All Chapters of Billionaire, Let's Divorce!: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
114 Chapters
Chapter 71 Chapter Seventy One
My body went rigid and blood drained from my face."I will text her the hospital address," Mark said then the line went dead."Oh God," sensing the urgency of the situation, Lucas quickly rolled off me and I jumped out of bed. "Lucas, I need to get there quickly." I didn't bother to search for the clothes we had blindly flung across the room. I ran straight to my wardrobe and reached for the first outfit I saw - a dress shirt.I reached for my underwear and strapped it on. My hands trembled as I struggled with the buttons of the shirt. Lucas was suddenly before me. He gently and wordlessly took the shirt from me, undid the buttons and put the shirt over my head and did the button. I just stood there and let him dress me up.Even though Doris was not my biological grandma, even though she was the grandma of a man I once loathed, she still meant so much to me. Grandma Doris is one of the few people that treated me well. She was the one who gave me an inkling of how it felt to have a mot
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Chapter 72 Chapter Seventy Two
Sydney 's POVGrandma Doris smiled at Mark and mouthed, "Thank you."Mark nodded, tight lipped. Then Grandma turned to me, "Where is Lucas? Did he come with you?""Yes," I answered quickly. I know Lucas was itching to see her too. "He's waiting outside.""Let him in, I would like to see him too," Doris croaked out weakly.I rose to my feet and walked to the door. I opened the door and stuck my head out like I had done when I came to call Mark. His elbows rested on his knee and his head was in his hands. I wonder what he's thinking?"Hey babe," I called softly and he sprang up from his position."Hey," he said breathlessly and rushed to the door. "How's she?""Well," I shrughged slightly, "She's still hanging in there." Then I relayed Grandma's message, "She wants to see you."Lucas raised his brows and his mouth formed an O as if he hadn't expected to also be called in.I opened the door wider and stepped away from the doorway. "Come on," I said and turned back to Doris' bed. The door
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Chapter 73 Chapter Seventy Three
ONE MONTH LATERThe days after Grandma was declared to be in coma passed like a blur. Business was booming, Lucas and I got closer than ever, everything was going well or so it seemed.Mark and Sandra announced their engagement and it was to be scheduled today. Sandra had not been able to stop talking about it all over the net."I wonder how Steven and Sandra feel about this," Grace was watching one of many of Sandra's pre-wedding reels when she absentmindedly said it.I only raised my brows and said nothing. She hadn't looked up for a response so I didn't think she was expecting a response. Besides, I didn't care how the both of them felt to know what to respond. Maybe I do care about how Mark felt but that was only because after Doris made me promise, I sometimes feel responsible for him. My heart grew heavy at the thought of Grandma.With Mark's continuously booming financial status, Sandra's strict and luxurious demands were all met.If I was being very honest, the whole thing was
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Chapter 74 Chapter Seventy Four
I sighed and ignored his question. I continued working on his suit. Over the last few weeks, Mark and I had eased into this platonic and business partners relationship but we could both feel that there was something simmering underneath all of our formalities and professionalism. Neither of us acknowledged it; it was also why I usually never want to spend too much time with him, especially alone. Now, I just wanted to be done as soon as possible and leave from there.But I should have known that he wouldn't back down. Mark was never the type to shy away or back down from anything."I asked you a question," he deadpanned.I sighed again. I really wasn't up for any bantering this morning. "It's your wedding day, Mark," I said, sounding bored. "Why would you ask me a question like that?"I shook my head and spared him a glance before I made the final touches on getting his suit well fitted on him. I took a step back, my eyes raked up and down his fit form and I managed a smile. From a di
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Chapter 75 Chapter Seventy Five
For a moment, there was silence as the realization of what just happened sunk in, then I broke out of my frozen state and ran over to the crash, my heart lodged in my throat.There were already a number of passersby around the crash. Some called 911 while some uselessly brought out their phone to film the accident.I dropped my bag and squatted beside the wreckage that used to be Mark's car. In there, Mark, his driver and his assistant were stuck in there, upside down. Blood trickled down Mark's temple."Mark!" No matter how many times I screamed his name, he didn't open his eyes. "Mark! Hang in there…" I looked around me and asked for the help of the people standing around. They could at least make their presence useful."Somebody, help!" I screamed and turned back to Mark. "I need help!" I continued shouting as I reached for Mark and attempted to pull him out."Help!" I looked up again and immediately looked back at Mark in the car only to snap my head back up, with a friend on my f
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Chapter 76 Chapter Seventy Six
A WEEK LATERI dragged my tired eyes from the screen when my phone kept on vibrating. I knew it couldn't be Lucas because I had a separate ringing tone for his calls and his would definitely ring out, it wouldn't be Grace; she would have stormed up here if she called more than twice and I didn't pick up.Now, this was the fifth time this caller had called. I would give it to the caller though. The person had called for five times straight in a row, their persistence was admirable.I yawned and rubbed my tired eyes then I leaned back against my seat and grabbed the phone from the table. The number calling wasn't saved on my phone and it wasn't even familiar at all."Hello…" I drawled after I picked up the call."Good afternoon, ma'am. Am I speaking with Miss Sydney? You brought in Mr Mark Torres after he was involved in an accident."I frowned and sat up. "Good afternoon. Yes, I am Sydney.""I am a caregiver and I am the one assigned to Mr Mark Torres."I raised my eyebrows. I remember
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Chapter 77 Chapter Seventy Seven
BELLA'S POVMy face scrunched up in disgust as I peered at the caller's ID.What does she want? Why is she calling me? I thought irritatingly. And most importantly, how come I still have her contact saved on my phone?I stared ahead, my gaze lingering on the smiling faces of the people stepping out of the gate. When she wouldn't stop ringing me up, I decided to pick up the damn call."What do you want?" I blurted out icily."Hello, bestie. It's been a while, don't you think?"I scoffed, the idiot was speaking like were still friends. Was she even ever my friend? She always claimed that she hated Sydney for my sake, yet all the while she was only ogling the man I wanted."What do you want, Sandra?" I gritted out, my hands tightening on the object that I held on to in the pocket of my baggy jean jumpsuit. With how agitated I was just by hearing her voice, if she were standing before me, I wouldn't have hesitated to use it on her without any remorse.She groaned like she used to whenever
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Chapter 78 Chapter Seventy Eight
SYDNEY'S POV"Wow!" I finally let out and dragged my gaze away from my phone.I just got a call from the police department. They have Bella in their custody for murdering Isaac.These past weeks, a lot had been happening, From Doris to Mark to the trivial matters had to deal with either at work or at the hospital where Mark was admitted. There was just a whole lot and I had been going through them like I was programmed to do them so I had just sat frozen when I heard the news, unable to process what the police officer had said.Now that I think about it, the officer's words replayed in my head, I wondered why I was the one they called. What about our parents?To my amazement, the news didn't surprise me like it should, probably the reason why it took so long before I could react. I really don't think anything can surprise me anymore.Though, within myself, to be honest, I salute Bella. It must have taken a lot of guts and grit to do what she did. Even though she tended to be violent,
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Chapter 79 Chapter Seventy Nine
Mark's frown deepened and his eyes swept up and down my frame for almost a minute before he burst out, "I may have amnesia, but I'm not stupid. How could I possibly have such a young mother? How old am I?"I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up my throat. I was sad that he lost his memory but it felt really good, too good, to have him back. To listen to him throw his blunt statements without a second thought.Turns out his memory is the only thing he lost afterall. Thank God. I don't think I would be able to handle him if he turned out to lose his memory and become dense on top of that. He still had his wits around him.I took a seat beside his bed and he shifted, now sitting up. "Of course, I couldn't have given birth to a son as old as you. I'm your stepmother."I couldn't tell know why I kept at it but it was fun. I guess I wanted to utilize this opportunity that I have. Right now, I was just a random woman and he was just a random man - might be a bricklayer, a policeman, a dru
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Chapter 80 Chapter Eighty
**EXPLICIT SCENE AHEAD***Rose coming in finally to claim the role of Mark's family member meant I no longer had any business there and I pushed myself past the gawking bodies of people with their gaudy outfits and overpowering perfumes that made made me wrinkle my nose in distaste until I reached the end of the corridor.For some reason, I glanced back at the door to Mark's private ward with a wry chuckle slipping past my lips. Just look at all these people acting like the typical bottom climbers they were when they'd been practically nowhere to be found, days ago.We never know who our true friends are until things go spectacularly to hell.Sighing, I sank into the passenger's seat of my car and pulled the door closed after me, then I threw my purse on the passenger side.I looked out of the windshield at the stream of people ebbing in and out of the hospital. And all I couldn't help but think of, sitting there, was the scene of Mark's accident where I'd seen Luigi. I remembered see
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