All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
330 Chapters
Chapter 81 The fruit she liked
As for David, because of Sophia and his wife, he didn't take care of Stella at all. The mother and daughter pair did not like Stella at all.When she was in the Richard family, Stella was often bullied by them.At first, Stella would still come to her grandmother's place to cry. That was only when she was young and ignorant.Later, when she grew up, Stella rarely mentioned her life in the Richard family in front of her grandmother... After all, in the Richard family except for Tristan, she was not doing well.As time went on, although Stella did not mention it, sometimes Grace could understand it from the appearance of this precious granddaughter.Regardless, Stella's marriage...Normally, it would be mothers worrying about their daughters, but in the Richard family, no one had ever worried about her.It wasn't easy for them to mention it once... but it was still... her going to marry that man on Sophia's behalf.Since she was a child, Tristan had protected her very well, Stella had n
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Chapter 82 Stella, Do you like grapes or strawberries?
In the Ward...After Stella and her grandmother chatted for a while, someone come from outside and knocked on the door...Just now, when the two men left the ward, they didn't close the door. So, the door of the ward was opened...Grandma looked in the direction of the door of the ward then winked at Stella. There is no need to mention the meaning behind her wink. She knows very well what her grandmother wants to say...In short, when the two of them were in the ward earlier, her grandmother had already made it very clear to her that she had required to get to know RK! What's more, she had even agreed to it...So, at this moment, her grandmother had placed all her hopes on Stella...She was looking forward to Stella and that man's future together..."Grandma! The fruits are here!"RK was the first one to speak.The door of the ward was not big at all. At this moment, when the two men came in together from the outside...It could be blocked the entire ward.Grandma was very happy to se
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Chapter 83 She felt they will eat her alive
Stella has a strange look on her face.Didn't he buy fruits for Grandma? Why did he ask her?Just as Stella was about to answer, the other guardian sitting beside her also spoke..."Yes, Stella... Do you like grapes or strawberries? I remember that you like strawberries, right?"RK asked with a kind face...However, when Stella looked at him...No matter how Stella looked at his face, she felt that something was wrong...It was obvious that the man just had spoken in a very gentle and rare friendly tone... However, when Stella looked at his face...She felt some unknown fear in her heart...It was like the air becomes exceptionally... dangerous because of what kind of fruit she liked.Especially... When she saw RK's face, she felt like his face become even colder than before...As if she says something wrong and he will freeze her with the coldness around his body...Stella sat aside and looked at the grapes and strawberries in her grandmother's hands...For a moment, The atmosphere w
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Chapter 84 I like grapes
When Stella heard his words... She almost couldn't hold back her anger.She had a strong urge to kill this man! just wanted to stand up and beat this man to death...Grandma who was standing at the side hear this and covered her mouth and laughed. She said with a smile, "It's okay! It's okay! Don't worry about your grandmother. Your Grandma is very open-minded... You can continue..."When Grandma first hear RK's words, she immediately knows that something is going on between the two of them.That was also because, when they first met in Grandma's ward, Grandma knows that Stella and Rene know each other for a long time.However...She doesn't care about how they meet each other.The most important thing was the story between her precious granddaughter and her favorite Rene!Stella was so embarrassed that her face flushed red when she heard her grandmother's words...She was so ashamed that she can't say anything...She could only glare at the man sitting beside her and said, "Mr. Kings
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Chapter 85 I am thick skinned or you are shameless
She pointed at the back of her head and almost want to slap her...Stella thought, "If it weren't because of the presence of too many people in the ward, she was sure her grandmother would slap her face. Then, she would give her a good lecture!""Well, Stella, go and wash the grapes!"Grandma sighed!What can she do to her?Stella heard her grandmother's words...She quickly picked up the bag of grapes from the table and went to the bathroom in the ward...She was so fast, that it seemed that as if she were a second later, there would be a huge tiger coming toward her from behind...Because the fruit was brought by these two men, Grandma was too embarrassed to let the two men wash the fruits.Besides, it was rare for men to know how to wash the fruits, let alone for men of their status...Stella had only taken two steps forward with the fruits in her hands.She thought that it would be a good time for her to enjoy a quiet time alone during the interval of washing the fruits.If she sh
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Chapter 86 It's none of your business
"RK! What nonsense are you talking about?"Stella's face turned from anger. "RK, get out of here! Even if it was Tristan who fed me, it still makes sense!"What's more, what kind of identity does this man have to control her?They had already been divorced for so many years. Whatever she did or what happened in the past now had nothing to do with this man.There is no need for him to interfere in her life again and again!"Does it make sense?"The man lean forward and said, "The man who did not have a blood relationship with you, fed you grapes, Does it make sense?""Stella don't you know how to behave yourself?"His words were very heavy.It was like spirits appeared in the middle of the night!However... Stella felt that these man's words are very unreasonable!What's more, why did she behave herself?She didn't have a boyfriend or husband! Whom she was doing this?She felt like this man was very strange!She said unhappily, "I don't think it has anything to do with you. You don't h
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Chapter 87 Grandma cherished this man
However, when it is spoken from her grandmother's mouth...It seemed that she was the one who bullied a man like him!No matter how Stella heard, she felt uncomfortable!What's more, Grandma always supported this man and spoke up for this man, which made her even angrier!"Since Grandma said that I bullied you, so I will bully you once!"As she spoke, Stella punched the man's solid chest...However, before Stella could cry out in pain, the man who was 1.88 meters tall in front of her let out a muffled groan instead.He even shouted, "Be gentle! It's hurt! Grandma is outside..."Stella was speechless.Did this man know that Grandma was outside at this moment?When he bullied her just now and took advantage of her! She also said that Grandma was outside, why didn't this man listen to her?However...At this moment he know that her grandmother was waiting outside the door!She doesn't know if her grandmother had good hearing...Because the man groaned and said something that Grandma hear
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Chapter 88 First time to fed her
When she saw her granddaughter who rolling her eye at Rene...In her heart, she was even more sure that it was her precious granddaughter who bullied Rene...Sigh... What should they do in the future?Grandma couldn't help but look at Rene sympathetically...She thought in her heart, "In the future if Rene married her granddaughter, he would suffer a lot! At that time her ignorant granddaughter would bully Rene every day!"What's more, Rene was so honest, her granddaughter would surely succeed.Think of this, Grandma felt that she should be good to Rene while she was still alive!RK said, "Grandma, don't worry! I am fine!"He sounded... too polite.It seemed like just because her grandmother was concerned he had been saying that he was fine, be it true or not!Stella didn't dare to say any unpleasant word about this man in front of her grandmother, so she had to bear with it in her heart...As for Grandma, she didn't believe her.She continued to look at RK's body and asked, "Are you
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Chapter 89 Is it sweet?
Stella was so embarrassed that she don't know what to say. She didn't even know whether she should open her mouth to eat grapes in front of her or not!Especially... At this moment, the relationship between the two of them was not appropriate...Both of them knew very well that they had divorced for so many years, not to mention Sophia is involved between them.What's more, This man was about to get married to Sophia the next month...However, currently, he was getting closer to her again and again.Didn't the president think that it was not appropriate?Stella pursed her lips and lowered her head.In the end, she moved her lips and said, "Thank you. But I can eat by myself!"Even though she knows that after so many years later, she still didn't give up on this man. This man still had a special place in her heart...However, because of their current relationship and different identities, she knows how to control this kind of love which make people stunned again and again very well!Sh
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Chapter 90 Rene is a good man
What did the man mean by this?He already had a fiancee... Why did he have to do these... things with her which made people misunderstand them again and again.Maybe he didn't think that it was inappropriate...However, she did...In short, he lied to her Grandma that he didn't have a girlfriend or fiancee... What's more, at this moment he was so intimate with her.The fact that the two of them were in the bathroom earlier was already enough to make a scene!Currently, in front of her Grandma, he still wants to... do this!He fed her grapes! If others don't know the truth they would think that they were a couple! He is the President of the company... Was not afraid of being misunderstood.Stella's face was both red and awkward.She knows that she can't lose her temper in front of her Grandma!In the end, she had no evidence to prove that this man had a fiancee. Others couldn't intervene in this matter to prove this point.She could only continue to pretend.When she had evidence, she
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