All Chapters of Billionaire, Let's Divorce!: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
114 Chapters
Chapter 101 Chapter One hundred and One
Sydney 's POVI pulled back from the hug when I heard a clap.I looked at him, my face a few inches from his with my arms still woven around his neck, "Why'd you clap?" I asked with a small smile, my eyes searching his face curiously. There was a playful glint in his eyes that made me wonder what he was up to.He only smiled back. He didn't need to answer my question because one of his men opened the door to my room and walked in at that moment.The man held a shopping bag in his hand. "Good evening, sir," he politely inclined his head in greeting, then he nodded at me, "Ma'am." His stoic expression gave nothing away about the contents of the bag.I looked from him to Dylan, keeping my arms looped around Dylan's neck."What's that?" I arched a questioning brow, "Is that mine?" A tiny flutter of excitement stirred in my chest at the thought that Dylan may have actually gotten me a gift.He nodded with a smile, his hands squeezing my ass cheeks possessively. "All yours."Then I abruptly
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Chapter 102 Chapter One hundred and two
SYDNEY’S POVJust approximately an hour after Dylan dressed me up, Dylan was informed that the car was ready. He changed into a suit that, infuriatingly, made him look more like Lucas.I didn't miss the jealousy that flitted in the eyes of the other women when Tavon rudely ordered them to behave themselves and remain in their rooms and left with me. I guess they would have loved to be the package that was about to be delivered. And I couldn't help but wonder if he had ever offered any of those women to his uncle too.We got in the car and the driver drove us to where I would be meeting Uncle Tavon....After several minutes of a stifling ride with Dylan, we reached our destination and I could breathe again.The driver finally pulled up before another huge mansion but this one was no doubt fancier and grander than the one Dylan's women resided in. I slowly nodded to myself. I could see why he was desperate to be on the man's good side. His eyes were glued to the ultimate price."Behave
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Chapter 103 Chapter One hundred and three
I looked up to see Tavon's pale face. There was fear in his eyes as his hands dropped from my face and to his side in resignation.With how glaring the fear in his eyes was, you'd think he had seen the grim reaper; the whip in her hands was the scythe and she had come for his soul.With his genitals still hanging out of his unbuckled pants, he turned to the woman who was still on the doorway. With her firm stance, I could tell that there was a thundering expression on her face."Jessica, I..." he stuttered as he tried to explain. He was still struggling to form his words when the woman he called Jessica interrupted him harshly."Shut up!" With long quick strides, Jessica closed the space between them and before I knew what was happening, she raised the hand that held the whip and it came descending on Tavon's shoulder.I gasped loudly and flinched back, falling on my butt.What the hell!I watched the scene in horror as Jessica repeatedly struck Tavon with the whip, the sound of it ma
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Chapter 104 Chapter one hundred and four
Sydney's POV"Bella, what are you doing here?" I yelled out, not too loudly but still emphatically enough that anyone passing by would be able to hear the disbelief thick in my voice.I gasped loudly as Bella's palm suddenly struck me across the face, the stinging slap catching me completely unawares. I staggered back a step, reflexively raising a hand to cradle my smarting cheek."What the fuck was that for?" I asked hotly, my surprise quickly giving way to a flare of anger."Shut up," she hissed coldly. As usual she leveled an icy glare at me. "I go by Jessica now! I didn't think I'd need to spell that out for you."Bella and I were sisters, but we had never truly gotten along well, not for even a single minute it seemed. I probably should have realized our unplanned reunion would bring me no joy or sense of reassurance. Instead of feeling safer in the presence of this particular devil I knew, she only increased my troubles. A devil will always be a devil, no matter how familiar.I
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Chapter 105 Chapter One hundred & five
Sydney 's POVAfter Bell…I mean, Jessica and I had our small session of coming up with a revenge plan, at least something to start with and observe how it'd all play out, she led me to a guest room.There I found that my things had already been moved there. I wondered how she knew when she was not around when I came and decided to ask her."When I heard that Tavon was with a woman, I rushed here. I immediately ordered the housekeeper to tell me which of the rooms were you staying so she showed me the rooms where they had moved your things to. When I saw the woman's things and didn't find you there, I knew straight up that the pervert had taken you to that room," she said and finished in one breath.I nodded slowly. That made sense.After Jessica left, I took a bath that turned out to be painful because of my bruises. I didn't even dare to use a scrub. Then I applied some ointments that Bel- Jessica, May she be blessed, offered me on my back. It stung badly that silent silent tears rol
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Chapter 106 One hundred & six
Bella's POVKilling Isaac and moving away from where I grew up, away from everything and everyone I ever knew was supposed to be a game changer.I thought it would be a piece of cake. Well, I didn't exactly expect it to be easy but I had thought that with the load of money and car I got from Sydney, it would be easier.At that time, I remember being the happiest for a while. And at some point, I thought, "Maybe Killing does make people happier."Because I felt absolute peace and happiness when I saw Isaac drop down before that prison that day. I had prepared myself to rot in jail just to make sure that Isaac never gets to breathe and exist again. His existence was a constant pain for me.He ruined everything for me - my whole fucking life. If I hadn't fallen in love with him, I'd have had a wonderful life with Mark as my husband, or a better person. It'd have been the life I wanted - glamorous and love filled. One my parents never had but then Isaac came along with his stupid sweet wo
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Chapter 107 One hundred and seven
Sydney's POVMy heart sank as Bella relayed Tavon's response and reaction when she suggested that he conduct a paternity test.I slumped on the woven chair I sat on in the garden terrace. The garden terrace was one of my favorite spots in this mansion. Apart from the fact that it was secluded and quiet - the perfect spot for meditation - it has now served as the perfect spot to hold our meetings and be rest assured that no one could easily eavesdrop without getting caught. And it was also a bit of a walk from the mansion.I closed my eyes, the sound of birds chirping and flowers rustling slightly filled my ears as I thought of our next course of action and what we could do. The warm spring breeze caressed my face, but I found little solace in the tranquil garden surroundings with the weight of our predicament hanging over me.Since Tavon didn't in any way care if Dylan was truly his nephew or not; in fact he had gotten so riled up when Bella suggested it that Bella knew it was only sm
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Chapter 108 One hundred and eight
Sydney's POVThere was a brief silence as Bella and I took our time to take in the information."That's sad…" I heard Bella murmur the same time I asked, "So what do you say we do? How do we get revenge on Dylan for what he did to us and to you?""First of all," she walked closer as she inhaled the smile of the cigarette. She closed her eyes as she exhaled with a smile that had me coughing slightly but I said nothing about that. If she was going to join us in this quest, then just like Bella, we have to accept her quirks with it.After she had taken her time to release the puff of smoke she dragged, she repeated herself, "First of all, if you want to get any revenge, I mean if you want to be alive to get any revenge," she looked between Bella and I before she leaned forward, instinctively,I found myself leaning forward too then she whispered, "lower your voices."I blinked and remained there for a second.Was this girl joking with us?She giggled slightly, "You were expecting me to sa
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Chapter 109 Chapter one hundred and nine
Sydney's POV"So," he raised his brows, "How're things so far?"I shrugged and took my time to respond. "Nothing much."He suddenly wiped off his smile with a frown,, "What do you mean nothing much? Come on, give me an appropriate report on what things he has been up to since the last time we spoke. Who did he meet with? What did he eat?..."He went on and on, listing and counting down things he wanted to hear with his fingers."Something like that, you know that," then he squinted his eyes, "wait, why are you stalling?"I shrugged again "I'm not stalling. There's just really nothing much to report." Part of me felt a bit of guilt for playing dumb, but I pushed it aside. This was too important – I couldn't risk blowing my cover over a minor deception."Even if he shits, Sydney, you have to tell me," he gritted out, his jaw tensing with impatience."Alright then, he did shit this week," I said lightly.I couldn’t resist a little joke to defuse the growing tension between us.I held bac
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Chapter 110 Chapter one hundred and ten
FEW DAYS LATERFEW DAYS LATERSydney's POVI woke up to a silent house. Not that it was always noisy in the mansion but there was always this buzzing energy in the atmosphere; the sound of Tavon's business-like voice (very distinct from the one he used in that room ) making business calls or the distant sounds of the whips, the clatters of plates in the kitchen, the murmurs and quiet giggles of Tavon's staff as they chatted animatedly and cracked jokes amongst themselves.I had grown accustomed to a quiet but not so quiet mansion, but this morning? The mansion was dead silent. If a pin dropped, I swear, it would echo throughout the mansion. It was eerily still as if the walls were also holding their breath.After peeking my head out a couple of times to catch a whiff of any hushed conversation or any hint as to what had gone wrong, I resigned and went to take my bath. The hot water did little to soothe the sense of dread that had settled in the pit of my stomach.I got dressed and proc
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