All Chapters of Billionaire, Let's Divorce!: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
114 Chapters
Chapter 51 Chapter Fifty One
"Sydney, you really look like a lovestruck teenager," Grace teased as she walked into the living room with a bowl filled with strawberries, munching on some of them."I don't know, Grace," I spinned my phone between my fingertips, my lips jutting out in worry, "Should I call him? Should I not call him?"After the whole brouhaha with Mark and Lucas at the party, my time to properly reunite with Lucas had been cut short. He had opted to drop me off at my place but he seemed to be in a hurry. But he made sure we exchanged phone numbers before he hurriedly drove off. And since then, I haven't been able to get him out of my mind or my head. I have been unable to concentrate on work because Lucas was all I could think about.Grace rolled her eyes to the ceiling as she took a seat on the bean bag that had replaced the table in the middle of the room. She stretched the bowl of strawberries toward me, "Want some?" She briefly closed her eyes and sighed dramatically, "They're really juicy."I s
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Chapter 52 Chapter Fifty Two
The tire of the car screeched against the floor as it suddenly sped into the moonlit night. Luigi drove fast but roughly. The ride was bumpy and the three of us in the car kept bouncing in our seats.If Lucas had not tightened my seatbelt, my surest bet was that I would have somehow flown out of the open window."Luigi, gosh, can you slow down!" I yelled, tightly grasping the edge of my seat.Luigi's shoulders shook as he chuckled from the front seat, "Of course not." He briefly glanced back, "I used to be a race car driver for F4. If I drove slowly like a grandma, my friends would laugh at me and I would lose the race. Don't worry, just hold on tight. By maintaining this speed, I would make sure we catch that thief!"Then he took a sharp turn with a drift and despite the seatbelt, we all swayed to the side and I uncontrollably fell into Lucas's arms. My face reddened even more as I remained in his arms since Luigi still seemed to be making a wild turn.I thought of our limited time t
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Chapter 53 Chapter Fifty Three
He swung our joined hands forward and backward as we wordlessly walked along the park, each of us to our own thoughts as we basked in the tranquility of the night.There was a light shining ahead and there seemed to be a lot of people there. I squinted at it. "Is that a truck?" I muttered and briefly glanced at Lucas who was also staring ahead."I think so," Lucas answered with a feeble lift off his shoulders.As we got closer, it got clearer and I could not have stopped myself even if I wanted to as I screamed, "Ice cream!" I pointed at it and turned to Lucas who was now smiling."Come on," I untangled my hands from his, "let's go get."Without waiting for his response, I ran over to the singing truck. When I had screamed, some of the kids there had turned to me so as I rushed over there, they were still staring.I didn't care one bit for the stares. Right now,I feel so much like their age. I was reminded of when Lucas and I used to take strolls when we were younger and then we would
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Chapter 54 Chapter Fifty Four
MARK'S POV"Here is Miss Bella's tracking report," I heard my assistant say.I murmured a response to him, then after a few seconds, I looked up from the files that detailed everything that was to be known about GT Group's latest investors only to catch the back of my personal assistant as he rushed out the door.I stopped, wondering why he was in such a hurry. My eyes back fell on the report I had tasked him to that he came in to drop. Even though I wanted to personally read through every detail of the report, I was too busy so I was going to ask him to summarize the report since he compiled it after the private investigator he hired carried it out but now he was gone.I reached for my my phone, and was about to place a call through to him but I stopped. My gaze traveled to the report lying on one side of my desk, on top of the stacks of files I still had to go through.Going through the report shouldn't take up to, at most, thirty minutes. So instead of calling my assistant and havi
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Chapter 55 Chapter Fifty Five
MARK'S POVI rushed after the nurses as they wheeled her inside the hospital with a stretcher. There had been no help when I called for it after Bella started bleeding but immediately I got downstairs, the ambulance had arrived. Immediately, I got into the ambulance and held her hand. I called her name several times and hoped she would wake up but her eyes just remained shut.The doctor burst out of a corner, his stethoscope carelessly hung around his neck. As we both briskly walked after the nurses pushing the stretcher, I explained what had happened to him."I think he must have hit her, because she just suddenly started bleeding."The doctor nodded and stepped into the ward where they had taken her. She was already placed on a hospital bed. I was not allowed inside the ward, so I stayed outside the door and watched through translucent glass in the door.The doctor shook his head as he examined her. Then he said something to the nurses with him. They nodded and rushed out of the roo
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Chapter 56 Chapter Fifty Six
SYDNEY'S POVI raised my eyes at the headline of the news that just popped up on my notification bar. The eye-catching headline read, "Scheming Woman Suffers Miscarriage, Loses Her Ticket into Wealth."A photo of Mark carrying Bella who was covered in blood into an ambulance was attached to the blog post. Though their faces were slightly blurred by thin mosaics, anyone familiar with the upper echelons would recognize them at a glance, especially since Bella had been flaunting her pregnancy pictures everywhere on social media."Did they have a fight or something?" I wondered curiously, but the curiosity wasn't enough to make me open the news and get distracted from work.I sighed and swiped the screen to the picture of the sample of the jewelry that a client wanted - it was why I had picked up my phone in the first place. I compared it to the sketch I had made and shook my head. I was satisfied with what I was doing. I was definitely on the right track and the one I sketched seemed eve
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Chapter 57 Fifty Seven
BELLA'S POV"Thank you." I still laid on the bed and back was turned to them as I bit out harshly, sounding not even a little bit grateful. "Can you leave now?""B-""Mum!" I furiously turned to them and my eyes shot daggers at the both of them. "Can you just leave? I just want to be alone, please!"My chest rose and fell in anger as I watched both of them exchange glances then they stood up and walked out of the room.I glanced at the things they had brought for me. I pushed the food aside and grabbed my phone. I frantically scrolled through the news channels,the blog posts and the comments. Just as they had said, it was already everywhere. Every entertainment news, channel and blog was mocking me for getting ditched by Mark.'Gold digger faked pregnancy to trap Billionaire Mark Torres.''Woman who tried to force herself into the Torres family by getting pregnant had a miscarriage after which the Torres heir broke up with her.''Plan crashes; Bella Michael loses her ticket to the Tor
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Chapter 58 Fifty Eight
SYDNEY'S POVThe address that Mark sent me indicated that he was at Luigi's bar. My gaze fell on his car by the side of the road as I drove to the parking lot and parked my car.I made my way into the bar. As I looked around, searching for where Mark might have taken a seat, my eyes fell on Luigi. He was already looking at me. As our eyes met, he pointed his index finger and middle finger to his eyes and faced it in my direction. "I am watching you," he mouthed.I rolled my eyes and pressed one of my fingers to my eyes. "I will gouge out your eyeballs," I mouthed back. Then I turned and walked to Mark's private room. Since he was not on the down floor then he was definitely in one of the VIP rooms."Sydney…" Mark's eyes instantly fell on me and he slurred. "You're here, come come, take a seat," he patted on the space beside him.I paused at the door and eyed the empty bottles on the table. I shook my head at his form, he was gulping another cup of whiskey. How many had he taken? Anywa
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Chapter 59 Chapter Fifty Nine
MARK'S POV"Sir, Miss Bella is here to see you. She's waiting downstairs as I speak." I raised my head from the stack of files on the desk as the voice sounded through the telecom.I reclined in my seat and wondered why she was here this time. Has she cooked up some lie she was very convinced that I would believe? I won't be surprised if she says she now has leukemia.I leaned forward and pressed the call button. "Let her in!"Let's hear what she has up her sleeves this time."Right away, sir," the voice on the other end came immediately.Few seconds later, I watched as the door creaked back as it was gently pushed open. Bella walked in.My eyes scanned her from head to toe; she was dressed in a black turtleneck dress that tightly hugged her graceful figure, her plum lips were coated in a rich red color and a large fancy, black rimmed sunglass sat on her delicate nose and obscured her expression from any onlooker."Hello, Mark," she said in a detached voice as she stood before me, her
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Chapter 60 Chapter Sixty
SYDNEY'S POVI stared at the man who supplied us with cotton, my mouth agape. His mouth was pulled tight and he had refused to meet my gaze as he remained adamant."Why?!" I reiterated. I have asked this question a thousand times but all the man just kept telling me is that he just did not want to do business with Luxe vogue again.Now, a mere supplier telling us that he wasn't interested in supplying raw material to us would not have been an issue. I mean we could easily search for another supplier with the same quality. Yes, the process of getting a legit supplier with the same high quality will be cumbersome but we will get one.Now the issue here was that, for weeks now, all of Luxe vogue suppliers have been pulling out. Some, like this one seated before me, were polite enough to come to meet us in person and withdraw their services while some did not even bother, they just sent a mail - Good day, I will not be rendering my services to your company again. Thank you.And that was i
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