All Chapters of Billionaire, Let's Divorce!: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
114 Chapters
Chapter 21 Chapter twenty one
I grinned as I put the last touch on the bracelet. I let out a groan as I sat up, stretching my arms and yawning.I sighed as I checked the time. It was past working hours again. But I was comforted by the knowledge that I accomplished a lot today.I looked down at the necklace and bracelet. They were gorgeous. Infact, gorgeous is an understatement. It looked like something out of this world. It was how Atelier studios had become a household name. I always enjoy putting my best in every Jewelry, even if the orders were made by assholes. And it was what I had inculcated in our employees in the production department too.I got to work early today. After last night's drama, I surprisingly had a peaceful sleep afterward. I felt so energized this morning. I suspected it was due to the determination to get out of the marriage.I encased the bracelet and necklace by myself then I rang for my assistant.As usual, she was knocking on my door in a few seconds. "Come in."I handed her the boxes,
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Chapter 22 Chapter Twenty two
An hour after Richie left, I was also packing up to leave.My phone shrilled on the desk again. "Where are you at, girl?""I'm on my way, ma'am. I'll soon get there. Come on, hurry."I arched a brow, a smile on my lips. Since she called me to come over to the villa we both shared an hour ago, she had been endlessly calling over and over again to remind me to come over after work straight away. She seemed excited. Even now, her voice was practically quivering with excitement."You still won't tell me why, huh?"I trapped my phone between my shoulders and neck as I locked my drawers."No," I could hear the smile in her voice.I hummed. "Come on, Grace. Just gimme a hint. I'm dying of suspense here." I picked up the jewelry box from the table,placed it in my bag then I slung my bag over my shoulder."If you're going to die, just get here first."I cackled at her words. "Alright, I'll soon get there." I locked the main doors and started to walk to where I would get a taxi. "I'm about to g
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Chapter 23 Chapter Twenty three
Mark cleared his throat when I didn't look up. "Sydney?"I looked up with a smile. "I'm sorry. I got distracted. What were you saying?"His eyes strayed to the phone in my grip and lingered there and I thought I saw his jaw harden but his voice was calm and soft when he spoke again. "I got you a gift.""Oh yes, of course," I spluttered, then I quickly took the box from his outstretched hands.As he stood there, smiling at me as if he was waiting for something. I contemplated transferring the break up fee to him now so I could just leave with some of my things tonight. That way, I'll get to spend the first hours of the day with Grace but then I looked down at the gift he got me and my gaze slid back to his.He had never gotten me a gift before. Perhaps, it was to dissuade me from insisting on the divorce. I couldn't bring myself to bring up the divorce issue now."Thank you," I said instead, observing my handiwork. "It's a beautiful bracelet.""I made sure of that," he muttered, his vo
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Chapter 24 Chapter Twenty four
I kept my question to myself and swiftly sprang into action and joined Luigi in the frat and in no time, the cafe erupted into chaos, with chairs and tables.When Bran saw that things were quickly getting out of hand and we were defeating his hunks, he joined in the fight.He instantly rammed into Luigi, shoving him across the room. When I saw him tackle him to the floor, I quickly dodged the punch the man I was fighting threw at me and ran towards him to help.But immediately I got there, Luigi flipped him to the floor and ruthlessly pressed his palm on Bran's face. His gaze traveled behind me before they rested on me."Leave," he mouthed, "There's an alley, wait there.""What about you?!" I whispered back as my eyes widened.Why will I leave him here? There was no way I'd do that."Leave, Sydney!" He screamed as Bran took advantage of his distracted state and hit the side of his face with a tray he must have dragged from one of the tables around.I decided to listen to him. He proba
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Chapter 25 Chapter Twenty five
She strutted in, a sneer on her face. "You've now grown the balls, haven't you?""A good day to you too, Rose," I bit out, mirroring her tone as I sat back in the chair.Rose was my mother-in-law. It was actually laughable how all of the people I considered family acted far from it. It was safe to say my mother-in-law hated my guts. Or maybe it's my family's guts she hates just because the status of my family in the elite society was way below theirs. It was a slap in the face for people below their status to marry into their family or meddle in their affairs. And that was exactly what my family did - married into their family.According to her, I blinded her son with love and forced my way into the family. I don't think she knows how much her son dislikes me. If she did, she'd be jubilating."I asked you a question, young lady," she snarled.I rolled my eyes and turned away from her. I pretended not to hear her. Luigi looked between the both of us and I wondered if he knew Rose. Does
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Chapter 26 Chapter Twenty Six
GRACE'S POVIt's my birthdayI'ma do what I likeI'ma eat what I likeI'ma kiss who I likeIt's my birthdayAs the pulsating beats of the chorus of Anne Marie's 'Birthday' reverberated through the stereo speakers, I found myself unable to resist anymore. As I brushed my hair, my head swayed with the rhythm as I lip-synced every word, fully immersed in getting the tone right.I'ma do what I likeI'ma wear what I likeI'ma party tonightGoddamn, it's my birthdayEverybody love meYeah, yeah, yeah, look at me, gimme moneyDamn, it's my birthdayI stopped to properly apply my lipstick. I smacked my lips together and gave myself a charming smile in the mirror. I straightened and admired myself in the mirror; my eyes lingering on the neckline of the dress; the emerald necklace Sydney made for me, my accentuated curves and the slit of the dress."Damn! I look good," I drawled as I swirled before of the mirror, my heart filled with immense joy. Joel is definitely going to love it!It was a we
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Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty Seven
SYDNEY'S POVI helped Grace to her car. I went back inside and snatched her phone from amongst the spilled content of her bag. I didn't even need to search far, right on her lock screen was a picture of her and a man that looked familiar.I tucked her phone in my back pocket, I found a pair of flip-flops and went back to meet her in the car. As I drove to the hospital, she didn't say anything, her head was lopsided on her neck as she looked out the windows, a haunted and sad expression swirling in her eyes.I had no idea what to say or how to comfort her. What if she actually wanted the silence. So occasionally, I would squeeze her hand and slowly, ever so slowly, her fingers wrapped around mine too. And I felt a sense of relief washed over me. She was still there. My feisty Grace was still there.When I got to the hospital, a nurse met me halfway and the both of us helped Grace to a ward. They instantly started treatment on her after I settled the bills.I held Grace's hand as the do
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Chapter 28 Chapter Twenty Eight
He looked taken aback as his eyes took in my furious expression. "Sydney," he reiterated and the sound of his voice repeating my name had seriously started to irritate me."Where is Joel?"His lips seemed to wobble for a while before he was able to get his words out. "How did you get here?" Then his brows creased and his eyes softened as he took a step forward toward me. He pointed at the door behind me, "For how long were you behind that door, Sydney?" His eyes searched mine, probing, "What did you hear just now?" He started to stride toward me after he asked the last question.I raised my palm in the air to stop him. He instantly halted his strides and concern and confusion swirled in his gaze as they met mine."Sydne-" he started, but I couldn't bear to hear my name from his lips one more time."Can you stop saying my name and just tell me where the fuck Joel is?" My words burst out hotly, fueled by frustration, anger and hurt."Why do you want to see Joel? Is there any problem?" H
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Chapter 29 Chapter Twenty Nine
As Mark stood grounded before me, Sandra suddenly fell silent and the men respectfully took quick steps back.Then before he said anything, he signaled for the bartender to come over. The lanky boy who seemed to be covering his shift, with his eyes wide, didn't hesitate to run to Mark."Good day, sir," he bent his head in greeting, his hand firmly by his side. He seemed to be doing his best not to look my way. I didn't blame him, he just watched me smash a bottle on a man's head."Go to whoever your boss is and get every single person, apart from us, to get out of this bar. I'll settle the bills."He bobbed his head eagerly, "Yes sir! Right away sir!" Then he turned and fled.I reasoned why Mark would do that then I concluded that he had a point. We all came from well known families in elite society but I didn't care. There is no way anything that leaks out of this ruckus will cause harm to my reputation. Since no one, apart from the employees at Atelier studios, really knew that I co
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Chapter 30 Chapter Thirty
Joel seemed to shrink into his skin as he turned to Mark. His brows furrowed in confusion, "Dude, I thought we were best friends? I thought you'd always have my back." His said with disbelief."We are best friends and I would always have your back," Mark replied indifferently then he shrugged and tucked his hands into his pocket. "But she's my wife and trust me, I'm not supporting anyone.""So you're just going to stand there and let your wife bully us like that?" Joel murmured with a still disappointment in his eyes."Are you just going to let my wife bully you like that?" Mark retorted calmly, his brows arched, leaving Joel speechless as he gaped at him. Mark shrugged, "What? Am I supposed to be your bodyguard or something?Joel's words came out with frustration as he lashed out, "I'm holding back because of you!"Please, spare me," I confronted him in disdain. "Don't be a coward now. Treat me just as you did Grace. Let your whore showcase her claws and scratch my face like the sava
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