All Chapters of Billionaire, Let's Divorce!: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
114 Chapters
Chapter 91 Chapter Ninety One
Sydney 's POVMark must have noticed that I had turned my gaze from Grace's retreating figure and pinned it on him because he looked up from Aiden and blurted, "What?""Are you seriously asking me that?" I scowled at him.He smiled and asked softly, "Come on, what's wrong? Did I do something to upset you?"Since I made my decision to have Aiden, Mark had unfailingly been there for me. Grace and I were surprised and I kept holding my breath…I kept my fingers crossed, thinking that someday he'd get tired of either pretending or just get tired of tending to a woman that wasn't his and leave. But he stayed. He stayed all the way through.He offered all the help he could; whenever I felt alone or any tinge of pain and I couldn't reach Grace, I'd call Mark and he'd immediately come running. I remember one time - I think it was my fourth month - I had this severe contraction and I was just so scared that perhaps my baby was on the way when I was not yet due. In panic, I shot several calls to
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Chapter 92 Chapter Ninety Two
Sydney ’s POVGently, Mark moved closer to the baby cot and lowered Aiden who had fallen asleep in his arms I to it.He covered him well with the blankets and still patted him for a while before he pulled away.He flexed his shoulders and rolled his neck and arm, that must have gone sore from carrying Aiden for so long.Then he casually perched at the foot of the bed, his hands briefly grazed my feet before he placed his hands on his thighs."Why are you so keen on finding Lucas, though?" He asked as he faced the pole that was at the foot of the bed. He turned to me and his shoulders lifted in the briefest shrug, "I mean, it's been so long since he contacted you or tried to reach out to you. He hasn't made any attempt since he left.""You can not say that," I felt the stupid urge to defend him and I did. "What if something happened to him and he's unable to reach out to anyone? What if he's scared if reaching out?" I shrugged, "There are lots of what ifs, you know."Mark bobbed his he
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Chapter 93 Chapter Ninety Three
TWO MONTHS LATERNAPLES, ITALY.Sydney's POVMy lips stretched into a smile and the warmth spread to every part of me as I watched dthe videos, my heart getting more filled with love for my boy.Since I got here, Mark and Grace created a WhatsApp group and they made it a habit to always send me short growth videos of Aiden and random picture they either took of him or either of them with him. Sometimes, it was even like they were competing on who spent more time with Aiden or who had more special moments with him.Mark had been the one to send the video I was currently watching, he captioned it, 'Grace's been away for a week which made me the first to witness the miracle.'Mark was at a park with Aiden. He had dressed Aiden in a cute bright blue onesie that made his eye color pop. Mark placed Aiden on the picnic mat he had set up and scattered toys around him.Then he did a thumbs up to the camera and walked about sis steps away from him."Hey boy!" He called and I laughed softly when
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Chapter 94 Chapter Ninety Four
Sydney's POV"Lucas," I called in a shaky voice. "Why are you pointing a gun at me?" I know I should feel less terrified of the guns that were pointed at me because Lucas had showed up but it was quite the opposite. I felt even more terrified at the sight of him.My eyes pricked with tears as I looked at the man before us. He was a total stranger, nothing about him seemed Iike the gentle demeanor of the man I fell for.Lucas didn't even register my presence or act like he had heard my question. He just turned to Luigi, his lips twisted unpleasantly in anger. He took a menacing step toward him and Luigi took hesitating steps back, preferring to have the gun pressed more firmly to his nape than be close to Lucas."What her you doing?!" His clenched fists shook as he finally bit out harshly. He wasn't facing me or talking to me but I flinched back in fright. I wondered how Luigi still managed to be in one piece there, he hadn't even blinked at Lucas' shout. I guess he must be used to it.
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Chapter 95 Chapter Ninety Five
Sydney's POVThose words ran in my head as if a sledgehammer was being slammed against the strongest iron wall in my head. Dong!The ringing wouldn't stop. I would have held my head but I was still bound.The forest was thrown into a fit of silence,even the music had drowned out. It was as if they were waiting for me to take it in.I started to think back to when Doris introduced Mark to me? Does Doris know about this? I wondered.Besides,how? How the hell was it possible that he wasn't Lucas. He looked like him,he spoke and behaved like Lucas, everything about him was as I remembered!I snapped my gaze to him and my voice quivered as I asked, "You must be lying!" I let out between gritted teeth at the both of them. "If you don't want me again,Lucas, just fucking tell me. Why come up with such a sick story."I could feel Luigi's gaze drilling into my temple and as I looked up at Lucas who was glaring at me, and a corner if his lips twitched from time to time."Look, it's okay, okay? I
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Chapter 96 Chapter Ninety Six
At first, I flinched away, then I moved closer and flattened my palm on the small mound that I had thought was just a pile of sand. Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I couldn't stop them from flowing freely.Now looking closely at it, I could see the weeds sprouting from the mound like they were mocking me. The sight felt like a dagger getting piercing into my heart.My chest hurt so much it was as if my heart had been wrenched out of it, and it was groaning from the loss of what it revolved around. That was exactly how I also felt, a hollow emptiness.All these years, I had been waiting for Lucas, hoping against hope that he was alive, and then he turned out to be...gone. I had fallen in love with him, allowed myself to be consumed by those feelings, only to start hating him again because I wasn't privy to the real truth— he had stopped existing a long time ago.The poor boy, Lucas, had only wanted to make friends and experience the simple joys that most take for granted. He wanted to
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Chapter 97 Chapter Ninety Seven
Sydney's POVDylan smiled smugly, his palm caressing my back until he stopped at nape. "Good girl…" he drawled. Then his grip on my nape tightened so hard that I almost winced in pain. He snarled, "And if it doesn't?"I smirked then as I bent to pick up the gun that fell, he had to release my neck. When he saw what I picked up, he growled, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" But that was all. He didn't attempt to snatch the gun from me. He just watched and waited to see what I was going to do.I held his hard gaze and took his hand. I placed the gun in it then I lifted my chin, baring my neck and made him press the gun to my throat. "I'm all yours," I purred, I pushed his hand so that the gun digs into my throat, slightly constricting my breathing, "If my love for you doesn't stand the test of time then do with me whatever you wish."He smirked and his eyelids slightly dropped as he trailed down my neck with the gun until his hands fell to his side. In an instant, he was grippi
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Chapter 98 Chapter Ninety Eight
SYDNEY’S POVI couldn't remember how I ended up on the bed with Dylan last night… Or maybe I did, I just didn't want to recall it, I couldn't. I feel sore all over. And right now, all I feel is extreme tiredness and a gnawing hunger.Dylan fucking whoever he really was, was a greedy and insatiable man. It only took not more than twenty minutes after pulling away from me for him to get on top of me again. He kept grinding me like he was some beast, ordering me to keep telling him I loved him. What type of psycho was that?I actually wished the gnawing hunger was related to my tiredness or even a little something to do with it but no. The louder my cries and fake moans mixed with his loud grunts got, the higher my hatred for him heightened. My hunger for revenge was making me starved and I needed to collect myself before I did something really stupid and get myself killed.Every touch of his hands on my skin made me want to recoil in disgust. The weight of his body pinning me down was l
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Chapter 99 Chapter Ninety Nine
Sydney's POVI hadn't seen Dylan for two freaking weeks. Two weeks of blessed silence and freedom from his sickening touch and mind games. But I knew the reprieve wouldn't last.That day, after the dumb test with the unloaded gun, he showered and then we had breakfast together. An awkward, tension-filled meal where I struggled to keep up the facade of a lovestruck woman while hiding my revulsion. When we finished, he brought me to an impressive mansion on the outskirts of the city.He said just a sentence, a sentence that had me twitching my lips into a weird smile to stop myself from scoffing, "You are now my woman, this place will be your home from now on."On the surface, this would have been ideal, as I never wanted him around in the first place. But I needed him close to get to know more about him, make him fall for my act, and most crucially, to monitor his every move. Distance would make achieving my goal nearly impossible.Besides, I was starting to get paranoid that this twis
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Chapter 100 Chapter Hundred
SYDNEY’S POVI erupted in a fit of laughter, mainly because he cracked me up. How could he possibly be jealous of a dead man? He really did look adorably pouty in that moment, standing there trying his best to look intimidating with that angry gaze. At that instant, it was almost easy to believe I was simply bantering with my beloved Lucas.This confrontation was actually a very good sign, despite his melodramatic display of envy. It meant that my carefully cultivated deception was still going strong. Even if I hadn't fully penetrated his twisted heart yet, I had undeniably managed to worm my way into his fragile psyche to a fairly substantial degree."Sorry," I giggled, palming my mouth in an attempt to stifle the burbling laughter as I climbed down from the bed to face him properly. I couldn't help but be faintly amused by his irrational jealousy over something so silly.While I laughed at his preposterous behavior, Dylan hissed out a irritated breath and stalked over to perch himse
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