All Chapters of Love After Divorce: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
310 Chapters
Chapter 21 Introduce a man to her
"Doctor, how is my grandma?" Stella asked..."Miss Richard... Don't worry your grandmother is fine now. She was in a much better condition compared to two years ago. At that time when your grandmother comes to the hospital, she can't even move by herself..."The doctor give her some reports and said, "But thanks to that man, who had taken care of your grandmother all these years and had used the world's best medical equipment..."After hearing the doctor's words, Stella wanted to meet that man so that she can thank him personally for taking care of her grandmother all these years..."Doctor, who is that man who takes care of my Grandma?""Miss Richard, that person told us to keep his identity secret. I hope Miss Richard doesn't make things difficult for our hospital. If you want to know, you can ask your grandmother. Maybe she knows..."Stella heard this and nodded...All these years, when Stella was in France and wanted to come back, her grandmother didn't let her back. Only now she
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Chapter 22 Great grandma, who is this Uncle?
Stella peeled apples for her grandmother and talk about her life abroad for the past six years. Especially, the time when she was in France when Adrian was still young...Stella didn't have the time to bring Adrian home and meet her grandmother. That's why Her grandma only know that she had a child but he had never seen him or met him..."Stella... He is so cute. I am sure he is the cutest child in the world..."Grace looked at Adrian's picture on Stella's mobile and praised him.But after thinking for a while, she asked from a heavy heart... "Stella, look child is already five years old... But you still didn't tell me about who is child's biological father..."Stella's hand, holding an apple paused...Except for Emily, Stella had never talked with anyone about Adrian's biological father, not even her grandmother...Now they are already divorced and that man was about to get married to someone else... She felt like it was even more unnecessary...Stella didn't want to talk about him.
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Chapter 23 We are not familiar
Only after hearing Adrian's voice, Stella had come back to her sense...After seeing RK, she was so shocked that she forget the main problem... "Rene" is Rene Kingston. And...Adrian is still in the ward. She had been hiding her son for six years, and now he was in front of this man...Stella felt like her heart come into her throat...Adrian saw that no one had replied to him and he continue to ask in his childish voice. This time he turn to look at Stella and asked..."Darling, who is this Uncle?""Hay! Adrian... Don't call him uncle."Hearing Adrain call him uncle, Grace looked unhappy and thought in her heart. He was going to his stepfather in the future, it's not good to call him Uncle.How can he call him casually?She looked at Adrian and said, "Adrian he is great....""Adrian he is my grandma's friend."Stella didn't let Grace finish the word Great Grandma and quickly interpreted her and start to introduce herself.Grace doesn't know why her granddaughter becomes so active and
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Chapter 24 Adrian has RK photos on his phone
Stella felt so angry that she will lose her calm...Her grandma was messing around. She doesn't what will her grandmother do when she found out that he was her ex-husband.She is sure, grandma will kill him and cut him into pieces.If not for the fact that her grandmother was not in a good health. Stella will let her Grandma know this man's true colors...She looked at Grandma and said, "Grandma there is no need to trouble Mr. RK. I can go by myself. I don't want to run in any danger along the way..."After she finished speaking, Stella looked at RK while hinting that the danger she mentioned was him.But Grace already had full confidence in his character and didn't want to listen to her..."Stella, let Rene send you back home. If you go alone I will be not at ease and it's also not safe. Only when he sends you home, I will feel assured." After Grace said she pushed her only granddaughter to his side, as she wanted to make them look perfect match.Stella looked at her grandmother in a
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Chapter 25 I can protect you
Adrian dragged his small legs with rabbit slippers and walked toward Stella's side. As he walked, he asked..."Darling... What are you doing with my phone?"After that, he tiptoes to see if she found something or not... Sure enough, he saw Stella looking at the Uncle's photos sitting inside the car...After that, in just a second...Stella deleted all his pictures from his phone..."Darling... Why did you delete my pictures?"Adrian almost screamed at Stella. The little fellow face filled with unhappiness.Stella didn't care about his sad face and returned the phone to him and said unhappiness... "From now on you are not allowed to take anyone's pictures secretly..."Adrian held back her phone and said, "Darling... How can you say that? I was thinking about you. I have to check what kind of man that Uncle was. Is he handsome or not? If he is not handsome, we don't want him... Otherwise, he will destroy his descendants. But now I am not worried... Because that Uncle is quite handsome.
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Chapter 26 I never regarded you as my sister
Stella hear these words and her back stiffened...It takes so much courage for her to come back to the Richard family. And they... They are inviting RK as well...It was already enough for Stella to see that man's cold face in the company but they are going to see his cold face on the weekend also...Sophia hesitates to call. She wanted to RK come as well, but she also don't want the two of them to meet again. But under the watching eyes of David, Sophia took her phone and called..."Stella! Your sister is always like this. She had only become tall but she was still childish in her heart. Don't mind it."Compared to Sophia, David like Stella's nature more. Because of her, he was always at ease and did not worry much.Everyone was sitting in the living room. But it was David who talk more, as for Sophia and Isabelle, they were silent or just give her a cold look...As for Tristan, he was sitting on the single sofa on the other side and didn't say much. Only when someone asks something,
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Chapter 27 We are planning to have a baby
David looked at their embarrassed expression and changed the topic..."Why are everyone still standing there... It's almost time for dinner and everyone must be hungry. Let's go to the dining room to heat..."After he said everyone went to the dining room.Sophia had held RK's arm all the time. It's like she is afraid that if she let him go, someone will steal her man...When everyone went to the dining hall, Stella purposely slowed her speed. She decide to sit after everyone sat down...Sophia pulled RK and let him sit beside her. After that she let Isabella and David sit on RK's side. Just like that RK is surrounded by Richard's family, just like a treasure.Now only, two seats were left...First, one seat beside Sophia, and the other two seat opposite her and RK. Of course, Stella was not going to sit beside her...So, no choice left, Stella had Tristan had to sit in front of Sophia and RK."It's so rare for everyone to sit together and eat. Let's toast first..."David said and rai
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Chapter 28 Take care of the rest of his life
RK said those words indifferently, but his words seemed to be telling some kind of story...It was just a normal comment. But When Stella looked into his deep blue eyes... She doesn't know why she felt like they had some hidden meaning...When she looked up at this man, he already starts to talk with Tristen, but his eyes are fixed on her and didn't move...And his eyes...She can never tell what had hidden in his deep blue eyes...Stella rolled her eyes and said, "Why are you looking at me? Is there something on my face?"What rude behavior...However, Tristan had let go of her wrist and smiled faintly. It was just that, his smile didn't reach his eyes. "Stella and I grew up together. Even we should use to take the shower together. Of course, we should have a good relationship."His words shocked Stella.Her face turn red from embarrassment.But this man...He is so thick-skinned and behaves like he just talking about something normal...And what's more...When did they take a shower
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Chapter 29 Your last name is also Richard
Tristan wanted to say something...But... In the end, he didn't say anything and held back. "Get in the car. I will send you back." He said.After he finished speaking, he turned toward the car and get in.His back looks lonely...Stella looked at his back and thought...Since he didn't say anything about her addressing him as Brother Tristan... Then I will consider it that he accepts it...Anyway, she had already shown her rejection towards him.Stella gets in the car.The car drove away a full speed. It was like he was venting his anger...But of course, because Stella is also in the car, even though it was driven at a speed, his pace was still steady and drove without any bumps...At the red light...Tristan stopped the car and looked at her and said, "Stella... I will not force you to accept me but... I will also not give up."In all these years, it was not that he had never thought about giving up on her. But it's just that... He can't do it...Because once you fell in love with
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Chapter 30 Become a burden on her
Adrian looked at the back of the man and felt confused...He felt that this Uncle was very scary... In the future, if this man becomes his Darling's boyfriend or his stepfather...It's not good. He can't let his baby stay with this scary Uncle.Why did he think he was a good Uncle? Adrian thought.He pouted his small mouth. When he turn around to want to go back to Stella's room to look for her, he saw that Tristan had forgotten to take his wallet..."He forget the wallet filled with so much money... Indeed he was a rich man. He can lose money when he gets angry..." Adrian said...After that, he picked up the wallet from the table and went back to his room. After looking around for a minute... After that, he hides it inside his child's cabinet...****On the other side...In the middle of the night, a black SUV running around the streets like a mad horse...Speeding around the other cars...A few years ago, When Stella and RK got married, he would have thought that they maybe have a c
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