All Chapters of Billionaire, Let's Divorce!: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
114 Chapters
Chapter 81 Chapter Eighty One
SANDRA'S POVI walked quickly out of the elevator, my heels clicking on the floors in time with the swaying of my hips as I strode down the hall towards my father's office. At the same time, I could feel the eyes of others following my every move. Some of the workers who passed by greeted me, but I didn't turn my head or respond as I continued to walk past.When I reached the door of my father's office, I barged right in, unannounced. Inside, my father was seated at his desk with two other men in front of him. Their heads turned around when I came in.My father raised an eyebrow at my appearance before wrapping things up with his visitors."I'll take care of the rest, you two go ahead."The men nodded and left the room while I watched them go. Then, I turned back to face my father, striding into one of the chairs in front of his desk and slamming my purse tiredly on the table. My father, James Henderson, was a Congressman who has been in politics for many years. He was known as one of
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Chapter 82 Chapter Eighty Two
SYDNEY'S POVI watched Sandra's retreating figure with a look of amusement. The woman had a flair for the dramatic entries and exits, even when the situation didn't call for it. As soon as Sandra was out of sight, I glanced back at Mark who had turned around on the wheels of his wheelchair to fix the zipper of his hospital pants.His amnesia didn't take away his feelings of self awareness at least, I thought. Who knew what had happened a few seconds before I arrived at the door. I did hear her complaining about him not being sexually active or something.Mark turned back to face me, his brows arching up as though he was silently daring me to comment on his situation. And I felt heat creeping up my neck all because I was fighting back a laugh. Even with his memory gone, Mark still wouldn't stop acting tough. Talk about the kind of egoistic consistency that ran in one's veins.I folded my arms over my chest and walked into the room as nonchalantly as I could, and with a pointed look, I
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Chapter 83 Chapter Eighty Three
The past weeks have been blissful and I finally felt like I had my life back and I was actually living it.Having helped Mark to the extent I could, assured that he was fine and his position as President could still be salvaged, I could finally focus on work and myself.My heart filled with warmth and my stomach flipped with joy just at the thought of the dates I have been having more frequently with Lucas. I have also been having more time to see Lucas. It was like we both had a silent agreement to salvage the little time we have whenever we weren't working and focus more on our relationship.Since I knew Lucas, way before we departed, I had always knew he was a sweet boy and would grow into a sweeter man but Lucas had wowed me.Despite the occassional news and some updates from my lawyer about Bella that sometimes disconcerted me, a day hadn't gone by that I didn't blush, smile sheepishly or laugh wholeheartedly like a lovesick teenager during a phone call or video call. Lucas keeps
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Chapter 84 Chapter Eighty Four
Again, I woke up with a the worst of splitting headaches there could be... exaggerated that a but too much, but yes, it hurt. I slightly winced as I turned to my side. I could make out a pole, a blue curtain, white walls and I could already tell that I was in a hospital. Memories of what happened and obviously landed me in a hospital assailed me.Who brought me here? I wondered but I continued putting the right name on the things I could see; a beeping computer, another blue curtain, more white walls, walk a-"Oh my God, Sydney!"I suddenly felt arms on my arm. I squeezed my eyes shut, my head ached as I turned to face the direction that the voice had come from.It was Grace. I managed a smile but my smile fell the moment I noticed her swollen, red rimmed eyes and watery smile and the dark circles under her eyes. Grace never had dark circles or swollen eyes. No matter how long or late she worked, she always had a way to make them look non-existent."What happened? Are you okay?" I ask
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Chapter 85 Chapter Eighty Five
"Because Rose sold her shares to me," Lucas replied with a self satisfied smirkI drew back in shock, What? Why would she do that?I remember vividly when Mark confidently told me that he had more shares and became the de-facto head of the Group because of his mother's five percent if added to his own forty six percent stake. So what does Rose selling her shares to Lucas mean now? No shareholder, especially the greedy ones here in this room, will allow a partially sick man to head them with below average of the total company's shares.Even if Mark hadn't lost his memory, he still would not be able to ensure absolute control amongst the board of directors.I gazed around the room at the other shareholders as we waited for the host and Mark; some of them were having low conversations between themselves but I could literally see the greed in their eyes. This was the opportunity they've probably all been waiting for; the opportunity to overtake.I just hoped all these wouldn't be too over
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Chapter 86 Chapter Eighty Six
Silence descended the room, wrapping everywhere like a cloak of thick blanket. People exchanged looks before they settled their gaze on Lucas.I looked at Lucas' unfathomable expression and I wondered why he was doing all of these? What was the need for this power he was seeking to gain? Why did he have to take revenge after he had forgiven them? Had he been waiting all these while for Doris to be out of the picture before he made his move?I sighed. I couldn't quite fmdrag my gaze from this man addressing everyone, his eyes willing everyone to raise their hands and vote to support him. He seemed too unfamiliar, too cruel. Where was my softhearted Lucas? The one who shrugged and said, "it's all in the past now."A hand slowly raised in the air and all heads turned to the man that raised his hand. Almost a second later, another person raised their hand, voting their support and in mere minutes, several hands of the shareholders that supported Lucas were up in the air.As they continued
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Chapter 87 Chapter Eighty Seven
Mark 's POVI resisted the urge to smirk when Sydney chose to merge her shares with mine.If only she knew.I smiled as I gauged the sympathy in her eyes, the crease of her eyebrows as she looked between Lucas and me.I turned to the other shareholders with a straight face and announced my sovereign rein. If they thought they could easily get rid of me then they were wrong, very wrong.It had all been thanks to a little bit of patience. Lucas wouldn't have revealed his true intentions to everyone if I hadn't remained patient, sit back and watching him play us all.Ever since Lucas came back, I had been keeping an eye on him. I wouldn't have cared at all about a random man that dropped down the sky and started to claim to be my fucking uncle but it turned out that the two women in my life adored him.Grandma Doris, I could manage but Sydney? Nah. It was infuriating how Sydney was all over him that night and then afterward I ceased to exist to her or matter as a person at least. Not tha
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Chapter 88 Chapter Eighty Eight
Sydney 's POVI frowned when I checked the time. I hadn't thought that Lucas would be involved in the family matters discussion until the door was jammed close with Lucas' back at me.I decided to wait at the door of the conference room. I paced up and down the hallway, loitered at the door but he still was not outside yet.Suddenly, the door was forcefully pushed open and Lucas stomped out. He seemed angry as he was walking with so much force."Lucas," I called but he didn't stop.I ran after him. When I was at an arm's length behind him, I reached out and grabbed his shoulder. "Come on, stop walking."HeHe stopped walking and I quickly walked around him to stand before him. He had an indifferent gaze as he looked down at him and my heart skipped a bit in fear. Fear of what?"I'm sorry, I didn't choose to support you.""I told you to remain silent and we agreed that you would," his voice was tinged with a mix of betrayal and confusion.Well, I did not agree to remain silent, he instr
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Chapter 89 Chapter Eighty Nine
Sydney 's POVMark seemed to have gotten frozen on the spot. His hand that held the lighter remained poised at the tip of the cigarette that was still stuck in between his lips as he looked at me… or rather, as he gaped at me.His hands fell to his side. His words were heavily coated with disbelief. "You're not joking."I gave him a blank look. When did we become such buddies that I would make such a joke? I thought. He must be thinking the same because he shook his head and we just stared at eachother like that for a while.Suddenly, Mark seemed to now understand me as he quickly put away the cigarette and lighter away in his pocket.He looked alarmed, slightly panicked as he took a step closer, his gaze monetarily shifting from the hallway to my face. I wondered, slightly amused in the midst of all these emotional turmoil, if he was going to run. Does the mention of a baby or the sight of a pregnant woman scare him so much?Instead he took a step forward and asked, sounding concerne
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Chapter 90 Chapter Ninety
A FEW MONTHS LATERSydney 's POV"Welcome to this world, Aiden. Mommy loves you so much," I whispered into his tiny ears and he squinted at me before closing his eyes again. And I wondered if he heard me, I wondered if he could feel and tell that he was in his mother's arms.My eyes watered, filled with tears of joy as I stroked the cheeks of my son. Just the thought that he was mine made my heart swell with so much love and happiness. Gosh. He looked so innocent. Too pure for this world.Without any complications, I had successfully given birth to a bouncy baby boy in the same hospital where I had found out that I was pregnant.I smiled. The past few months had been a lot; it was a month that was filled with a rollercoaster of emotions, a month where I had received support and love, even from people I hadn't expected it from. Infact, these past few months have been one of my favorites.Grace sighed again, her gaze glued to Aiden in my hands as if he had hypnotized her. "He's going to
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