All Chapters of Billionaire, Let's Divorce!: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
114 Chapters
Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty One
I stormed out of the cafe, ready to speed back to the hospital, away from all of these despicable humans and back to Grace.About a dozen feet away from the car, I heard heavy footsteps rapidly pounding after me. They caught up to me and their hands dropped on my shoulder."Sydney, wait. Calm down."I rolled my eyes, of course it was him. No other person there had the arrogance to not let me walk out of their presence or hardheaded enough to still follow and tell me to calm the fuck down!I shook off his hand on my shoulder and continued to match forward. He caught up to me and grabbed my shoulder again. "Come on!" He gritted his teeth, "Alright then, let me take you home. You're too emotional to drive now."Emotional! I scoffed and roughly shrugged off his hands again. I looked at the car in determination. Just a few more steps and I'd be in that car and driving off away from this bastard."Sydney, you shouldn't drive when you're this angry? It's dangerous."I still ignored him. Why
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Chapter 32 Chapter Thirty Two
When I got to Grace's ward, her face was ghostly pale and her lips were dry and she was still asleep just as I had left her! I asked a nurse who came in to note down her temperature and condition."Did she ask after me when I was away?" I asked, hoping for an assuring response but she only confirmed my suspicions. She shook her head, "No, she has been asleep since you left."With my throat closed tight in panic, I went in search of the doctor. I found him stepping out of another ward. I ran to him, "Why is she still asleep? I was gone for quite a while!" I left the formalities and went straight to the main reason why I was before him.He arched a brow, "The patient in room seven?" I nodded, then he smiled calmly, "Don't worry she'd be fine."I relaxed a bit. The doctor's smile was reassuring. But when I sat by Grace, listening to her infrequent ragged breathing, I couldn't help but worry. Was she really going to be fine? The bastards really did a number on her. I gritted my teeth and
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Chapter 33 Chapter Thirty Three
With a sigh of resignation, I boarded another taxi and headed for the Torres mansion. I knew it was where Grandma Doris would be. The mansion was more her own than Rose's.But since Grandma Doris was barely around, her vivacious nature would not allow her stay stuck in a place; she didn't allow her age or responsibilities to clip her wings, the mansion was solely left in Rose's care since Mark didn't stay at the mansion, leaving Rose the opportunity to wad around the place bullying and commanding others - her best traits.As I entered the compound of the Torres mansion, right in the garage of the mansion was the car I left at Milli bar yesterday. It was probably driven over by Mark. Good, then I can just go with it when I'm leaving here.My mind was still occupied with the prospect of seeing Grandma and what she might have to say when I was pulled out of my thoughts by Grandma's shrill voice."Sydney!" Her voice might be weak but her body definitely wasn't. I watched, a mixture of hap
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Chapter 34 Thirty Four
Doris and I walked out of the living under Rose and Mark's watchful gaze, feeling their scrutinizing eyes boring into us as the door closed behind us.Stepping out into the tranquil courtyard, we walked through the courtyard then into the garden. The garden cocooned us in its serene stillness. The occassional gentle rustle of leaves, and the soft fluttering of birds' wings disrupted the calm stillness. The vibrant hues of the various flowers lot up the the whole area, their petals swayed gracefully in the breeze and the equally colourful butterflies of all shapes and sizes flitted avout in the garden, adding an ethearal feel and look to the space.I admired the flowers and butterflies. I sighed quietly, if only my life could be as effortless as their beauty.Grandma Doris had her hands clasped behind her back as we walked along the pathway between the garden. It would pain me to say no to Doris but it was what I have to do."Sydney ," Doris finally called, her voice was a soothing bal
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Chapter 35 Thirty Five
As expected and as it should be, I wasn't the only one who was surprised. An expression of shock fleetingly coursed through Mark's face, betraying the calm demeanor he had since been portraying.Rose's shock was loud; she couldn't contain it so she flared up. "What the actual hell!" She erupted, jerking up from her sitting position. "Are you seriously giving her shares?"Doris sized her up before calmly replying, "Yes, Rose, I am seriously giving her shares.""Why?! Doris? Why?" Then she turned to me, her face was already red with anger, "You bitch!" She glared and even as each of those curse words tumbled out of her mouth, her voice trembled, "How dare you take my son's share! What did you say to grandma to make her give you the shares that belong to my son?"I just stared at her indifferently, my eyes lingered, perusing the contours of her hard angry gaze. This woman never gets tired, does she? Even a demented fool will be able to tell that no one could ever influence any decision t
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Chapter 36 Thirty Six
The car screeched noisily on the tarred road and I felt myself slightly thrown forward as I suddenly stepped on the brake and the car came to an abrupt halt.I turned to my side to see Bella squatting in front of the Torres mansion's gate. What a pity, Bella couldn't get in without Mark's approval.She must have noticed that I was the one in the car because she straightened up and stomped toward the car. She slapped her palm on the body of the car. "Get out of the car!" She shouted and I almost burst out laughing.What right was she trying to exercise now? Or was it authority?Even though Rose hated me so much and I was getting a divorce, I doubted Bella had any chance with Mark unless she'd continue to be in the shadows of whoever he marries next. Rose would definitely and equally look down on Bella just as she had done with me since we came from the same background. Besides, I trusted Doris, after seeing that video, I was sure Bella already disgusts her. If Mark ever made any attemp
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Chapter 37 Thirty Seven
Reflexively, my lips curled into a smile as I saw him, through the glass walls of the bureau, alight from his car and sauntered toward the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau.I arrived here about five minutes ago and I had half expected that I would have to wait for quite a long time before he would get here. But here he was waltzing into the bureau just like we agreed.He spotted me quite fast. Then he turned and walked toward me."Well, hello."He nodded and stuffed his hands into his pockets, "Hey.""I didn't expect you to be this early," I said as I got on my feet, hanging my bag on my shoulder.His shoulders didn't move more than an inch as he shrugged slightly, "I told you I was gonna be here at the time you stated. I gave you my word, I wasn't about to go back on them."I raised my eyebrows, unable to stop myself from grinning. To be honest, I was impressed. Was this Doris influence?"Okay, let's go." I told him and led the way to the office of the judge.My smile widened eac
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Chapter 38 Thirty Eight
The rest of the ride straight to work was smooth. It was as if the universe was against Richie; there was no more traffic stop on the way.In no time, I reached the company. The tires screeched noisily against the floor as I abruptly pressed my feet on the brake and parked clumsily. I looked around for the cops' car as I locked my own car but there weren't any of their cars around nor were the twinkling or sound of their red and blue light bars anywhere around."Good, I'm on time," I muttered to myself and hurried inside. I ignored the greetings I got as I rushed to the elevator. I took the elevator and went to the floor where Richie's office was situated. As I rode there, I dialed the line of the head security."Good morning, ma'am.""Morning." I managed to answer his greeting and went straight to the reason why I had called him. "Right now, I want you to tightly guard all the exits and prevent Richie, the customer service department head, from going out of the premises if he ever tr
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Chapter 39 Thirty Nine
After ensuring that Richie had been taken away, I called a mini meeting with all of the employees and gave a stern warning to all of them. If they knew they weren't ready to work then they had better turn in their resignation letters. Since I wasn't stuck in a marriage anymore, the era where there was no strict and consistent supervision was now history. Then I instructed the HR team to start to carry out the recruitment process from within the company for the most suitable person to occupy Richie's position.After the meeting, I rushed to the hospital. It was finally the day Grace would get discharged. Finally, she would get out of that uncomfortable hospital bed.On my way out, I met with the head of security and instructed him to still keep the place tightly secure. Who knows how many of Bran's type Richie had?I drove to the hospital, getting some groceries and veggies on the way so that I would make some home cooked meals for Grace. She has had enough of those hospital meals. She
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Chapter 40 Chapter Forty
"I think this is okay, Grace. You already look stunning. Even as you laid in that bed, unconscious, you still looked beautiful."She groaned and rolled her eyes, "Oh please, don't remind me of those days. It was crazy seeing my face like that, I was terrified that the scars would never fade."I laughed as I moved closer to her as she adjusted her dress. I helped her put on her necklace around her neck - the emerald one I made for her. "Well they did."She stopped, seeming frozen for the briefest seconds then she screamed and hugged me tightly. "You found it!""I snatched it from that witch's neck, she had it on.""Maybe, you should have strangled her with it," she suggested and we both broke out in a git of laughter."Oh no, please," I said amidst laughter, "I don't want to end up in jail like Richie. I'm sure her father would make sure I rot in jail.""Mark wouldn't allow it," she wiggled her brows.I rolled my eyes, "Oh please, that one is in the past now." Funny enough, since the d
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