All Chapters of Dark and Divine!: Chapter 91 - Chapter 95
95 Chapters
91. Keeping away!
Author's POVAnamika looked at the injured woman and old memories hit her heart. "Is she... "She couldn't complete the sentence. "No, she is not... "Dominick placed his hand on her shoulder. "Why don't you go to your room and rest... I'll handle it.""I am fine... I'll stay here... If she needs anything. "Anamika said. "We are here, don't worry. "Raan assured. "Go!"Dominick said and Anamika walked out. "Ribs are not broken but badly injured... You need a bed rest until it's healed completely. "The doctor said. He gave her medicines and left. "Vera! "Grace gently grabbed her hand as tears slide from her eyes. "I am fine! "Vera assured. She flinched when Dominick clicked her picture. "Your husband needs to know that you are safe... "He smirked. "Dom! "Grace scolded. "Let me have some fun."He chuckled. Within seconds he got an call from Vlad. "I need to talk to her..."He said desperately. "Calm down, Romeo... Your wife is safe and sound... But it's time for a
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92. Together again!
Author's POVVeronica woke up in pain. It was better than last day but she is still suffering. Grace helped her to freshen up and change her clothes. "They are so cute... "Veronica looked at Grace's babies. "I wish I could hold them."She kissed the hand of babygirl. "Don't worry, you will be fine soon... Then hold them all day."Grace smiled. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you here. I really missed you."They both heard giggling voice and looked at the door. "Alexandra... Come here baby."Grace picked her up and placed on the bed. "You guys have so many babies... "Vera chuckled. "Yeah, and Bella is expecting again."Grace cheered. "I wish, Vlad could see them... I know he wants to but you know him."She sighed. "He will be here, don't worry! "Grace assured. Vera shook her head. "He won't come here... You know him... His pride is everything for him. He will find another ways to get me but won't come here because he knows that Dominick will take advantage of it.
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93. At one table!
Author's POV"You will need it... "Dominick slid the glass of scotch towards him. Vlad stood beside him and grabbed the drink. "Thank you for taking care of her... "Vlad said while looking at the glass. "I didn't hear you... "Dominick smirked. "Asshole! "Vlad mumbled and Dom chuckled. "We don't drag women in rivalry... We are not Russians... "Dom mocked. "I have never hurt your women... Don't blame me for other's doings... "He sighed. He could understand that they all are hurt due to whatever happened to their mother. "You trapped Bella and her child in fire.."Dom accused. "I was the one who didn't let her hurt in that... It was just to distract you all... I could never hurt an innocent woman with baby... Even though she is little annoying."He took a sip of his drink. "I hope this is not poisoned... ""I would do worse than just poisoning you..."Dom scowled. "You almost killed me twice... "Vlad looked at him. "You deserved that and I know you can't deny it... You
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94. Love!
Vladimir's POVThings men do for love! I never thought that I'll agree to stay in my enemies house just because my lovely wife wants me to. Well, enemies are not really feeling like enemies now. There are people meaner than them, my own stepmother and stepbrother tried to kill me many times. Ivan tried to kill Vera just to get back at me and here Marinos are protecting her. People who were supposed to be my enemies. I was very doubtful about Grace's decision. But when I saw her laughing her with them, the way she is loved in this house, the way he is treating her, it's relieving. She is safe here more than she was with me. I hate to admit it but these people knows how to love, love to which I was stranger until Vera came into my life. Women really turns the house into home. Do we really fail to see real faces that much? Often the people we think are bad turns out to be good and those which we think are good turns out evil. We have joined hands, Italians and Russians are no lon
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95. Epilogue!
Author's POV"Vlad, I am ready! "Vera walked out of the closest and he looked at her while sliding his phone in pocket."Wow! "He looked at her up and down in an awe.Vera looked away blushing. "You are looking like a goddess..."Vera was wearing Indian lehanga. mix of white and red colour was going perfectly with her complexion. "Which one?.. There are many goddess in Indian culture."Bella teased. "Well, she is almost ready but there is one thing pending..."She handed him anklets. "It's a ritual, husband need to tie it around wife's ankels...""Thanks, I'll take it from here..."Vlad showed her the door and she scowled at him. "Asshole! "She rolled her eyes and walked out. "I'll take it as a compliment!"Vlad chuckled behind her. "Why are you so mean to her? "Vera slapped his chest. "She is not an innocent doll..."He snaked his hand around her waist, Vera blushed when he felt warm against her bare skin. Her waist wasn't covered due to the gap in her lehanga and blouse.
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