or say anything," She thoug
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Chapter 67 Darling romantic life is so rich
The man, who was sitting next to her, suddenly said, "It was enough to just take a sip!"Everyone was speechless.At this moment, the president had spoken in person, what else could they say...Everyone could not have a choice but to acquiesce. They didn't dare to tease Stella anymore, instead of they laughed and said, "Yes, Yes, Just take a sip! One sip was enough! We all are just joking!"In the end, Since the men had already spoken in person, they couldn't say anything more.If they still kept making things difficult for Stella then it only means that they are going against RK, which they can't afford.As a result, Stella picks up the wine glass and takes a sip...However, this wine was... Very strong!She had just taken one sip, but her throat was burning! It was burning hot!Stella didn't expect this glass of champagne-colored liquid which just smelled like a fruit fragrance, but when she drink it... It was so spicy!Fortunately, it was just a sip, if she had drunk a whole glass,
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Chapter 68 Wanted to eat someone alive
Could he have said something wrong? Why did RK Uncle's eyes look so scary? It was like he wanted to eat someone alive!Adrian pouted his small mouth pitifully and said innocently, "It was... It was a few days ago. Darling was also drunk and Uncle Tristan send Darling back!"Adrian looked innocent, it seemed as if there is nothing wrong with this matter.After that, the little fellow tilted his head and looked up at RK's expression.He blinked his blue eyes and asked innocently, "Uncle, Are you alright?"However, the man in front of him just kept his cold face and didn't say anything.After a while, Adrian saw that RK leaving Stella's room without saying a single word.He didn't even say goodbye to him.What the hell? What kind of man he is? Did he just bully him because he was cute and he was young?"Big bad guy!" He said and pouted.****The next day.When Stella woke up. She realized that yesterday night because she was a little drunk, she had fallen asleep in RK's car in a daze.As
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Chapter 69 I want RK Uncle to be my step father
As Emily asked, Stella's ears couldn't help but stand out...She had never been clear about Adrian's thoughts.Although she hoped that the little guy won't like RK, after all, that man... It was impossible between them.Moreover, RK was the man who also had a child. What's more, the next month he would soon marry Sophia.Therefore, at this point, this man can't give Adrian fatherly love, especially when this man didn't like Adrian...Otherwise, why didn't he want the child back then?"As long as Darling like him, I like him!"Adrian said in high spirits.It seemed that he has thought about this question a long time ago, so when he answered it, he didn't even need to think about it.Emily hear this and couldn't help but laugh at this child, "Stella look at Adrian, he is getting better and better at talking!"After some thought the little fellow asked, "Darling who do you like the most? I think both Uncle RK and Uncle Tristan like you the most!"Adrian run to Stella's feet and raised hi
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Chapter 70 Uncle Tristan is the best
Stella's heart tightened...There were two things, she had always been afraid of the most. First, RK would find out about Adrian's existence, and the second one... She was also worried that one day When they met, Adrian would rely on his biological father.However, she didn't expect that, even if they had only met a few times, the child was still affected by the intuitions in his blood. He had an inexplicable affection toward RK...Stella stood rooted on the spot. For a moment, Stella doesn't know what to do to dispel her precious son's brilliant idea.Adrian saw that Stella didn't say anything and stood rooted on the spot. His expression changed. He thought that he had angered his Darling...He immediately pursed his lips and pulled Stella's dress with his chubby little hands. He had stopped being stubborn and said, "Darling! I was just joking with you! Don't be angry! I still like to be with my Darling the most!"As he said, the little fellow reached his chubby hands and hugged Stel
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